flat assembler
Message board for the users of flat assembler.
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Cas 02 Mar 2004, 05:02
I have to tell you that QuickBasic 4.5 is my native programming language
![]() I even programmed a couple of games in QuickBASIC and lastly I've used routines in assembly in them. Before I met Flat Assembler, I had to do everything with the MSDOS Debug, you know it? And it was a pain... besides, it does not support more than the 8086's instructions. But believe me FASM is HEAVEN for this. The way I do it now is this: FIRST - I create an ASM file which begins like this db "Texto" ; This can be any five-char string, say a header dw total_length ; This will be a word that QB will need org 000h ; This makes the start of the code at offset zero SECOND - I write the routine and end it with total_length label xor ax,ax ; For example, this routine shows the mouse cursor inc ax int 33h iret ; IRET is needed, for this is an interrupt routine total_length: ; This label is for FASM to calculate the length and put it in ; the header THIRD - I save the file and compile it with FASM cwsdpmi.com fasm routine.asm routine.bin FOURTH - I go to QuickBasic and use BLOAD to load the file This can be done in many ways. What I recommend is this: get the length of the file with LOF and store it in a variable, say filelength&, then release some memory (QB takes up all memory when it runs) like this: filelength& = filelength& + 4096 'Exagerate, just in case a% = SETMEM(-filelength&) 'Release the memory Now use the DOS interrupt to allocate memory. (You will have to run QB with the /L parameter in order to be able to use the CALL INTERRUPT statement) DIM reg as RegTypeX reg.ax = &H4900 reg.bx = filelength&/16 call interruptx(&H21, reg, reg) segment% = reg.ax a% = SETMEM(655360) 'Recover as much memory as possible for QB Now you have a memory block for your own, no longer QuickBasic's. You can use BLOAD to load the routine there. DEF SEG = segment% BLOAD "routine.BIN", 0 DEF SEG If you don't like using the interrupts, you can load this into a text variable or an array, but you must check that it starts at offset zero. FIFTH - Enable an interrupt for your routine This is done by choosing a free interrupt (80h, for example) and calling interrupt 21h (DOS) to point it to your routine. Check first that the interrupt is free!!!! I won't do that here. reg.ax = &H2580 'Set Interrupt Vector 80h reg.ds = segment% reg.dx = 0 call interruptx(&H21, reg, reg) SIXTH - Ready! You can call your routine like this call interruptx(&h80, reg, reg) -- -------------------------------------------------------- Note that if you make your program EXE, it will deallocate the memory automatically, but if you're running it inside QuickBasic, you will also need to deallocate the memory block with function 49h. I recommend you to do it always, just in case. If you don't have QB, but only QBASIC, you won't be able to use CALL INTERRUPT, so you will have to do this with CALL ABSOLUTE. I recommend you to get QuickBasic 4.5, if that is the case, but if you can't, contact me and I will explain you how to do this with CALL ABSOLUTE. If this sounds too complex for you, it's just me... I'm complex, but believe me this is simple. My e-mail is: pedrosa_lucas@yahoo.com.ar Cas _________________ «Earth is my country; science is my religion» - Christian Huygens |
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Oz 02 Mar 2004, 14:45
I already have a quicker mouse routien than that:
Code: DEFINT A-Z Declare sub MouseDriver(ax,bx,cx,dx) DO MouseDriver 3, MouseButton, MouseX, MouseY MouseDriver 2,0,0,0 '..Drawing MouseDriver 1,0,0,0 loop until len(Inkey$) end SUB MOUSEDRIVER (ax,bx,cx,dx) dim RegData(1 to 2) as RegTypeX RegData(1).AX=ax RegData(1).BX=bx RegData(1).CX=cx RegData(1).DX=dx Call InterruptX (51, RegData(1), RegData(2)) '51 = &HC i belive... ax = RegDat(2).AX bx = RegDat(2).BX cx = RegDat(2).CX dx = RegDat(2).DX END SUB Ta-Da.....Mouse Support That is all Oz~ _________________ Oz-"Call Me A Bible Thumper, And I'll give you" Guy-"Give Me What?" Oz-"The Meanest Look" |
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Cas 06 Mar 2004, 05:47
![]() Cas ![]() _________________ «Earth is my country; science is my religion» - Christian Huygens |
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