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Index > Macroinstructions > Search for string, instructions, etc

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Joined: 27 Aug 2009
Posts: 27
score_under 19 Jan 2010, 19:18
Is it possible to search (i.e. using "repeat") for a byte, string, or set of instructions?

I tried something similar to this:
repeat $-$$
  load a byte from $$+%-1
  load b byte from $$+%
  if a eq 'H' & b eq 'i'
    loc equ $$+%-1
  end if
end repeat    

But it didn't work.

Is there any faster way then "load [x] byte from [y]" for strings, too?
Post 19 Jan 2010, 19:18
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Joined: 29 Dec 2005
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Borsuc 19 Jan 2010, 19:59
loc = $$+%-1    
'equ' is for preprocessor, and is a stage BEFORE the assembly stage. macro, match, rept, irp, irps and such are preprocessor directives.

The best way to understand this is that the preprocessor deals with symbolic, or "text" constants... and the assembly stage (i.e the '=') deals with NUMERIC constants (numbers).

and 'repeat' is assembly stage, so you have to use '='

also there is a faster way, if you load a 'word' instead of 'byte' (i.e 2 bytes), but for arbitrary strings it's gonna be pretty slow if you make it work for ANY string.

Here's one way to do it for any string (using a macro) that returns the string position into 'StringPos' assembly-time variable:

macro GetStringPos [String]
  local s, p, n, a, b
  virtual at 0
    db String
    s = $                       ; gets the length of the string into 's'
  end virtual

  p = $$
  n = 1
  while $-p >= s & n=1
    n = 0
    repeat s
      load a byte from p+%-1
      virtual at p
        db String
        load b byte from p+%-1
      end virtual
      if a <> b
        if % > 1
          p = p-1
        end if
        p = p+%
        n = 1
      end if
    end repeat
  end while
  if n = 0
    StringPos = p
    err 'String was not found'
  end if

db '1234Som__SomeString_test'

GetStringPos 'Some'
db StringPos    
then look at the output and see the last byte, it should be 0x09 (the string's offset)

Previously known as The_Grey_Beast
Post 19 Jan 2010, 19:59
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revolution 20 Jan 2010, 02:12
score_under wrote:

repeat $-$$
  load b byte from $$+%    
That will also fail. The last byte is beyond the end of the buffer will will cause an error. You need this:
repeat $-$$-1
  load b byte from $$+%    
Post 20 Jan 2010, 02:12
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