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ishkabible 18 Sep 2010, 23:31
ok so i made the sieve of eratosthenes in FASM. it seems to set all non prime numbers to zero where i think it should but for some reason when i try to print them it is like the whole array has been set to zero Sad. they all start out as one, as it is found out that they are not prime they are set to zero. i have some c++ code for you to look off of to see what i was trying to do.

c++ code:
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

void SeviePrimesUpTo(uint32_t upto) {
    uint32_t p=2,i,k,x=0;
    vector<bool> TheList(upto+1, true);
    while (p*p<upto) {
        if (TheList[p]) {
            for (i=p*p; i < k;i+=p) {
                TheList[i] = 0;
    for (i=2;i<k;++i) {
        if ( TheList[i]) {

int main() {

my atempet to translate it to FASM:
format PE console
entry main

include 'INCLUDE\MACRO\import32.inc'
include 'INCLUDE\MACRO\proc32.inc'

section '.data' data readable writeable

pausemsg db "pause>nul",0
isprime db "if %i then %i is prime",10,0
WSTZ db "List[%i] was set to zero",10,0
testmsg db "List[%i] = %i",10,0
testmsg2 db "was set List[%i] = %i",10,0

section '.code' code readable executable

proc SeviePrimesUpTo, upto:DWORD
        p dd 2
        i dd 0
        k dd 0
        x dd 0
        List dd 0 ;pointer to dynamicly allocated memroy

     push [upto]
     call [malloc]
     pop [List]

     mov [i],0

        mov eax,[i]
        cmp eax,[upto]
        jnl endFor

            mov eax,[List]
            mov byte[eax+i], 1

        inc [i]
        jmp initFor

     mov [i],2
        mov eax,[i]
        cmp eax,[upto]
        jnl endFor2

            mov eax,[List]
            movsx edx,byte[eax+i]
            push edx
            push [i]
            push testmsg
            call [printf]

        inc [i]
        jmp initFor2

     mov eax,[upto]
     mov [k],eax


        mov eax,[p]
        mul eax
        cmp eax,[upto]

        jnle endMain

            mov eax,[List]
            cmp byte[eax+p],byte 1

            jz endIfMain

                mov eax,[p]
                mul eax
                mov [i],eax

                    mov eax,[i]
                    cmp eax,[k]

                    jnl endForMain

                        mov eax,[List]
                        mov byte[eax+i],byte 0

                        movsx edx,byte[eax+i]
                        push edx
                        push [i]
                        push testmsg2
                        call [printf]

                    mov eax,[i]
                    add eax,[p]
                    mov [i],eax
                    jmp initForMain


        inc [p]
        jmp initMain

     mov [i],2
        mov eax,[i]
        cmp eax,[upto]
        jnl endPrint

            mov eax,[List]
            movsx edx,byte[eax+i]
            push edx
            push [i]
            push testmsg
            call [printf]

        inc [i]
        jmp initPrint

     push [List]
     call [free]

proc main
     stdcall SeviePrimesUpTo,49
     push pausemsg
     call [system]
     push 0
     call [exit]

section '.idata' import data readable
library msvcrt,'msvcrt.dll'

import msvcrt,\
Post 18 Sep 2010, 23:31
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LocoDelAssembly 19 Sep 2010, 02:19
It is too long for me to correct it now completely so I'll show you a partial fix that it will be useful for you to patch the rest of the code:
     push [upto]
     call [malloc]
     ; pop [List] ; <<< Incorrect, this is not storing the pointer
     mov [List], eax ; This time the pointer returned by malloc is stored in "List"
     add esp, 4 ; Adjust stack since malloc returns with "RET" instead of "RET 4" (Previously this was implicitly done with "pop [List]"

     mov [i],0

        mov eax,[i]
        cmp eax,[upto]
        jnl endFor

            mov eax,[List]
            ;mov byte[eax+i], 1 ; Incorrect, this is actually translated as "mov byte[eax+ebp-c], 1" (where "c" is the offset relative to EBP)
            mov edx, [i]
            mov byte[eax+edx-1], 1 ; Now the array is correctly addressed    

I've re-written the code, this one seems to work:
format PE console
entry main

include 'MACRO\IMPORT32.INC'
include 'MACRO\proc32.inc'

section '.data' data readable writeable

pausemsg db "pause>nul",0
fmt db "%i", 10

section '.code' code readable executable

proc SeviePrimesUpTo uses ebx edi, upTo:DWORD ; This proc adheres to stdcall calling convention

     ; The code is not prepared to work with values (unsigned) less than two and is not required anyway since the print procedure never prints 1 nor 0
     cmp     [upTo], 2
     jb      .exit

     ; Init boolean vector
     push    [upTo]
     call    [malloc]
     add     esp, 4
     lea     ebx, [eax - 1] ; Re-based array so List[1] is automatically converted to List[0]
     mov     ecx, [upTo]
     mov     edi, eax
     mov     al, 1
rep  stos    byte[edi]

     mov     edx, 2
     jmp     .theWhileCheck

     cmp     byte [ebx+edx], 1
     jne     .next

       mov     byte [ebx+eax], 0
       add     eax, edx
       cmp     eax, [upTo] ; k not needed, since the comparison can be changed to "p*p <= upTo" instead of "p*p < upTo+1"
       jbe     .theFirstFor

     inc     edx

     mov     eax, edx
     imul    eax, eax
     cmp     eax, [upTo]
     jb      .theWhile

     mov     edi, 2
     cmp     byte [ebx+edi], 1
     jne     .advance

     push    edi
     push    fmt
     call    [printf]
     add     esp, 8

     inc     edi
     cmp     edi, [upTo] ; Not used "k" for the same reason as above
     jbe     .theSecondFor

     add     ebx, 1
     push    ebx
     call    [free]
     add     esp, 4


proc main
     stdcall SeviePrimesUpTo,102
     push pausemsg
     call [system]
     push 0
     call [exit]

section '.idata' import data readable
library msvcrt,'msvcrt.dll'

import msvcrt,\
Note however it is not optimized, I've only cared to make it more or less understandable (I hope!).
Post 19 Sep 2010, 02:19
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Posts: 54
ishkabible 19 Sep 2010, 03:01
all right, i will have to chew on this one a bit, it's difficult to look at code in a language you have no reference for, i was able to get a good grasp on Java and c# becuase there so much like c++, assembly is a much lower level beast. so i will have to as i said "chew" on this code for while before i can respond with an intelligible question/response. Smile thanks, i wish there was a thank you button so you can tell how many times someone has been thanked
Post 19 Sep 2010, 03:01
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Tyler 19 Sep 2010, 03:12
http://flatassembler.net/docs.php?article=manual is a good reference if you need to look something up.
Post 19 Sep 2010, 03:12
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ishkabible 19 Sep 2010, 03:28
i know i have it bookmarked already Smile
Post 19 Sep 2010, 03:28
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ishkabible 19 Sep 2010, 18:48
can you explain the reason for this line after calling malloc?
add     esp, 4 

Last edited by ishkabible on 19 Sep 2010, 19:15; edited 2 times in total
Post 19 Sep 2010, 18:48
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ishkabible 19 Sep 2010, 18:52
dose it move the stack up 4 bytes becuase that 4 bytes is not being returned?
Post 19 Sep 2010, 18:52
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LocoDelAssembly 19 Sep 2010, 19:04
Yes, and you have to do this for all cdelc functions. the ones that are stdcall is not required since it is the responsibility of the function to restore the stack.

To avoid having take care of this you could use cinvoke macro.

Small note: the "ret" inside the SeviePrimesUpTo proc is assembled as "pop edi / pop ebx / leave / retn 4" (unless you didn't write "ret" all lowercase), so this one is stdcall and doesn't need stack adjustment.
Post 19 Sep 2010, 19:04
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ishkabible 19 Sep 2010, 19:16
also what is the -1 for in mov byte[eax+edx-1],1, the +edx makes seince now that you say it becuase other wise i'm adding a pointer to i to eax witch is not what i want but what is the -1 for?
Post 19 Sep 2010, 19:16
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LocoDelAssembly 19 Sep 2010, 19:29
Because the first array index is zero, not one. Also, since upTo bytes were allocated, it means that there is no room for either zero or upTo number. Since I'm interested in having the upTo number, then I use -1 to pretend that List[0] is List[1].

Another way of seeing it is that the array indexes are [1..upTo], but since addresses must be calculated as if the lower bound was zero, I have to substract the lower bound in the address calculation (Pascal compilers have to do this for instance, since programmers are allowed to specify a lower bound other than zero and even negative). Alternatively, you could change the pointer to the array in such a way that the address calculation can be done straight like I did in my own code (but at the time of freeing the memory you must undo the adjustment of the pointer before passing it to free).
Post 19 Sep 2010, 19:29
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ishkabible 19 Sep 2010, 19:45
ok i see what your saying, this is how you takled the problom i solved int c++ by allocating upto+1. thanks im almost done "chewing" on you code, i'm re working my code right now to see if the stack adjustment's, correct array access and better conditionals will make this work. Smile thanks your extremely helpful Smile

edit: thanks again i got it working, i used my style of coding that i did previously, is the way you broke each control structure's up into labeled parts the convention? because i'm just going off of what made sense to me when i code it, i would rather follow convention as it typically ends up helping me.

here is my working code, just had to "patch" it as you put it with the stack adjustments and correct array assess. also i had some screwy jumps in there like when i compared List[i] to 1 and used the conditional jump jz, that made no sense.


format PE console
entry main

include 'INCLUDE\MACRO\import32.inc'
include 'INCLUDE\MACRO\proc32.inc'

section '.data' data readable writeable

pausemsg db "pause>nul",0
isprime db "%i is prime",10,0
WSTZ db "List[%i] was set to zero",10,0
testmsg db "List[%i] = %i",10,0
testmsg2 db "was set List[%i] = %i",10,0
gothere db "it got here",10,0
dbugmsg db "%i<%i",10,0

section '.code' code readable executable

proc SeviePrimesUpTo, upto:DWORD

        p dd 2
        i dd 0
        k dd 0
        x dd 0
        List dd 0 ;pointer to dynamicly allocated memroy

     push [upto]
     call [malloc]
     mov [List],eax
     add esp, 4        ;<-- here what dose this do? why is it here?

        mov eax,[i]
        cmp eax,[upto]
        jnl endFor

            mov eax, [List]
            mov edx, [i]
            mov byte[eax+edx-1],1

        inc [i]
        jmp initFor

     mov [i],2
        mov eax,[i]
        cmp eax,[upto]
        jnl endFor2

            mov eax, [List]
            mov edx, [i]
            movsx edi,byte[eax+edx-1]

            push edi
            push edx
            push testmsg
            call [printf]
            add esp,12
        inc [i]
        jmp initFor2

     mov eax,[upto]
     mov [k], eax


        mov eax,[p]
        imul eax,eax
        cmp eax,[upto]

        jnle endMain

             mov eax,[List]
             mov edx,[p]
             cmp byte[eax+edx-1], 0
             je endIfMain

                 mov eax,[p]
                 imul eax,eax
                 mov [i],eax

                      mov eax,[i]
                      cmp eax,[k]

                      jnle endForMain

                          mov eax,[List]
                          mov edx,[i]
                          mov byte[eax+edx-1],0

                          push [i]
                          push WSTZ
                          call [printf]
                          add esp,8

                      mov eax,[i]
                      add eax,[p]
                      mov [i],eax
                      jmp initForMain



          inc [p]
          jmp initMain

     mov [i],2
        mov eax,[i]
        cmp eax,[k]
            jnl endPrint

                mov eax,[List]
                mov edx,[i]
                cmp byte[eax+edx-1],0

                je endPrintIf

                     push [i]
                     push isprime
                     add esp,8


            inc [i]
            jmp initPrint

     push [List]
     call [free]
     add esp,4

proc main
     stdcall SeviePrimesUpTo,49
     push pausemsg
     call [system]
     push 0
     call [exit]

section '.idata' import data readable
library msvcrt,'msvcrt.dll'

import msvcrt,\


Last edited by ishkabible on 19 Sep 2010, 19:58; edited 2 times in total
Post 19 Sep 2010, 19:45
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LocoDelAssembly 19 Sep 2010, 19:53

ok i see what your saying, this is how you takled the problom i solved int c++ by allocating upto+1.
Yes, this is also a easy way to solve the problem, but I've based my first (incomplete) code on yours, and you allocated only upTo bytes with malloc instead of upTo+1 like in the C++ code.

Yet another small note: Remember that the index must be multiplied by the size of the element to be used in address calculation. Here that is omitted because multiplying by one isn't useful at all, but if it was an int array, you should use [ebx+edx*4]. (The factor you can use in address calculation is not arbitrary, so sometimes you will need to scale the index with IMUL or whatever and then use it)
Post 19 Sep 2010, 19:53
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ishkabible 19 Sep 2010, 20:00
how complex can the addresses be? i think i read somewhere that [index+offset*size+byteoffset] was as complex as it could get but im not sure if that's correct or not.
Post 19 Sep 2010, 20:00
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LocoDelAssembly 19 Sep 2010, 20:33
[reg+reg*{1,2,4,8}+{byte,dword} offset]. That is what the CPU supports, however, fasm tolerates some other scale factors at times, for instance in [eax*3], it is automatically transformed to [eax+eax*2]. Check the Intel's manuals for a full lists of addressing modes (if not included already in fasm manual, I don't remember).
Post 19 Sep 2010, 20:33
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score_under 19 Sep 2010, 21:14
Just for fun, I decided to experiment with the same code.
This is what I came up with... not suitable for human consumption:
format PE Console 4.0
include 'win32a.inc'
entry main

section '.text' code data readable writeable executable
sieve: ;stdcall(char*buf,dword length)
  cmp dword[esp+8],1 ;dude wat
  jle .ret
  push esi
  push edi
  mov esi,[esp+0xC]  ;ESI = buffer
  mov edi,[esp+0x10] ;size
  push ebx ;send some registers my way

  lea ecx,[edi-2]    ;ECX = size - 2
  mov ebx,2          ;EBX = p
  push edi
  push edi
  fnstcw [esp]
  fnstcw [esp+2]
  or byte[esp+1],0xC
  fldcw [esp]
  fild dword[esp+4]
  fistp dword[esp+4]
  fldcw [esp+2]
  pop edi
  pop edi            ;EDI = upto

  push edi
  push ecx
  mov word[esi],0
  mov al,1
  lea edi,[esi+2]
  rep stosb
  pop ecx
  pop edi

  add esi,ebx
  db 0x66,0x90 ;Align to 0x10 manually with a "short" nop
    cmp byte[esi],0
    jnz .Prime
    inc ebx
    inc esi
    dec ecx
    cmp ebx,edi
    jl .loop
    jmp @f

    .Prime: ;Less likely branch for conditional jump, thus below conditional jump in code.
      mov eax,ebx
      xor edx,edx
      mul eax ;i = p * p
      sub eax,ebx ;because esi is offsetted (esi = &buf[ebx])
        mov byte[esi+eax],0
        add eax,ebx
        cmp eax,ecx
        jl .SetToNonPrime
      jmp .cond
  pop ebx
  pop edi
  pop esi
  retn 8

  TABLESIZE = 2000
  push edi
  call [malloc]
  mov edi,eax
  push eax
  call sieve
  push ebx
  push esi
    mov ebx,TABLESIZE-2
    mov esi,2
    push esi
    push numstr
      cmp byte[esi+edi],0
      je .NotPrime
        call [printf] ;We need a conditional call instruction.
      inc esi
      mov [esp+4],esi
      dec ebx
      jnz @b
    pop eax
    pop eax
  pop esi
  pop ebx
  push edi
  call [free]
  pop edi
  call [getch]
  pop edi

align 4
data import
  library crt,'MSVCRT.DLL'
  import  crt,getch,'_getch',free,'free',malloc,'malloc',printf,'printf'
end data
numstr db '%u',9,0    
Post 19 Sep 2010, 21:14
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LocoDelAssembly 19 Sep 2010, 22:05
score_under, the "xor edx, edx" before "mul eax" is not needed as in (I)DIV is. Also, for speed, you might consider using "imul eax, eax" instead, since it produces a faster 32-bit result instead of a full 64-bit result in EDX:EAX of EAX*EAX.

cmp dword[esp+8],1 ;dude wat
Is that a question to my code? Razz I've used that (similar) check because not all my loops are checking if the precondition (upTo > 1) holds.
Post 19 Sep 2010, 22:05
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score_under 19 Sep 2010, 22:14
LocoDelAssembly wrote:

cmp dword[esp+8],1 ;dude wat
Is that a question to my code? Razz I've used that (similar) check because not all my loops are checking if the precondition (upTo > 1) holds.

No, it's a question to the sanity of whoever would call the function like that. Very Happy

(But yeah, was the code readable enough? I hope it wasn't too asinine in appearance...)
Post 19 Sep 2010, 22:14
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DJ Mauretto

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DJ Mauretto 20 Sep 2010, 09:17
Hello Wink
More simply implementation taken from some C source code Razz
format PE CONSOLE 4.0 
entry start 

Include 'win32a.inc'

MAX = 1'000

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CODE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
section ".code" code readable writeable executable


      CALL    @Sieve_of_Eratosthenes

  PUSH    0
   CALL    [ExitProcess] 
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PROC ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


       MOV     ECX,2
       MOV     [I],ECX
     XOR     ESI,ESI

   CMP     [Vector + ECX*4],1
  JNZ     .1

      PUSH    ECX
 PUSH    Prime
       CALL    [printf]
    MOV     ECX,[I]
     ADD     ESP,8
    MOV     EAX,ECX
     IMUL    EAX,ECX
     CMP     EAX,MAX
     JNC     .3
       MOV     [Vector + EAX*4],ESI
        ADD     EAX,ECX
     CMP     EAX,MAX
     JC      .2

   INC     ECX
     MOV     [I],ECX
     JC      @Loop


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DATA ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
section '.data' data readable writeable

Vector                DD MAX dup (1)
I             DD ?
Prime           DB 13,10,"%d ",0

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IDATA ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
section '.idata' import data readable writeable   

  library kernel32,'kernel32.dll',\   

  import kernel32,\   

  import msvcrt,\     

You can redirect output to a file in this way:
Prime.exe > Prime.txt Exclamation

EDIT: Removed only J Razz

Nil Volentibus Arduum Razz

Last edited by DJ Mauretto on 20 Sep 2010, 17:55; edited 2 times in total
Post 20 Sep 2010, 09:17
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score_under 20 Sep 2010, 17:22
Storing "J" in write-only memory? Wink

If you want me to suggest improvements:
1. Remove write to J, you never read it later...?
2. Don't store I in a global variable, put it in a register or pop it off the arguments for printf.
3. As a rule of thumb, (if your module is to be linked with compiler-generated code, or if it is otherwise necessary to comply to cdecl/fastcall/stdcall conventions) EBX/EBP/ESI/EDI should be the same at the start and end of your call, so push them at the start and pop at the end.
4. Use bytes for boolean values, it's smaller and saves a multiplication by 4 (Vector+ECX*4).
Post 20 Sep 2010, 17:22
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DJ Mauretto

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Location: Rome,Italy
DJ Mauretto 20 Sep 2010, 17:49
Hello, I leave you the task of this optimized algorithm, I have translated only from a source in C language, usually when translate a high-level languages code do not think much of what I do, my mind only works when I write code created from me Smile

Nil Volentibus Arduum Razz
Post 20 Sep 2010, 17:49
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