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Joined: 14 Feb 2004
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maeha 02 Mar 2004, 03:18

I am planning to convert my Windows program into Linux by means of fasm.
In Windows, a character from keyboard moves into INPUT_RECORD buffer
by means of ReadConsoleInput(....).

How to implement same function in Linux by means of int 0x80 system call?

Thank you in advance.
Post 02 Mar 2004, 03:18
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scientica 02 Mar 2004, 08:11
Let's see I think these lines should do it: (I can't check right now as I'm in school)
mov eax, 3 ; __NR_read (/linux/include/asm/unistd.h)
mov ebx, 0 ; iirc handle 0 is stdin
mov ecx, sizeof_input_buffer ; how many chars to read iirc (or if it was max)
mov edx, buffer ; the address to our input buffer
int 80h    

I think bazik posted some some nice include with lot's of equates, I'll see if I can find it when I get back home.

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Post 02 Mar 2004, 08:11
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gorshing 03 Mar 2004, 03:15
format ELF executable

entry start

section readable writeable
  str1 db 'enter something: '
  str1Len = $-str1
  str2      rb      0x100

  mov eax, 4
  mov ebx, 1
  mov ecx, str1
  mov edx, str1Len
  int 0x80

  mov eax, 3
  mov ebx, 0
  mov ecx, str2
  mov edx, 0x100
  int 0x80

  mov eax, 4
  mov ebx, 1
  mov ecx, str2
  mov edx, 0x100
  int 0x80

  mov eax, 1
  xor ebx, ebx
  int 0x80    

Post 03 Mar 2004, 03:15
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maeha 04 Mar 2004, 12:09
Hello scientica, gorshing,

Thank you very much for your kind reply.
You are right!
But my explanation was not enough due to language ability.
I think that the function of ReadConsoleInput(...) in Windows is
different from "int 0x80 with mov eax,3" you shown.

Becaue, ReadConsoleInput(...) returns to the main when single key touching
and sends data into particular structure in INPUT_RECORD buffer.
The structure KEY_EVENT_RECORD contains not only AsciiChar but also
KeyCode, ScanCode, ControlKeyState, etc.
Mouse movement is also detected and its data is sent into MOUSE_EVENT_RECORD.

I think that it is possible to implement same function in Linux.
But I don't know now.

Post 04 Mar 2004, 12:09
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andyz74 15 Sep 2010, 14:13
I have also a problem with reading from keyboard.
I have written this code...

format ELF executable
entry start

segment readable writeable executable


  mov     eax,4
       mov     ebx,1
       mov     ecx,msg
     mov     edx,msg_size
        int     80h
    mov     eax,3
       mov     ebx,1
       mov     ecx,inp_buf
 mov     edx,100h
    int     80h
    mov     [inp_buf_size],ax
    mov     eax,4
       mov     ebx,1
       mov     ecx,msg2
    mov     edx,msg2_size
       int     80h
    mov     eax,4
       mov     ebx,1
       mov     ecx,inp_buf
 xor     edx,edx
     mov     edx,inp_buf_size
    int     80h

     mov     eax,4
       mov     ebx,1
       mov     ecx,crlf
    mov     edx,1
       int     80h

     mov     eax,1
       xor     ebx,ebx
     int     80h

segment readable writeable

crlf db 0ah

msg db 'Input some data: '
msg_size = $-msg

inp_buf rb 100h
inp_buf_size rw 1

msg2 db 'You entered: '
msg2_size = $-msg2


...now my keyboard input is stored to the var "input_buf", and the length of the input gets from register ax to var "inp_buf_size".

After that, I expected, I can output the text with correct length via syscall 4, but the length of my string is never correct, it is always much too long.
I hope, you understand my poor english and my problem and anybody can explain me the error.

with kindest reagrds, Andy
Post 15 Sep 2010, 14:13
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revolution 15 Sep 2010, 14:22
Are you sure that Linux expects inp_buf_size as a word sized value? Maybe you can try using a dword (inp_buf_size rd 1) and storing eax in there.

[edit] Also use mov edx,[inp_buf_size] with the square brackets.
Post 15 Sep 2010, 14:22
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andyz74 15 Sep 2010, 14:28
Tested it right now as double and with EAX...same error. Sad

/edit: The square brackets!!! Holy shit. now it works..., but why? The other lengths of the variables did work without the brackets?

btw: thanks! Smile
Post 15 Sep 2010, 14:28
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jeff 11 Dec 2010, 23:22
I'm not sure if this is a problem, but some keys create up to 7 characters when pressed. If a key is held down, it repeats and quickly fills up a buffer. Also, it was necessary for me to detect the end of each key so the next key could be decoded. For the console this logic worked OK, but when terminals were used, things got complicated. I'm still somewhat confused by all this and have started moving my programs to Xwindow keyboard handling. Hope this helps.. jeff
Post 11 Dec 2010, 23:22
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andyz74 12 Dec 2010, 07:58
A few days ago i wanted to do some inputs (maybe around 8 or 10) with


mov eax,3
mov ebx,0
mov ecx,buffer
mov edx,bufferlength
int 80h

and had also the problem, that all keys were working fine, but when you pressed "enter" for finishing the first input, than "enter" was read several times, so the next few "eax=3/int80h" were already executed and produced empty strings.

I think, one day, i will create my own "read-string-procedure",
with some construction like


repeat readkey until NOT keypressed.
add readkey_char to string
until char is "enter"

...but this is in future... Smile
Post 12 Dec 2010, 07:58
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jeff 12 Dec 2010, 18:12
Hi andyz74, I assume you know about termios setting up for raw or cooked mode of keyboard entry? Another complication is signals, but most people leave signals in the default state and will not have problems. One thing that may be useful is to look at keyecho.asm in asmtools. It echos the output of each key press to the display and is written in assembler.
Post 12 Dec 2010, 18:12
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catafest 07 Jan 2012, 12:12
jeff wrote:
Hi andyz74, I assume you know about termios setting up for raw or cooked mode of keyboard entry? Another complication is signals, but most people leave signals in the default state and will not have problems. One thing that may be useful is to look at keyecho.asm in asmtools. It echos the output of each key press to the display and is written in assembler.

keyecho.asm is not in Linux FASM ...
Also , I thinking the problem is :
mov     [inp_buf_size],ax     

and how data is stored ...
Maybe is need to use push or pop to save the data and use it.
Post 07 Jan 2012, 12:12
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Agguro 16 Feb 2012, 21:17
i want to write a program that waits until a user presses a key and then the program continues. In my code i can press a key but i must press enter to continue.
I hope i'm a bit clear with my explanation here, but it's the same as in c++ repeat unti keypressed.
I need to use the linux syscall for that (and nope it's no homework, i'm 45 and long way past college)
Post 16 Feb 2012, 21:17
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Lurker 17 Feb 2012, 02:24
0xA is '\n'
The following code should flassemble fine
format ELF executable 3 
segment readable executable 


mov eax,3 
xor ebx,ebx 
mov ecx,1 
mov edx,buffer 
int 80h 

test [buffer],0xA 
jnz etiquette 

mov eax,1
xor ebx,ebx 
int 80h 

segment writeable readable 
buffer rb 1    
Post 17 Feb 2012, 02:24
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