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nathanpc 25 Jun 2010, 01:16
I'm building a program that have a primitive command-line to execute some simple tasks(at the time I'm just using HelloWorld things on it to test), but I don't know why, it isn't comparing ok. Here is my code:
    mov si, welcome
    call printf
          mov si, prompt          ; The prompt is beginning
           call printf
         call getinput
    mov di, cmd_hello       ; Command: hello
        call strcmp
         jc .hello
            mov di, cmd_help        ; Command: help
 call strcmp
         jc .help
            mov di, cmd_stats       ; Command: stats
        call strcmp
         jc .stats
            mov si, err_cmd         ; Command entered is invalid
        call printf
         jmp mloop               ; Infinity loop
             mov si, msg_hello
           call printf
         jmp mloop
              mov si, msg_help
            call printf
         jmp mloop
             mov si, ax
          call printf
         jmp mloop

; === Functions ===
    mov ah, 0eh
    mov bh, 99h

       or al, al
        jz .return
        int 10h
        jmp .nextchar


    xor cl, cl
         mov ah, 00h
         int 16h         ; Key press wait
            cmp al, 08h     ; Backspace key
     je .backspace   ; Handle
            cmp al, 0dh     ; Enter key
         je .enter       ; Handle
            cmp cl, 3fh     ; Inputted 63 characters
            je .loop        ; Only backspace and enter are accepted

         mov ah, 0eh   
      int 10h
       inc cl
      jmp .loop
     cmp cl, 0       ; Begin of the input
        je .loop        ; Ignore
            dec di
      mov byte[di], 0 ; Delete character
          dec cl          ; Decrementing the string counter
            mov ah, 0eh
         mov al, 08h
         int 10h         ; Print the backspace
            mov al, ' '
       int 10h         ; Blank character
            mov al, 08h
         int 10h         ; Backspace one more time
            jmp .loop       ; Goes back to the loop
         mov al, 0       ; Null terminator
            mov ah, 0eh
            mov al, 0dh     ; Enter character
           int 10h
            mov al, 0ah     ; Newline character
         int 10h
           mov al, [si]    ; Grab byte from SI
         mov bl, [di]    ; Grab byte from DI
         cmp al, bl      ; Compare if they are equal
         jne .notequal   ; They aren't equal
            cmp al, 0       ; Both bytes are null
       je .done
            inc di          ; Increment DI
      inc si          ; Increment SI
      jmp .loop       ; Start looping
      clc             ; Clear the carry flag
       stc             ; Set the carry flag

welcome db "Welcome To The Second DOS Shell For Your DOS Razz", 0dh, 0ah, 0ah, 0
prompt db " > ", 0

; ==== Commands ==========================
cmd_help db "help", 0
msg_help db " Valid Commands: help - hello", 0dh, 0ah, 0

cmd_hello db "hello", 0
msg_hello db " Hi all!", 0dh, 0ah, 0

cmd_stats db "stats", 0

err_cmd db " The command you entered doesn't exist!", 0dh, 0ah, 0    

But when I run that, doesn't matter what command I type(help, stats, hello, test, fasm_rulez... - Even those that should return the error message of invalid command), I always got the help command message:
> test
Valid Commands: help - hello
> hello
Valid Commands: help - hello
> fasm rules
Valid Commands: help - hello
> wtf!
Valid Commands: help - hello    

What I need to do?

Best Regards,
Nathan Paulino Campos

Developer: C++, Java, C/C++, Java ME, Java EE, Pascal, Assembly(8086, 6502, z80, ARM and MIPS), Delphi, Visual Basic, Pascal, Ruby and Perl
Post 25 Jun 2010, 01:16
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revolution 25 Jun 2010, 01:20
You never restored that value of SI. It INCrements and then permanently points to the trailing zero byte,
Post 25 Jun 2010, 01:20
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nathanpc 25 Jun 2010, 01:23
You're saying that I should clean the SI register after the jmp .loop?
Post 25 Jun 2010, 01:23
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revolution 25 Jun 2010, 01:26
There are two ways to approach a solution.

1) push push/pop pairs in strcmp to save register values that you alter. Or,
2) use mov si,prompt before every call to strcmp.
Post 25 Jun 2010, 01:26
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nathanpc 25 Jun 2010, 01:29
I've opted for the first method, but I'm not so good with stacks, then I want to know if you could help me to know how to do this. Rolling Eyes
Post 25 Jun 2010, 01:29
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revolution 25 Jun 2010, 01:45
        push si
        mov al, [si]    ; Grab byte from SI
        mov bl, [di]    ; Grab byte from DI
        cmp al, bl      ; Compare if they are equal
        jne .notequal   ; They aren't equal

        cmp al, 0       ; Both bytes are null
        je .done

        inc di          ; Increment DI
        inc si          ; Increment SI
        jmp .loop       ; Start looping

        clc             ; Clear the carry flag to indicate failure
        pop si

        stc             ; Set the carry flag to indicate success
        pop si
Post 25 Jun 2010, 01:45
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nathanpc 25 Jun 2010, 01:47
I've done as you said, but it still prints me the same(the help command output). Sad
Post 25 Jun 2010, 01:47
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bitshifter 25 Jun 2010, 01:48
        pusha; ---[NEW]---
        mov al, [si]    ; Grab byte from SI 
        mov bl, [di]    ; Grab byte from DI 
        cmp al, bl      ; Compare if they are equal 
        jne .notequal   ; They aren't equal 
        cmp al, 0       ; Both bytes are null 
        je .done 
        inc di          ; Increment DI 
        inc si          ; Increment SI 
        jmp .loop       ; Start looping 
        popa; ---[NEW]---
        clc             ; Clear the carry flag
        popa ; ---[NEW]---
        stc             ; Set the carry flag
Post 25 Jun 2010, 01:48
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revolution 25 Jun 2010, 01:58
nathanpc wrote:
I've done as you said, but it still prints me the same(the help command output). Sad
Where does getinput store its data? You have no buffer space assigned for it. You need to initialise the value of DI before calling getinput. And also set the value of SI so that strcmp can see what was entered.
Post 25 Jun 2010, 01:58
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nathanpc 25 Jun 2010, 02:01
Nothing changes, I'm still getting the wrong output. Crying or Very sad
Post 25 Jun 2010, 02:01
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bitshifter 25 Jun 2010, 02:01
I see you getinput into DI but never is pointed at any buffer...
        mov si, prompt
        call printf 

        mov di, buffer
        call getinput

        mov si, buffer
        mov di, cmd_hello
        call strcmp 
        jc .hello
        mov di, cmd_help
        call strcmp 
        jc .help 
        mov di, cmd_stats
        call strcmp 
        jc .stats   

buffer db 64 dup(0)

Coding a 3D game engine with fasm is like trying to eat an elephant,
you just have to keep focused and take it one 'byte' at a time.
Post 25 Jun 2010, 02:01
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nathanpc 25 Jun 2010, 02:04
revolution wrote:
nathanpc wrote:
I've done as you said, but it still prints me the same(the help command output). Sad
Where does getinput store its data? You have no buffer space assigned for it. You need to initialise the value of DI before calling getinput. And also set the value of SI so that strcmp can see what was entered.

I've done this for the buffer:
       mov si, prompt          ; The prompt is beginning
           call printf
            mov di, buffer
      call getinput

; .... Lots of code ....

buffer: times 64 db 0    

But Nothing changed. Crying or Very sad

Developer: C++, Java, C/C++, Java ME, Java EE, Pascal, Assembly(8086, 6502, z80, ARM and MIPS), Delphi, Visual Basic, Pascal, Ruby and Perl
Post 25 Jun 2010, 02:04
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bitshifter 25 Jun 2010, 02:05
Look closer at my last post...
Post 25 Jun 2010, 02:05
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nathanpc 25 Jun 2010, 02:07
bitshifter wrote:
I see you getinput into DI but never is pointed at any buffer...
        mov si, prompt
        call printf 

        mov di, buffer
        call getinput

        mov si, buffer
        mov di, cmd_hello
        call strcmp 
        jc .hello
        mov di, cmd_help
        call strcmp 
        jc .help 
        mov di, cmd_stats
        call strcmp 
        jc .stats   

buffer db 64 dup(0)

I've done it, but now, every time I enter the hello command, I start to don't have outputs:
> test
Valid Commands: help - hello
> hello
Valid Commands: help - hello
> help
> test
> something

Developer: C++, Java, C/C++, Java ME, Java EE, Pascal, Assembly(8086, 6502, z80, ARM and MIPS), Delphi, Visual Basic, Pascal, Ruby and Perl
Post 25 Jun 2010, 02:07
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bitshifter 25 Jun 2010, 02:09
It was meant to work my previous post...
Post 25 Jun 2010, 02:09
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nathanpc 25 Jun 2010, 02:15
bitshifter wrote:
It was meant to work my previous post...

Sadly not... Crying or Very sad

Developer: C++, Java, C/C++, Java ME, Java EE, Pascal, Assembly(8086, 6502, z80, ARM and MIPS), Delphi, Visual Basic, Pascal, Ruby and Perl
Post 25 Jun 2010, 02:15
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revolution 25 Jun 2010, 02:17
nathanpc: Please show your latest code so we can all know what you are working with now.
Post 25 Jun 2010, 02:17
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bitshifter 25 Jun 2010, 02:23
    ;lodsb <---------remove this
    mov ah, 0eh 
    mov bh, 99h

Edit: Working code is here...
org 0100h

    mov si, welcome 
    call printf 
        mov si, prompt          ; The prompt is beginning 
        call printf 

        mov di, buffer
        call getinput
        mov si, buffer
        mov di, cmd_hello       ; Command: hello
        call strcmp 
        jc .hello
        mov di, cmd_help        ; Command: help
        call strcmp 
        jc .help 
        mov di, cmd_stats       ; Command: stats
        call strcmp 
        jc .stats 
        mov si, err_cmd         ; Command entered is invalid
        call printf 
        jmp mloop               ; Infinity loop 
            mov si, msg_hello 
            call printf 
            jmp mloop 
            mov si, msg_help 
            call printf 
            jmp mloop 
            mov si, ax 
            call printf 
            jmp mloop 

; === Functions === 
    mov ah, 0eh 
    mov bh, 99h 

        or al, al 
        jz .return 
        int 10h 
        jmp .nextchar 


    xor cl, cl 
        mov ah, 00h 
        int 16h         ; Key press wait 
        cmp al, 08h     ; Backspace key 
        je .backspace   ; Handle 
        cmp al, 0dh     ; Enter key 
        je .enter       ; Handle 
        cmp cl, 3fh     ; Inputted 63 characters 
        je .loop        ; Only backspace and enter are accepted 

        mov ah, 0eh    
        int 10h 
        inc cl 
        jmp .loop 
        cmp cl, 0       ; Begin of the input 
        je .loop        ; Ignore 
        dec di 
        mov byte[di], 0 ; Delete character 
        dec cl          ; Decrementing the string counter 
        mov ah, 0eh 
        mov al, 08h 
        int 10h         ; Print the backspace 
        mov al, ' ' 
        int 10h         ; Blank character 
        mov al, 08h 
        int 10h         ; Backspace one more time 
        jmp .loop       ; Goes back to the loop 
        mov al, 0       ; Null terminator 
        mov ah, 0eh 
        mov al, 0dh     ; Enter character 
        int 10h 
        mov al, 0ah     ; Newline character 
        int 10h 
        mov al, [si]    ; Grab byte from SI 
        mov bl, [di]    ; Grab byte from DI 
        cmp al, bl      ; Compare if they are equal 
        jne .notequal   ; They aren't equal 
        cmp al, 0       ; Both bytes are null 
        je .done 
        inc di          ; Increment DI 
        inc si          ; Increment SI 
        jmp .loop       ; Start looping 
        clc             ; Clear the carry flag
        stc             ; Set the carry flag

welcome db "Welcome To The Second DOS Shell For Your DOS ", 0dh, 0ah, 0ah, 0 
prompt db " > ", 0 

; ==== Commands ========================== 
cmd_help db "help", 0 
msg_help db " Valid Commands: help - hello", 0dh, 0ah, 0 

cmd_hello db "hello", 0 
msg_hello db " Hi all!", 0dh, 0ah, 0 

cmd_stats db "stats", 0 

err_cmd db " The command you entered doesn't exist!", 0dh, 0ah, 0

buffer db 64 dup(0)

Coding a 3D game engine with fasm is like trying to eat an elephant,
you just have to keep focused and take it one 'byte' at a time.
Post 25 Jun 2010, 02:23
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bitshifter 25 Jun 2010, 03:36
Also, you may want to consider using a lookup table of handlers.
This makes the code smaller and easier to add/remove functionality.
org 0100h

macro MESSAGE_MAP _command*,_handler* {
  local _marker
  db _marker - $ - 1     ; prefixed length
  db _command            ; command string
  dw _handler            ; command handler


        mov     si,welcome
        call    print
        mov     si,prompt
        call    print
        mov     di,buffer
        mov     ah,00h
        int     16h
        cmp     al,08h          ; Backspace key
        je      .backspace
        cmp     al,0dh          ; Enter key
        je      .enter
        cmp     di,buffer.max   ; Is buffer full?
        je      .getinput       ; Only backspace and enter are accepted
        mov     ah,0eh
        xor     bh,bh
        int     10h
        jmp     .getinput
        cmp     di,buffer       ; Is buffer empty?
        je      .getinput
        dec     di
        mov     si,backspace
        call    print
        jmp     .getinput
        cmp     di,buffer       ; Is buffer empty?
        je      .getinput
        mov     byte[di],0      ; Null terminator
        mov     si,newline
        call    print
        dec     di
        cmp     di,buffer
        jb      .process
        cmp     byte[di],'a'
        jb      .uppercase
        cmp     byte[di],'z'
        ja      .uppercase
        sub     byte[di],32
        jmp     .uppercase
        mov     si,commands-2
        xor     cx,cx
        add     si,cx
        add     si,2
        test    al,al
        jz      .unknown
        mov     di,buffer
        mov     cl,al
        repe    cmpsb
        jnz     .compare
        cmp     byte[di],0
        jne     .compare
        call    word[si]
        jmp     mloop
        mov     si,err_cmd
        call    print
        jmp     mloop


        mov     si,msg_help
        call    print
        mov     si,msg_hello
        call    print

        int     20h
        jmp     $


        mov     ah,0eh
        mov     bh,0
        jmp     .load
        int     10h
        test    al,al
        jnz     .putc


welcome   db "Welcome To The Second DOS Shell For Your DOS ", 0dh, 0ah, 0ah, 0
prompt    db " > ", 0
msg_help  db " Valid Commands: help - hello - exit", 0dh, 0ah, 0
msg_hello db " Hi all!", 0dh, 0ah, 0
err_cmd   db " The command you entered doesn't exist!", 0dh, 0ah, 0
backspace db 8,32,8,0
newline   db 13,10,0
buffer    db 64 dup(0)
          .max = $-2

  MESSAGE_MAP 'HELP',  on_help
  MESSAGE_MAP 'HELLO', on_hello
  MESSAGE_MAP 'EXIT',  on_exit
  db 0 ; SENTINEL

Coding a 3D game engine with fasm is like trying to eat an elephant,
you just have to keep focused and take it one 'byte' at a time.

Last edited by bitshifter on 27 Jun 2010, 14:17; edited 1 time in total
Post 25 Jun 2010, 03:36
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nathanpc 25 Jun 2010, 09:57
The first code didn't work, but I'm trying the second one right now.
Post 25 Jun 2010, 09:57
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