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Index > Main > FPU Conditional Testing; What's wrong with this code?

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Joined: 26 Jan 2010
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fasmnub 18 Feb 2010, 08:05
..apart from it being very unoptimized (it's clunky so I can understand what's happening).

This is a series of If float_variable=<>??? ... Endif type statements I wrote to help me learn this stuff, but it doesn't behave as expected. Can anyone spot what's going wrong? I commented it so you can tell what I'm trying to do here..

;--------------------------------------------If x#=1.0
mov  eax, dword [v_x]
push eax
mov  dword eax, 1.0f
pop  ebp
MOV  dword [FPV], ebp
MOV  dword [FPVn], eax
FLD    dword [FPV]
FCOMP  dword [FPVn]
mov eax,0
TEST   ah,40h
JE   cl_2
cmp  eax, 0
jz   cl_1
;--------------------------------------------Condition is true; y#=0
mov  dword eax, 0f
mov  [v_y], eax
;--------------------------------------------If x#>1.0
mov  eax, dword [v_x]
push eax
mov  dword eax, 1.0f
pop  ebp
MOV  dword [FPV], ebp
MOV  dword [FPVn], eax
FLD    dword [FPV]
FCOMP  dword [FPVn]
mov eax,0
TEST   ah,41h
JNE   cl_4
cmp  eax, 0
jz   cl_3
;--------------------------------------------Condition is true; x#=1.0
mov  dword eax, 1.0f
mov  [v_x], eax
;--------------------------------------------If x#>=1.0
mov  eax, dword [v_x]
push eax
mov  dword eax, 1.0f
pop  ebp
MOV  dword [FPV], ebp
MOV  dword [FPVn], eax
FLD    dword [FPV]
FCOMP  dword [FPVn]
mov eax,0
TEST   ah,1h
JNE   cl_6
cmp  eax, 0
jz   cl_5
;--------------------------------------------Condition is true; y#=0
mov  dword eax, 0f
mov  [v_y], eax
;--------------------------------------------If x#<0
mov  eax, dword [v_x]
push eax
mov  dword eax, 0f
pop  ebp
MOV  dword [FPV], ebp
MOV  dword [FPVn], eax
FLD    dword [FPV]
FCOMP  dword [FPVn]
mov eax,0
TEST   ah,1h
JE   cl_8
cmp  eax, 0
jz   cl_7
;--------------------------------------------Condition is true; x#=0
mov  dword eax, 0f
mov  [v_x], eax
;--------------------------------------------If x#<=0
mov  eax, dword [v_x]
push eax
mov  dword eax, 0f
pop  ebp
MOV  dword [FPV], ebp
MOV  dword [FPVn], eax
FLD    dword [FPV]
FCOMP  dword [FPVn]
mov eax,0
TEST   ah,41h
JE   cl_10
cmp  eax, 0
jz   cl_9
;--------------------------------------------Condition is true; y#=0
mov  dword eax, 0f
mov  [v_y], eax
;--------------------------------------------If x#=0.5
mov  eax, dword [v_x]
push eax
mov  dword eax, 0.5f
pop  ebp
MOV  dword [FPV], ebp
MOV  dword [FPVn], eax
FLD    dword [FPV]
FCOMP  dword [FPVn]
mov eax,0
TEST   ah,40h
JE   cl_12
cmp  eax, 0
jz   cl_11
;--------------------------------------------Condition is true; y#=0.5
mov  dword eax, 0.5f
mov  [v_y], eax
;--------------------------------------------If x#<>0
mov  eax, dword [v_x]
push eax
mov  dword eax, 0f
pop  ebp
MOV  dword [FPV], ebp
MOV  dword [FPVn], eax
FLD    dword [FPV]
FCOMP  dword [FPVn]
mov eax,0
TEST   ah,40h
JNE   cl_14
cmp  eax, 0
jz   cl_13
;--------------------------------------------Condition is true; y#=1
mov  dword eax, 1f
mov  [v_y], eax

I'm mainly concerned about the FCOMP, FNSTSW, TEST, JE stuff.. any help, code samples or related links would be hugely appreciated.


Edit to add: This isn't the whole code, just the bit that's not working, FPV and FPVn are declared elsewhere and used for conditional testing. The specific problem is that the condition tested is either always true, or never true.. so I've misunderstood something fundamental about FPU stuff. :(
Post 18 Feb 2010, 08:05
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revolution 18 Feb 2010, 09:05
Hint: Look at the sahf opcode. It probably does everything you want without needing all those complicated 'test' instructions.
Post 18 Feb 2010, 09:05
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LocoDelAssembly 18 Feb 2010, 16:55
Or he could just take a look to FCOMI/FCOMIP, I think that very few still-working old computers won't work with it.
Post 18 Feb 2010, 16:55
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revolution 18 Feb 2010, 17:00
BTW: Why do you have the 'mov eax,0' after every fnstsw?
mov eax,0  ;<---- What is this for?    
Post 18 Feb 2010, 17:00
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bitshifter 18 Feb 2010, 21:15
Here a snippet...
        fld     [value]
        fld     [max] ; 60.0 for example (>0)
        fnstsw  ax
        jc      .clamp
        fstp    st0
        fld     [min] ; -60.0 for example (<0)
        fnstsw  ax
        jc      .noclamp
        fstp    st0
        fstp    [value]

Also you can gain speed in some cases by just checking sign bit...
Post 18 Feb 2010, 21:15
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fasmnub 18 Feb 2010, 21:55
@bitshifter, @revolution

perfect! just what i needed, thanks both!
Post 18 Feb 2010, 21:55
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LocoDelAssembly 18 Feb 2010, 22:27
Sorry to insist but is really so problematic FCOMI?

        fld     [value]
        fld     [max] ; 60.0 for example (>0)
        jc      .clamp

        fstp    st0
        fld     [min] ; -60.0 for example (<0)
        jc      .noclamp


        fstp    st0
        fstp    [value]    
Post 18 Feb 2010, 22:27
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bitshifter 19 Feb 2010, 02:28
Thanks Loco!
No need to apologize when posting nicer code.
I wish you would insist a little more often Smile

Also, if you have SSE2 and can find some way to have
the need to min/max 4 floats at the same time (even in less clocks)
; data is assumed to be aligned on 16 byte boundary!
movaps xmm0,[_4values]
maxps  xmm0,[_4mins]
minps  xmm0,[_4maxes]
movaps [_4results],xmm0

So to make it work, the data need to be like this...
align 16
_4values  dd 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
_4mins    dd 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
_4maxes   dd 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
_4results dd 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
; TODO: Give values something valid...    

Have fun Smile
Post 19 Feb 2010, 02:28
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bitshifter 19 Feb 2010, 14:44
Ooh, i just cant stop playing with this...
So now we use a conditional move (no jumping)
      fld     [value] 
    fld     [max]
        fcomi   st0,st1
        fcmovnb st0,st1
        fstp    st0
        fld     [min]
        fcomi   st0,st1
        fcmovb  st0,st1
        fstp    [result]
        fstp    st0

Just for fun Smile
Post 19 Feb 2010, 14:44
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LocoDelAssembly 19 Feb 2010, 15:27
And seems that fcmov was introduced in PPro too so you are not adding extra hardware requirements Very Happy
Post 19 Feb 2010, 15:27
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