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Alphonso 18 Aug 2010, 16:09
Nice use of imul MHajduk. guignol would it help if dl was not used at all. When trying to minize code it can often look unobvious. Wink
        xor     ebx, ebx
        mov     ah, al
        shr     ah, 4
        and     al, 0Fh
        add     al,-10
        adc     bl,bl
        add     ah,-10
        adc     bh,bh
        imul    ebx,ebx,7
        add     al,3ah
        add     ah,3ah
        add     ebx,eax     
This isn't an entry BTW.

But inspired by MHajduk this is.
         mov    ah,al
         shr    ah,4
         and    al,0fh
         imul   ebx,eax,7
         shr    bx,6
         and    bl,1
         imul   ebx,ebx,7
         add    ax,3030h
         add    ebx,eax     ;result in BX    
26 Bytes.
Post 18 Aug 2010, 16:09
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guignol 18 Aug 2010, 17:22
Simple yes, would have been enough.
Me haved glitch Embarassed
Post 18 Aug 2010, 17:22
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MHajduk 18 Aug 2010, 17:30
         imul   ebx, eax, 7
         shr    bx, 6
         and    bl, 1
My Gosh, why I haven't paid notice to this... Wink Now I understand "magic" of the 7 Wink:
imul   ebx, eax, 7 ; ebx := eax * 7
                   ; i.e. bh := ah * 7, bl := al * 7
                  ; for al, ah from the set {0, ..., 9} we have {0, 7, ..., 63}
                   ; for al, ah from the set {0xA, ..., 0xF} we have values presented below:
                   ; 7*10 = 70  = 1000110b
                     ; 7*11 = 77  = 1001101b
                     ; 7*12 = 84  = 1010100b
                     ; 7*13 = 91  = 1011011b
                     ; 7*14 = 98  = 1100010b
                     ; 7*15 = 105 = 1101001b
                   ; i.e. bit No. 6 of the bl (bh) register is equal to 1 if and only if
                       ; al >= 0xA (ah >= 0xA respectively)  

shr    bx, 6            ; Now bh = 1 iff ah >= 0xA, but bl contains in the 6 most significant bits
                       ; some "garbage" from the bh, so we need...

and    bl, 1               ; ... some cleaning. Now also bl = 1 iff al >= 0xA    
Chapeau bas, Alphonso. Image

Last edited by MHajduk on 21 Aug 2010, 14:00; edited 1 time in total
Post 18 Aug 2010, 17:30
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Fanael 18 Aug 2010, 17:53
guignol wrote:
That's why they have jumps Wink
The competition would become too easy if we could use jcc Wink

Alphonso: accepted, new leader.
Post 18 Aug 2010, 17:53
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MHajduk 18 Aug 2010, 18:33
25 bytes, ASCII output in AX register (but with bytes in the reversed order):
xor    ah, ah
mov   bl, 16
div   bl

imul  ebx, eax, 7 
shr     bx, 6 
and   bl, 1
imul      ebx, ebx,7
add       ax, 3030h
add        eax, ebx    
Since ordering is not significant, I guess my current proposition should be accepted:
Fanael wrote:
Alphonso wrote:
The preferred way, whether it's the correct way is IMO up to Fanael to confirm if high and low ordering is required.
No specific ordering is required, the only requirements is that both characters are ASCII.
Post 18 Aug 2010, 18:33
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bitshifter 19 Aug 2010, 02:53
Very cool topic!

24 bytes, based on MHajduk last entry (saved 1 byte)
        mov     ah,0
        mov     bl,16
        div     bl

        imul    ebx,eax,7
        shr     ebx,6
        and     bl,1
        imul    ebx,ebx,7
        add     ax,3030h
        add     eax,ebx
Post 19 Aug 2010, 02:53
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Your code has a bug

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LocoDelAssembly 19 Aug 2010, 04:42
bitshifter, set EAX to $12345678 and see what you get in AX after executing your version.
Post 19 Aug 2010, 04:42
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bitRAKE 19 Aug 2010, 06:17
mov ah, al
and al, 0Fh
shr ah, 4
cmp al, 10
sbb bl, bl
cmp ah, 10
sbb bh, bh

add ax, '77'
and bx, $0707
sub eax, ebx    
27 bytes, 10 instructions. Wink

MHajduk, "SHR EBX,6" saves a byte. Too bad "AAM 16" is no good in 64-bit.

Edit: Okay, SHR EBX,6 does not work because of higher bits after IMUL.

Down to 8 instructions, Very Happy
xor     ah, ah 
mov     bl, 16 
div     bl 

imul    ebx, eax, 7  
shr     bx, 6  
and     bl, 1 
;lea eax,[eax+8*ebx+'00'] ; 32 bit
lea eax,[rax+8*rbx+'00'] ; 64 bit
sub eax,ebx    
25 bytes

16/32-bit only solution:
aam 16

imul ebx, eax, 7
shr bx, 6
and bl, 1

lea eax,[eax+8*ebx+'00']
sub eax,ebx    
Good trick Alphonso.
Post 19 Aug 2010, 06:17
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Fanael 19 Aug 2010, 12:05
MHajduk: accepted, new leader.
bitshifter: rejected, invalid result.
bitRAKE: first code accepted, second code will be accepted, if you will surround that lea with some compile-time if checking current bitness.
Post 19 Aug 2010, 12:05
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edfed 19 Aug 2010, 15:58
bitshifter, instead of mov ah,0, use movzx eax,al

it will be 25 bytes, but it will noit be rejected by the judge. Smile
Post 19 Aug 2010, 15:58
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bitRAKE 20 Aug 2010, 05:14
There are many compile-time methods, this one just uses the instruction in question:
mov al,$00

xor ah,ah 
mov bl,16 
div bl 

imul ebx,eax,111b  
shr bx,6
and bl,1

virtual at 0
  lea eax,[eax+8*ebx+'00']
  load _USE__ dword from 0
end virtual
if _USE__ and $FF = $8D
  ; use32
  lea eax,[eax+8*ebx+'00']
else if _USE__ shr 8 and $FF = $8D
  ; use64
  lea eax,[rax+8*rbx+'00']
  ; use16
  imul bx,bx,7
  add ax,$3030
  add ax,bx
end if

sub eax,ebx    
...which leads to mode specific methods in whole, or the question of a universal encoding - the same bytes working across processing modes. Many of the byte orientated encoding enjoy this distinction of universality.
Post 20 Aug 2010, 05:14
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edfed 14 Sep 2010, 13:56
just played with the snippets in this board, and i finaly coded something like clock monitoring for contests.

based on fool, but ok for little snippets comparisions.

include 'comsys.inc'
B2H:    Node .time,.fxdec,.label,.asm,.txt,.keys

        dd 0
        dd 0
.label: Txt 10,0,0,0,Blue,0,1,font85
.time:  Txt 10,15,0,0,Green,.ticks,1,font85
.txt:   Txt 0,0,0,0,Red,.hex,10,font85
.keys:  Node .otk,.tmk
.otk:   dd f.otk,0,@f-$-4
        dd key.up,.decsel
        dd key.down,.incsel
.tmk:   dd f.tmk,0,@f-$-4
        dd key.right,.incnum
        dd key.left,.decnum
        Asm incd,.number
        Asm decd,.number

        Asm @f
        mov eax,[.list+list.size]
        sub eax,4
        sub dword[.sel],4
        jge @f
        mov [.sel],eax
        align 4
        Asm @f
        mov eax,[.list+list.size]
        add dword[.sel],4
        cmp [.sel],eax
        jl @f
        mov dword[.sel],0
        align 4
.fxdec: dd f.fxdec,.clocks+4,.ticks,.ticksz
.asm:   Asm .B2H
.hex:   db ' '
@@:     db '00',0
.ticks: db '123456789'
.ticksz: db ' clocks',0
        push eax
        call .disp
        mov al,[.number]
        call .func
        mov [@b],ax
        mov dword[mouse.item],0   ;disable mouse
        pop eax

        push ebx
        push eax
        mov ebx,0
        call .rdtsc0
        call word [.list+list.data+ebx]
        call .rdtsc1
        pop eax
        mov ebx,[.sel]
        call .rdtsc0
        call word [.list+list.data+ebx]
        call .rdtsc1
        call .mean
        pop ebx
        push eax edx
        mov [.clocks],eax
        pop edx eax
        push eax edx
        sub eax,[.clocks]
        mov [.clocks],eax
        pop edx eax
        push eax
        mov eax,[.clocks]
        add [.clocks+12],eax
        inc byte[.clocks+8]
        cmp byte[.clocks+8],64
        jne @f
        mov byte[.clocks+8],0
        mov eax,[.clocks+12]
        mov dword[.clocks+12],0
        shr eax,6
        mov [.clocks+4],eax
        pop eax

        dd 0,0,0,0
        mov eax,[.sel]
        mov eax,[eax+.list+list.data]
        mov eax,[eax-4]
        mov [.label+txt.txt],eax

align 4
.list:  List \
@@:   db 'empty',0
align 4
dd @b
        mov ax,'ZZ'
@@:   db 'bitRAKE',0
align 4
dd @b
include 'B2H-bitrake.inc'
@@:   db 'bitRAKE 0',0
align 4
dd @b
include 'B2H-bitrake0.inc'
@@:   db 'Alphonso',0
align 4
dd @b
include 'B2H-Alphonso.inc'
@@:   db 'bitshifter',0
align 4
dd @b
include 'B2H-Bitshifter.inc'
@@:   db 'LocoDelAssembly',0
align 4
dd @b
include 'B2H-loco.inc'
@@:   db 'LocoDelAssembly 0',0
align 4
dd @b
include 'B2H-loco0.inc'
@@:   db 'edfed',0
align 4
dd @b
include 'B2H-edfed.inc'

@@:   db 'MHajduk',0
align 4
dd @b
include 'B2H-MHajduk.inc'
@@:   db 'MHajduk 0',0
align 4
dd @b
include 'B2H-MHajduk0.inc'


every snippets picked from this topic are modified in order to work the same.

and the winner on my computer is:

B2H-bitrake0.inc , 378 clocks

followed by:
B2H-bitrake.inc , 390 clocks
B2H-loco0.inc , 395 clocks

350 clocks needed for the launcher and the mesure.

Description: includes for B2H + B2H-1.com executable
Filename: B2H.zip
Filesize: 18.03 KB
Downloaded: 353 Time(s)

Post 14 Sep 2010, 13:56
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edfed 16 Sep 2010, 14:46
clocks mesured above are from the aspireone with XP.
when runing under 98 (closer to real hardware) the clocks decrease significantlly.
an there, the speed winner is loco with this algo:

        ror al,4
        mov ah,al
        shr al, 4
        call @F
        xchg al,ah
        and al,0Fh
        cmp al,10
        sbb dl,dl
        and dl,7
        add al,dl
        add al,'0'

executes in 112 clocks, including the 90 clocks overhead for callee.

then, 22 clocks on the PIII deskbook. (yep, i use an open laptop as desktop computer).
Post 16 Sep 2010, 14:46
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