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> DOS > Random number generation Goto page 1, 2 Next |
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typedef 12 Sep 2010, 14:58
Hie, typedef again
Just wanted to know how i would generate a random number in DOS (16 bit). Just using pure ASM. thanks. |
12 Sep 2010, 14:58 |
typedef 12 Sep 2010, 16:29
Just simple numbers; Integers, Floats, Long, Double etc
Pseudorandom I think would work fine, though I would also like to know how to just randomize Here's an example in c++ Code: int RandDomNumber = rand() % 100; it will only generate a number between 1 and 100 only. How would that be done in PURE ASM |
12 Sep 2010, 16:29 |
revolution 12 Sep 2010, 16:36
So you want: Integers, uniform distribution, non-crypto-secure, repeatable, seed unknown, high speed (poor quality), pesudo-random numbers?
rand() is a simple LCG. Fast and stupid. x1 = x*A + C mod 2^16 (or mod 2^32), where A and C are constants and x is the previous value, x1 is the next value |
12 Sep 2010, 16:36 |
typedef 12 Sep 2010, 16:44
Quote: x1 = x*A + C mod 2^16 (or mod 2^32), where A and C are constants and x is the previous value, x1 is the next value so that would sum up to this right? Code: ;Start MOV [rPrev],1 rNumber dd ? rPrev dd ? rNext dd ? NOTE : I havent tried this code yet pls help |
12 Sep 2010, 16:44 |
revolution 12 Sep 2010, 16:47
Wikipedia has a bit more info if you just want LCG.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_congruential_generator |
12 Sep 2010, 16:47 |
baldr 12 Sep 2010, 16:50
You need to refresh your C knowledge, rand() % 100 ∈ [0, 99]. TAOCP vol. 2 starts with chapter 3 — "Random Numbers". Enough said. Why do Brin & Page bother to create Google? Nobody seems to use it! |
12 Sep 2010, 16:50 |
typedef 12 Sep 2010, 20:22
baldr wrote: typedef, I said between 1 and 100 which means not over 100 Ok i was wrong for putting 1. And what's the point of having forums if all you want to say is "use Google" Who said that i never used Google. Please, lets help each other. Your problems may not be the same as mine. Learn to appreciate the presence of others. Thank you |
12 Sep 2010, 20:22 |
revo1ution 12 Sep 2010, 23:35
This very simple routine will give you a (pseudo) random unsigned 8-bit integer which you can then process into whatever form you want. I can help further with this if you want. Code: push 0 pop ds mov al,[46ch] It reads the least significant 8 bits of the 32-bit hardware clock-tick counter driven from a 1.8MHz clock (if I remember correctly), which gets written to the BIOS data area at 0:46Ch (aka 40:6Ch). It will work in any OS which allows access to low RAM including DOS of course, and will also work inside a bootloader pre-boot environment since it only needs the BIOS. Don't be discouraged by the unhelpful or obscure answers you might get from this forum. I sometimes think an individual's helpfulness is inversely proportional to their number of posts. But there are many exceptions to this including Tomasz of course. Note that I have made very few posts so far so I am very helpful. |
12 Sep 2010, 23:35 |
typedef 13 Sep 2010, 00:48
thanks rev.
13 Sep 2010, 00:48 |
revolution 13 Sep 2010, 01:39
revo1ution: Reading a clock counter generates extremely poor pseudo-random numbers. Even using a clock as a seed it is dubious enough but directly using it for generation ... ugh!
13 Sep 2010, 01:39 |
typedef 13 Sep 2010, 02:09
Doesn't that require also a timer procedure? To avoid using too much CPU, like 32 bit GUI apps? lol.....I need to study more on Timer Ints.
13 Sep 2010, 02:09 |
revolution 13 Sep 2010, 02:19
typedef: revo1ution's suggestion is unlikely to be helpful to you. I can't imagine a usage where reading the low frequency timer will generate a suitably random sequence. Even a low quality generator (like an LCG) will give you superior results.
13 Sep 2010, 02:19 |
bitRAKE 13 Sep 2010, 03:32
This thread is cryptically called RANDOM - just ignore that though: it still might be helpful to you.
13 Sep 2010, 03:32 |
baldr 13 Sep 2010, 05:03
I'm sorry if my post seemed rude to you, that wasn't intended. Sentence about % operator simply corrects typical off-by-one mistake. It had smile attached, too. "The Art of Computer Programming" by D. E. Knuth is the invaluable source of information, mentioned chapter discusses LCG in depth. Simple Google search gives links to Wiki article about PRNGs and Agner Fog's page with Mersenne Twister/SFMT sources. For me, your original post looks like "I want you to implement some PRNG algorithm in assembly for me". LCGs aren't so hard to program: Code: RANDOM_MULTIPLIER = 22695477 RANDOM_INCREMENT = 1 .code random_dword: imul eax, [random_seed], RANDOM_MULTIPLIER if RANDOM_INCREMENT = 1 inc eax else add eax, RANDOM_INCREMENT end if mov [random_seed], eax ret .data random_seed rd 1 |
13 Sep 2010, 05:03 |
revo1ution 13 Sep 2010, 05:47
As a very broad generalisation what you say is true, but if you are careful the code I posted can give very good results. For example: 1. if the counter is read at a much lower average frequency than the counter clock frequency. The lower the better, because the higher the multiple, the lower is the (already small) chance of striking an exact integer multiple 2. if the counter is read asynchronously or, better still, intermittently such as being initiated by user input rather than within a regular program loop etc. 3. if only the fewest possible number of least significant bits are used - the fastest changing ones. You could even reduce it from 8 to 7 or 6 etc. by masking off the higher bits. Why make something complicated when it could be very easy? typedef: It depends what you want, but my suggestion COULD be all you need. Address 0:46Ch can be read ANY time. You don't need to worry about the actual timer interrupt producing it, and it might be better NOT to incorporate it into your own timer-driven interrupt service routine because of reason 2. above. But again, as always it depends what you want. |
13 Sep 2010, 05:47 |
revolution 13 Sep 2010, 06:47
13 Sep 2010, 06:47 |
revo1ution 13 Sep 2010, 08:35
Well really revolution, before you were generalising. Now you're just being generally silly, while increasing your post-count
Code: random_number_generator_always_4: ;uses ax mov ax,4 Very useful indeed! mov al,[046Ch], or even mov ax,[046Ch] is infinitely superior |
13 Sep 2010, 08:35 |
edfed 13 Sep 2010, 08:55
random generator can be created with a simple white noise.
a white noise is the presence of all frequencies in a single signal. a white noise can be created (in computers) by the addition of many ramps. the instruction INC AL generates a ramp of frequency (f) of repetition(F)/256. INC AX generates 2 ramps, one for AL, and one for AH, the ramp in AH is 256 times slower than the one in AL. SHR and SHL instructions will divide by 2 the frequencies in the ramps ROR and ROL will roll over the spectrum, and will act like a frequency mirror. XOR, AND, ADD, SUB, DIV, MUL, and all arythmetic and logical instructions will have an effect on the randomness. by xoring two ramps of different frequencies, we will do many more than just add them. the fact that integers in computers are in limited dynamics (8 bit = 256 values) will induce randomness. if you want to code a good random generator, first code a function to see these random numbers. because the eye will be the first tool able to see randomness or not. an example of random image is the snow in the TV. it is picked from white noise in the athmosphere. if your program displays something like the TV snow, it have great chances to be random. if it generates some repetitive patterns, it have a lot of chance to don't be random. when you use random in a game, the repetitive patterns will be very annoying because you will see the same actions in a loop. but sometimes, it is funny to have a pseudo random generator. |
13 Sep 2010, 08:55 |
DJ Mauretto 20 Sep 2010, 09:39
Here there is a simply RNG test tool.... _________________ Nil Volentibus Arduum Last edited by DJ Mauretto on 18 Nov 2011, 20:24; edited 1 time in total |
20 Sep 2010, 09:39 |
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