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Index > Windows > Porting AntiSandbox Code from C to FASM

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Joined: 30 Apr 2010
Posts: 95
Nameless 20 Sep 2010, 13:21
i couldn't continue cause i didnt know what to loop and arrays in fasm yet
can anybody help finishing porting?

format PE GUI 4.0
include "C:\fasm\include\win32ax.inc"
 H_Heap dd 0
 i dd 0
 n dd 0
 ret dd 0
 count dd 0
 char **hptr;


proc IsInsideSandbox

 xor  eax, eax
 xor  ebx, ebx
 invoke GetProcessHeap
 mov ebx, eax
 mov eax, 1024
 mul eax, 16
 invoke HeapAlloc, ebx, 0, eax
 mov    hptr, eax
 cmp    eax, 0
 je     .done

 mov eax, 1024
 mul eax, 16
 invoke      HeapCreate, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, 1024, 1024*16
 mov         [H_Heap], eax
 cmp         H_Heap, 0
 je          .done

for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
hptr[i] = (char *)HeapAlloc(H_Heap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, 2048);

// Now let's count how many allocations have failed
for (i = n = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (hptr[i] == NULL)
HeapFree(H_Heap, 0, hptr[i]);
// Now let's check.. we should have 9 failures.. if not.. let's exit
if (n == 0) {
ret = 1;

// Destroy the heap area since it is useless to us now
invoke HeapDestroy, H_Heap

HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, hptr);

mov eax, [ret];




.end Start

int Inside_Sandbox() {
 char **hptr;
 int i, n;
 int ret = 0;
 int count = 0;

 if ((hptr = (char **)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, 1024 * 16)) == NULL) return 0;

// Let's create a new heap object that can only handle 16k.. 
 if ((H_Heap = HeapCreate(HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, 1024, 1024*16)) == NULL)
 return 0;

// Now let's allocate 2K from it 16 times (half should fail)
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
hptr[i] = (char *)HeapAlloc(H_Heap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, 2048);

// Now let's count how many allocations have failed
for (i = n = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (hptr[i] == NULL)
HeapFree(H_Heap, 0, hptr[i]);
// Now let's check.. we should have 9 failures.. if not.. let's exit
if (n == 0) {
ret = 1;

// Destroy the heap area since it is useless to us now

HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, hptr);

return ret;


Post 20 Sep 2010, 13:21
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Your code has a bug

Joined: 06 May 2005
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Location: Argentina
LocoDelAssembly 20 Sep 2010, 16:25
mov edi, array
mov esi, 16
invoke ...
stos dword [edi]
dec esi
jnz @b

; counting
mov esi, array
mov edi, 16
xor ecx, ecx
lods dword [esi]
cmp eax, 1
adc ecx, 0
dec edi
jnz @b    
There you have reading and writing example, you should be able to complete the code now.
Post 20 Sep 2010, 16:25
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Joined: 30 Apr 2010
Posts: 95
Nameless 20 Sep 2010, 18:06
ty, im gonna try again now Very Happy
Post 20 Sep 2010, 18:06
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DJ Mauretto

Joined: 14 Mar 2007
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Location: Rome,Italy
DJ Mauretto 20 Sep 2010, 18:55
Hello Wink

n      DD ?



 PUSH    1024*16
     PUSH    ESI
 CALL    [GetProcessHeap]

        PUSH    EAX
 CALL    [HeapAlloc]

     MOV     EDI,EAX                 ; EDI = hptr
        CMP     EDI,ESI
     JNZ     .1

      XOR     EAX,EAX                 ; Return 0


  PUSH    1024*16
     PUSH    1024
        PUSH    HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE                       
    CALL    [HeapCreate]

    MOV     EBX,EAX                 ; EBX = H_Heap
      CMP     EBX,ESI
     JNZ     .2

      XOR     EAX,EAX                 ; Return 0


  PUSH    2048
        PUSH    HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY                        
    PUSH    EBX                     ; H_Heap
    CALL    [HeapAlloc]

     MOV     [EDI+ESI*4],EAX
     INC     ESI
 CMP     ESI,16
      JC      .2

      XOR     ESI,ESI
     MOV     [n],ESI                 

     MOV     EAX,[EDI+ESI*4]
     TEST    EAX,EAX
     JNZ     .4

      INC     [n]
 JMP     .5

   PUSH    EAX                     
    PUSH    0
   PUSH    EBX                     ; H_Heap
    CALL    [HeapFree]

   INC     ESI
 CMP     ESI,16
      JC      .3

      MOV     EAX,[n]
     TEST    EAX,EAX
     MOV     ESI,1
       JZ      .6

      MOV     ESI,0
    PUSH    EBX                     ; H_Heap
    CALL    [HeapDestroy]

   PUSH    EDI                     ; hptr
      PUSH    0
   CALL    [GetProcessHeap]

        PUSH    EAX
 CALL    [HeapFree]

      MOV     EAX,ESI                 ; Return 0 or 1


Nil Volentibus Arduum Razz

Last edited by DJ Mauretto on 20 Sep 2010, 19:45; edited 1 time in total
Post 20 Sep 2010, 18:55
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windwakr 20 Sep 2010, 19:03
Exactly what type of sandboxing does this test for? When ran in Sandboxie, this doesn't detect it.

Although, detecting Sandboxie is as easy as just calling "GetModuleHandle('SbieDll.dll')" and seeing if a non-zero value was returned.

----> * <---- My star, won HERE
Post 20 Sep 2010, 19:03
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Joined: 30 Apr 2010
Posts: 95
Nameless 21 Sep 2010, 13:29
@windwakr: yea, this works on other ones, like anubis i guess, im trying to port all the anti sandbox codes i have to asm.
anything simple to code and learn from in asm (this one is from the hardest i tried to port) Very Happy

@DJ Mauretto: thanks alot, im gonna print this code and study it Very Happy, im sure im gonna learn alot from this one
Post 21 Sep 2010, 13:29
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