flat assembler
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> DOS > Please recommend me a DOS-based disassembler! |
Author |
windwakr 27 Nov 2009, 03:27
I use Borg disassembler for DOS stuff. There's probably something better, but that's what I use.
Also, I don't think there is any disassembler that produces a FASM compatible file. EDIT: Oh wait, "DOS based" as in runs in DOS? Oops, ignore my post. Last edited by windwakr on 27 Nov 2009, 05:17; edited 1 time in total |
27 Nov 2009, 03:27 |
DOS386 27 Nov 2009, 05:01
Cas wrote: Can you guys recommend me a DOS-based disassembler? 1. There is a sticky FAQ: http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=9473 2. http://www.unet.univie.ac.at/~a0503736/php/drdoswiki/index.php?n=Main.Development#toc11 (slightly outdated) 3. OBJCONV: http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=10291 (very smart) |
27 Nov 2009, 05:01 |
vid 27 Nov 2009, 13:06
AFAIK IDA still runs under DOS, doesn't it? But of course it isn't free...
27 Nov 2009, 13:06 |
DOS386 28 Nov 2009, 08:13
vid wrote: AFAIK url=hex-rays.com/idapro/ IDA still runs under DOS, doesn't it? But of course it isn't free... The version you linked propbably doesn't (sorry, I'm too lazy to test ). IIRC I ran some old version long ago and it sucked in multiple areas. But considering there are several good and free disassemblers around, why bother with IDA ??? |
28 Nov 2009, 08:13 |
vid 28 Nov 2009, 08:51
I remember using IDA in DOS without any trouble, but that was long time ago. Which free disassembler do you think matches IDA?
28 Nov 2009, 08:51 |
DOS386 28 Nov 2009, 09:52
vid wrote: IDA in DOS without any trouble, but that was long time ago. Which free disassembler do you think matches IDA? I don't know what "exclusive" features you mean, but see above, OBJconv. |
28 Nov 2009, 09:52 |
vid 28 Nov 2009, 11:07
I meant mostly interactive disassembling
28 Nov 2009, 11:07 |
Cas 29 Nov 2009, 06:43
Thanks. I'll check that! I actually don't need much. It's a couple of 16bit DOS EXE files I have to decompile, but then I'd need to translate the result to Flat Assembler, so that I can rebuild it with it. I'm sure the code will work even on a 286, so I don't even need the decompiler to support 32bit instructions at all
29 Nov 2009, 06:43 |
LocoDelAssembly 29 Nov 2009, 07:11
If you only need to disassemble a file then IDApro Freeware version will probably work good for you.
Example: Code: seg000:0000 ; seg000:0000 ; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ seg000:0000 ; ¦ This file is generated by The Interactive Disassembler (IDA) ¦ seg000:0000 ; ¦ Copyright (c) 2006 by DataRescue sa/nv, <ida@datarescue.com> ¦ seg000:0000 ; ¦ Licensed to: Freeware version ¦ seg000:0000 ; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ seg000:0000 ; seg000:0000 ; File Name : C:\Documents and Settings\Hernan\Escritorio\MULTISEG.EXE seg000:0000 ; Format : MS-DOS executable (EXE) seg000:0000 ; Base Address: 1000h Range: 10000h-10140h Loaded length: 35h seg000:0000 ; Entry Point : 1000:0 seg000:0000 seg000:0000 Ideal seg000:0000 p686 seg000:0000 pmmx seg000:0000 model large seg000:0000 seg000:0000 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- seg000:0000 seg000:0000 ; Segment type: Pure code seg000:0000 segment seg000 byte public 'CODE' use16 seg000:0000 assume cs:seg000 seg000:0000 assume es:nothing, ss:seg003, ds:nothing, fs:nothing, gs:nothing seg000:0000 seg000:0000 ; ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ S U B R O U T I N E ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ seg000:0000 seg000:0000 seg000:0000 public start seg000:0000 proc start near seg000:0000 mov ax, seg dseg seg000:0003 mov ds, ax seg000:0005 assume ds:dseg seg000:0005 mov dx, 0 seg000:0008 call sub_10030 seg000:000D mov ax, 4C00h seg000:0010 int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - QUIT WITH EXIT CODE (EXIT) seg000:0010 endp start ; AL = exit code seg000:0010 seg000:0010 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- seg000:0012 align 10h seg000:0012 ends seg000 seg000:0012 dseg:0000 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- dseg:0000 dseg:0000 ; Segment type: Pure data dseg:0000 segment dseg para public 'DATA' use16 dseg:0000 assume cs:dseg dseg:0000 aHelloWorld db 'Hello world!$',0 dseg:000E align 4 dseg:000E ends dseg dseg:000E seg002:0000 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- seg002:0000 seg002:0000 ; Segment type: Pure code seg002:0000 segment seg002 byte public 'CODE' use16 seg002:0000 assume cs:seg002 seg002:0000 assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:dseg, fs:nothing, gs:nothing seg002:0000 seg002:0000 ; ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ S U B R O U T I N E ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ seg002:0000 seg002:0000 seg002:0000 proc sub_10030 far ; CODE XREF: start+8P seg002:0000 mov ah, 9 seg002:0002 int 21h ; DOS - PRINT STRING seg002:0002 ; DS:DX -> string terminated by "$" seg002:0004 retf seg002:0004 endp sub_10030 seg002:0004 seg002:0004 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- seg002:0005 db 0Bh dup(?) seg002:0005 ends seg002 seg002:0005 seg003:0000 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- seg003:0000 seg003:0000 ; Segment type: Uninitialized seg003:0000 segment seg003 byte stack 'STACK' use16 seg003:0000 assume cs:seg003 seg003:0000 assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:dseg, fs:nothing, gs:nothing seg003:0000 db 100h dup(?) seg003:0000 ends seg003 seg003:0000 seg003:0000 seg003:0000 end start Original: Code: ; fasm example of writing multi-segment EXE program format MZ entry main:start ; program entry point stack 100h ; stack size segment main ; main program segment start: mov ax,text mov ds,ax mov dx,hello call extra:write_text mov ax,4C00h int 21h segment text hello db 'Hello world!',24h segment extra write_text: mov ah,9 int 21h rett |
29 Nov 2009, 07:11 |
DOS386 30 Nov 2009, 06:15
> only need to disassemble a file then IDApro Freeware version
Bloat = 15 MiB DOS_Support = False > will probably work good for you. The example output indeed is a good reason why NOT to use IDA |
30 Nov 2009, 06:15 |
LocoDelAssembly 30 Nov 2009, 13:13
Yes, but from the post just above mine I deduced it wasn't the real requirement but disassembly of DOS executable. Quote:
Why? |
30 Nov 2009, 13:13 |
DOS386 01 Dec 2009, 14:11
Quote: I meant mostly interactive disassembling AFAIK none is. At least, OBJconv is smart. Quote: couple of 16bit DOS EXE files I have to decompile, but then I'd need to translate the result to Flat Assembler, so that I can rebuild it with it. LocoDelAssembly wrote:
If not obvious ... Quote:
Because in the very same post Cas asked for FASM output. |
01 Dec 2009, 14:11 |
LocoDelAssembly 01 Dec 2009, 16:29
Ahp, didn't know OBJconv supported -fasm, sorry.
PS: For the casual reader, there is no sarcasm above, OBJconv really supports fasm output or at least the manual claims to have it. |
01 Dec 2009, 16:29 |
Japheth 01 Dec 2009, 18:00
LocoDelAssembly wrote: Ahp, didn't know OBJconv supported -fasm, sorry. objconv's -fasm option doesn't create FASM style source, it's just good old Masm style instead. |
01 Dec 2009, 18:00 |
revolution 12 Dec 2009, 11:01
Japheth wrote: objconv's -fasm option doesn't create FASM style source, it's just good old Masm style instead. |
12 Dec 2009, 11:01 |
Alphonso 12 Dec 2009, 12:05
I've use objconv -fnasm 64bit.exe to produce 64-bit nasm type files, not too much different from fasm. Didn't think it worked with 16-bit though.
I don't know of anything specific for fasm but the dos debugger GRDB will let you un-assemble to a file using the log to file function. http://ladsoft.tripod.com/grdb.htm |
12 Dec 2009, 12:05 |
rCX 12 Dec 2009, 15:07
Cas wrote: Can you guys recommend me a DOS-based disassembler? I am not experienced using any, since so far I have only disassembled short code and I've done it manually.... usually by just copying what I read with DOS DEBUG. Hey Cas, you can save dissasemblies from debug to a file. First you have to create a debug script and save it as "script.txt". Make sure you enter an extra blank line after the "q" Code: u 100:200 q Then all you have to do is... Code: debug hello.com < script.txt >> out.txt Your disassembly will be saved in "out.txt" |
12 Dec 2009, 15:07 |
Japheth 12 Dec 2009, 19:30
revolution wrote:
No, not really. But I thought that I have to be polite and hence chose an attribute which won't offend anybody. |
12 Dec 2009, 19:30 |
rugxulo 28 Mar 2010, 18:51
28 Mar 2010, 18:51 |
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