Consider the following code fragment:
; Assembly code emitted by HLA compiler
; Version 1.62 build 8707 (prototype)
; HLA compiler written by Randall Hyde
; FASM compatible output
format MS COFF
offset32 equ
ptr equ
; Code begins here:
_HLAMain :
clflush byte ptr [L3_b__hla_+0] ;/* b */
FASM reports the following on the clflush instruction:
flat assembler version 1.51
sse.asm [64]:
clflush byte ptr [L3_b__hla_+0] ;/* b */
error: invalid size of operand.
Error returned by Assembler = 2
** error 2 ** deleting sse.exe
What am I doing wrong? Doc says the operand should be a byte operand.
Randy Hyde