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Index > Macroinstructions > Whats wrong with a ShowHex macro

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Joined: 18 Jul 2009
Posts: 549
edemko 15 May 2010, 22:49
Number display macros by the others i've found thus based on:

It would be cool to have a hex dumper in display window:
$xxxx'xxxx: 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,
$xxxx'xxxx: 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,

So the macro and its usage examples:
; val   = 0..2^64-1
; merge = 0<bytes<9 of value to show
; example: repeat 8
;            display 13,10
;            ShowHex $FEDCBA9876543210,%
;          end repeat
macro ShowHex val*, merge*{
  if merge > 0 & merge < 9
    local .a, .merge
    .merge = merge shl 1
    while .merge <> 0
      .a = (val) shr ((.merge - 1) * 4) and 1111b or 11'0000b
      if .a > 11'1001b
        .a = .a + 111b
      end if
      display .a
      .merge = .merge - 1
    end while
  end if

Making an expression remember operator priority:
%fasm%\fasm.pdf, pg15
Here is a small example:

Last edited by edemko on 17 May 2010, 21:33; edited 1 time in total
Post 15 May 2010, 22:49
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Joined: 18 Jul 2009
Posts: 549
edemko 17 May 2010, 12:13
solved )+
watch a post over
ps. i've visited it about 20 times and this is thanks a desire and wireless modem disconnections
solved Smile#
Post 17 May 2010, 12:13
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Joined: 18 Jul 2009
Posts: 549
edemko 30 May 2010, 12:02
ShowFloat corrected a bit.
baldr, your macro amused me esp digit scrambling.

; val   = 0..2^64-1
; merge = 0<bytes<9 of value to show
; example: repeat 8
;            display 13,10
;            ShowHex $FEDCBA9876543210,%
;          end repeat
macro ShowHex val*, merge*{
  if merge > 0 & merge < 9
    local .a, .merge
    .merge = (merge) shl 1
    while .merge <> 0
      .a = (val) shr ((.merge - 1) * 4) and 1111b or 11'0000b
      if .a > 11'1001b
        .a = .a + 111b
      end if
      display .a
      .merge = .merge - 1
    end while
  end if

;display 13,10,'dd 0.1: '
;ShowFloat dd 0.1
;display 13,10,'dq 0.1: '
;ShowFloat dq 0.1
;display 13,10,'dt 0.1: '
;ShowFloat dt 0.1
;display 13,10,'3.1416: '
;ShowFloat dt 3.14159265358979323
macro ShowFloat command*{
  local .a
  virtual at 0
    if $=4
      load .a dword from 0
      ShowHex .a,4
    else if $=8
      load .a qword from 0
      ShowHex .a,8
    else if $=10
      load .a word from 8
      ShowHex .a,2
      display "'"
      load .a qword from 0
      ShowHex .a,8
    end if
  end virtual

;display 13,10,13,10,'not colored, 4 bytes per address, no byte dump, yes ansi dump, width=1'
;dump _START,_END-_START,0,4,0,1,1
;display 13,10,13,10,'colored, 4 bytes per address, yes byte dump, no ansi dump, width=2'
;dump _START,_END-_START,1,4,1,0,2
;display 13,10,13,10,'colored, 8 bytes per address, yes byte dump, yes ansi dump, width=3'
;dump _START,_END-_START,1,8,1,1,3
;display 13,10,13,10,'not colored, 0 bytes per address, yes byte dump, no ansi dump, width=16'
;dump _START,_END-_START,0,0,1,0,16
;display 13,10,13,10,'not colored, 0 bytes per address, no byte dump, yes ansi dump, width=64'
;dump _START,_END-_START,0,0,0,1,64
;display 13,10,13,10,'not colored, 0 bytes per address, no byte dump, no ansi dump, width=0'
;dump _START,_END-_START,0,0,0,0,0
macro dump start*, count*, funky_colored?*, address*, show_dump?, show_text?*, width*{
  ;whether the weather is good ?
  if count<>0 & (address<>0 | show_dump?<>0 | show_text?<>0) & width<>0
     local .offset,.a
     .offset = 0
     ;dumper submacro
     macro dump _count\{
       if _count<>0
       ;new line
   display 13,10
     if funky_colored?<>0
    if .offset and 10000b = 0
             display "'"
          display ';'
     end if
    end if
    ShowHex start+.offset,address
  if show_dump?<>0
        display ';'
       repeat _count
         display ' '
       load .a byte from start+.offset
             .offset = .offset+1
         ShowHex .a,1
      end repeat
          times (width)*3-_count*3 display ' '
    end if
         if show_text?<>0
        display '; '
      if show_dump?<>0
        .offset = .offset-_count
          end if
      repeat _count
         load .a byte from start+.offset
             .offset = .offset+1
         if .a<32
           .a = '.'
        end if
      display .a
        end repeat
        end if
       end if
     ;whole lines
     repeat (count)/(width)
       dump width
     end repeat
     ;fractional line
     dump (count) mod (width)
     ;free macro
     purge dump
  end if


Last edited by edemko on 31 May 2010, 05:56; edited 1 time in total
Post 30 May 2010, 12:02
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Joined: 19 Mar 2008
Posts: 1651
baldr 30 May 2010, 14:32

Incomplete lines in dump can be handled inside main repeat:
db "Hello, world!", 13, 10, "I have a message for you."

macro display_digit [val] { display '0'+val+('A'-'0'-10)*(9-val) shr 63 }

repeat ($+15) and not 15
  if %-1<$; in range
    load b from %-1
    display_digit b shr 4 and 15, b and 15
  else; out of range
    display '  '
  end if
  if % and 15 = 0
    display ' |'
    line_start_offset = (%-1) and not 15
    repeat 16
      if line_start_offset+%-1<$; in range
        load b from line_start_offset+%-1
        display (b*(31-b) shr 63) or ('.'*(b-32) shr 63)
      else; out of range
        display ' '
      end if
    end repeat
    display '|', 13, 10
  else if (%-1) and 7 = 7; bells'n'whistles
    display '|'
  else if (%-1) and 3 = 3
    display "'"
    display ' '
  end if
end repeat    
This way you can eliminate duplicating and submacro.
Post 30 May 2010, 14:32
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