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Index > Windows > Why Is not a valid win32 application

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Joined: 07 Jan 2010
Posts: 7
yinke 10 Jan 2010, 04:20
Section has been added successfully, but why this happens
format pe gui
include 'win32ax.inc'
entry start

section '.data' data readable writeable
fileName db 'E:\test.exe',0
hFile dd ?
fileSize dd ?
hMap dd ?
ImageBase dd ?
pNt  dd ?
newSection dd ?
oldSection dd ?
section '.code' code readable executable

invoke CreateFileA,fileName,GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE ,\
mov [hFile],eax
invoke GetFileSize,[hFile],NULL
mov [fileSize],eax
invoke CreateFileMappingA,[hFile],NULL,PAGE_READWRITE,0,0,NULL
mov [hMap],eax
invoke MapViewOfFile,[hMap],FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS,0,0,0
mov [ImageBase],eax
mov esi,[eax+3ch]
add esi,[ImageBase]
mov [pNt],esi
mov cx,word [esi+6h]
movzx ecx,cx
inc word [esi+6h]
mov esi,[pNt]
add esi,0f8h
mov eax,28h
mov ebx,ecx
imul ebx
add esi,eax
mov [newSection],esi
sub esi,28h
mov [oldSection],esi
mov esi,[newSection]
push 0E00000E0h
pop dword [esi+24h]
push 65ah
pop dword [esi+8h]
mov esi,[oldSection]
 mov ebx,dword [esi+0ch] 
     mov ecx,dword [esi+10h] 
   add ecx,dword [esi+14h]
mov esi,[newSection]
mov dword [esi],'.xy'
push 27000h
pop dword [esi+0ch]

mov dword [esi+14h],ecx
 push 65ah
    pop dword [esi+08h]
push 1000h
    pop dword [esi+10h]

 mov eax,[newSection]
    mov esi,dword [eax+08h]    
   add esi,dword [eax+0ch]
           mov ebx,[pNt]
        mov dword [ebx+50h] ,esi

section '.import' import data readable writeable
library kernel32,'kernel32.dll'
include 'api\kernel32.inc'    
Post 10 Jan 2010, 04:20
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Location: Massachusetts, USA
bitshifter 10 Jan 2010, 04:28
You really want to do this?
mov esi,[eax+3ch]
add esi,[ImageBase]
mov [pNt],esi    

pNT = (ImageBase + 3ch) * 2

Just a guess...
Post 10 Jan 2010, 04:28
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Joined: 19 Mar 2008
Posts: 1651
baldr 12 Jan 2010, 16:38

You've hardcoded new section's VirtualAddress as 27000h, probably that address is already occupied.

Windows performs several sanity checks when loading image, probably new section's PointerToRawData is invalid (after EOF).


That's OK: he adds e_lfanew from MZ header to image's mapped view address to get pointer to PE signature/headers (check your pseudocode Wink).
Post 12 Jan 2010, 16:38
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