I have a small assembly program that was written for an example to interface fasm coff object files with c. Everything works fine until I try to align the procedure See below:
; This is example of mixing C code and assembly
format MS COFF
include '%fasminc%\win32a.inc'
public fasm_rndintq32 as 'fasm_rndintq32'
;extern "C" unsigned int fasm_rndintq32(unsigned int);
section '.text' code readable executable
;section '.data' data readable writeable
align 64
proc fasm_rndintq32 c rndidum:DWORD
mov eax, $12345678
The align gives me an error "section is not aligned enough"? I even tried align 16384, but still gives me the error. Does anyone know whats going on here?