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Joined: 18 Jul 2009
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edemko 16 Feb 2010, 11:29
;1 generation
pxor    mm0,mm0 ;8x(00000000b)
pcmpeqd mm1,mm1 ;8x(11111111b)
psubb   mm0,mm1 ;8x(00000001b)

;2^n generation
pxor    mm0,mm0 ;8x(00000000b)
pcmpeqd mm1,mm1 ;8x(11111111b)
psubb   mm0,mm1 ;8x(00000001b)
psllq   mm0,1   ;8x(00000010b) etc.


They are a lot...
Rolling Eyes
Post 16 Feb 2010, 11:29
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revolution 16 Feb 2010, 13:56
IIRC the AMD manuals explain how to generate various constants. Or maybe it is the Intel manuals? Or maybe both? Anyhow, there are some tricks around that help with the tricky business of constant generation in MMX.
Post 16 Feb 2010, 13:56
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bitRAKE 16 Feb 2010, 16:16
mov eax,$AABBCCDD
movd mm0,eax
punpcklbw mm0,mm0 ; AA|AA|BB|BB|CC|CC|DD|DD
punpcklbw mm0,mm0 ; CC|CC|CC|CC|DD|DD|DD|DD
punpcklbw mm0,mm0 ; DD|DD|DD|DD|DD|DD|DD|DD    
...four combinations of low/high unpck can be used to distribute bytes; or shuffle instructions in newer processors. Faster than a cache miss - really two cache misses: one for loading constant data, and second for having to reload the data that was already in the cache.
pcmpeqb mm0,mm0 ;8x(11111111b)
pabsb   mm0,mm0 ;8x(00000001b) # SSSE3 #    
Hm...I thought there was a two instruction method to generate the high bit, but can't recall it atm. PCMPEQ/PSLL works for all - except byte size. For bytes, the three instruction method PCMPEQ/PSLLW [7-15]/PACKSSWB works to set high bit.
Post 16 Feb 2010, 16:16
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hopcode 17 Feb 2010, 03:29
bitRAKE wrote:
Hm...I thought there was a two instruction method to generate the high bit...

Yes, but 1 more register too
pcmpeqb mm0,mm0   ;FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF
pavgb mm1,mm0       ;8080 8080 8080 8080  ;<--- average on packbytes
;pavgw mm1,mm0      ;8000 8000 8000 8000 

my alternative way, using 1 register
pcmpeqb mm0,mm0        
paddsb mm0,mm0     ;FEFE FEFE FEFE FEFE
packsswb mm0,mm0  ;8080 8080 8080 8080

bitRAKE wrote:
...really two cache misses...

Among what instructions precisely ? Is there a general rule (in few words) to avoid cache "miss".


EDIT: OK. Very Happy 100% confirmed for sure. SIMD create dependencies Very Happy
Post 17 Feb 2010, 03:29
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hopcode 20 Feb 2010, 07:33
hopcode wrote:
Is there a general rule (in few words) to avoid cache "miss".

Yes, A. Fog Chapter 11.1 Optimizing
Then considering

    - Number of proess/thread/processors/cores accessing L1/L2 cache
    - General data alignment

bitRAKE wrote:
...really two cache misses: one for loading constant data, and second for having to reload the data that was already in the cache.

Why ? Cosidering the following
pcmpeqb mm0,mm0  
paddsb mm0,mm0     ;FEFE FEFE FEFE FEFE
packsswb mm0,mm0  ;8080 8080 8080 8080

I am not 100% sure but

    1) MMX registers are renameable
    2) As they alias FPU registers ,execution wil be pipelined

Or Question

Post 20 Feb 2010, 07:33
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Madis731 20 Feb 2010, 15:36
After pcmpeqb xmm,xmm you could use shifting (left or right) to achieve the higest or lowest bits, even any of the 2^n-1.
I'm not sure if there are shifts for all data widths (B, W, D, Q, O), but with some tricks its playable.
Post 20 Feb 2010, 15:36
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edemko 14 Mar 2010, 05:47
shuffle instructions in newer processors
        mov     eax,'spam'
        movd    xmm0,eax
        shufps  xmm0,xmm0,0  ; 8x('spam')

I've understood it only now(after some wasm.ru boarding), thank you man :)
Post 14 Mar 2010, 05:47
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revolution 14 Mar 2010, 05:50
serfasm wrote:
        mov     eax,'spam'
        movd    xmm0,eax
        shufps  xmm0,xmm0,0  ; 8x('spam')
I think you mean 4x('spam').
Post 14 Mar 2010, 05:50
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edemko 14 Mar 2010, 06:10
+1, thanx and pardon for those before
Post 14 Mar 2010, 06:10
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edemko 23 Mar 2010, 11:31

format pe gui 4.0
include 'win32ax.inc'

section '' code import readable writable executable
library kernel32, 'kernel32.dll'
include 'api\kernel32.inc'

szBuf    = 456976*5
buf      rb szBuf
fnm      db 'keygen_aaaa..zzzz.txt',0
ioResult dd ?

entry $
        mov     edi,buf
        stdcall keygen_aaaa..zzzz,feedback

        invoke  CreateFileA,fnm,GENERIC_WRITE,0,0,CREATE_ALWAYS,0,0
        mov     edi,eax
        invoke  SetFilePointer,edi,0,0,FILE_BEGIN
        invoke  WriteFile,edi,buf,szBuf,ioResult,0
        invoke  CloseHandle,edi

  exit: invoke  ExitProcess,0
  fail: hlt

proc feedback
        bswap   eax
        bswap   eax
        mov     byte[edi],13
        inc     edi

; Funny keygen made for a scientific research.
; There will be a 'aaaa'..'zzzz' range generation cycle
; thus we'll have ('z'-'a'+1)^4 variant, which having
; been generated, showed you through a "feedback" proc,
; leaving which, restore eax,ebx,ecx ever changed; unin-
; tendively eax brings bswap'ed values!
proc keygen_aaaa..zzzz; feedback:dword
        xchg    ebx,[esp+4]
        push    eax ecx

        mov     eax,'aaaa'  ; like 0000 in decimal
  .0:   mov     ecx,'z'-'a' ; like 9-0 in decimal
        call    ebx
  .1:   inc     eax         ; like 0000+1 in decimal
        call    ebx         ; inform new value
        loop    .1          ; tick-tock
        mov     ecx,'zzzz'  ; like 9999 in decimal
        sub     ecx,eax     ; ... -0009 in decimal
        jz      .4          ; ... =9990 in decimal
        dec     ecx         ; ... =9989 in decimal
        mov     eax,10000000b shl 8 or ('z'-'a')
  .2:   test    cl,ah       ; borrow?
        jz      .3
        mov     cl,al       ; like 9 in decimal
  .3:   ror     ecx,8       ; like 9989 -> 9998 in decimal
        add     eax,01000000'00000000'00000000'00000000b
        jnc     .2          ; 00b will give carry at step 4
        mov     eax,'zzzz'  ; like 9999 in decimal
        sub     eax,ecx     ; ... -9989 in decimal
        jmp     .0          ; ... =0010 in decimal
        pop     ecx eax
        mov     ebx,[esp+4]
        ret     4

Post 23 Mar 2010, 11:31
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