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pal 08 Oct 2009, 16:30
I am trying to create a PE executable using ASM (no proper macros).

At first I am putting in all of the headers, then I will remove them and try to get it to be a small size. So far I have:

IMAGE_BASE   equ     0x00400000

 .e_magic                dw      'MZ'
      .e_cblp                 dw      0
   .e_cp                   dw      0
   .e_crlc                 dw      0
   .e_cparhdr              dw      0
   .e_minalloc             dw      0
   .e_maxalloc             dw      0
   .e_ss                   dw      0
   .e_sp                   dw      0
   .e_csum                 dw      0
   .e_ip                   dw      0
   .e_cs                   dw      0
   .e_lfarlc               dw      0
   .e_ovno                 dw      0
   .e_res                  dw      0,0,0,0
     .e_oemid                dw      0
   .e_oeminfo              dw      0
   .e_res2                 dw      0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
 .e_lfanew               dw      ntHeader

     .signature      dd      'PE'

   .Machine                                dw      0x014C
      .NumberOfSections               dw      1
   .TimeDateStamp                  dd      0
   .PointerToSymbolTable   dd      0
   .NumberOfSymbols                dd      0
   .SizeOfOptionalHeader   dw      sizeof.OptionalHeader
       .Characteristics                dw      0x0103

   .Magic                                                  dw      0x010B
      .MajorLinkerVersion                             db      0
   .MinorLinkerVersion                             db      0
   .SizeOfCode                                             dd      0
   .SizeOfInitilaisedData                  dd      0
   .SizeOfUninitialisedData                dd      0
   .AddressOfEntryPoint                    dd      codeSection
 .BaseOfCode                                             dd      0
   .BaseOfData                                             dd      0
   ; NT Additional Members
     .ImageBase                                              dd      IMAGE_BASE
  .SectionAlignment                               dd      4
   .FileAlignment                                  dd      4
   .MajorOperatingSystemVersion    dw      0
   .MinorOperatingSystemVersion    dw      0
   .MajorImageVersion                              dw      0
   .MinorImageVersion                              dw      0
   .MajorSubsystemVersion                  dw      4
   .MinorSubsystemVersion                  dw      1
   .Win32VersionValue                              dd      0
   .SizeOfImage                                    dd      sizeof.Image 
       .SizeOfHeaders                                  dd      codeSection
 .CheckSum                                               dd      0
   .Subsystem                                              dw      2
   .DllCharacteristics                             dw      0
   .SizeOfStackReserve                             dd      0x1000
      .SizeOfStackCommit                              dd      0x1000
      .SizeOfHeapReserve                              dd      0x1000
      .SizeOfHeapCommit                               dd      0x1000
      .LoaderFlags                                    dd      0
   .NumberOfRvaAndSizes                    dd      0


sizeof.OptionalHeader = $ - optionalHeader

        .PhysicalAddress                dq      0 
  .VirtualSize                    dd      sizeof.Code 
        .VirtualAddress                 dd      codeSection
 .SizeOfRawData                  dd      sizeof.Code 
        .PointerToRawData               dd      codeSection
 .PointerToRelocations   dd      0
   .PointerToLinenumbers   dd      0
   .NumberOfRelocations    dw      0
   .NumberOfLineNumbers    dw      0
   .Characteristics                dd      0 ; 0x0E0000020

     ; Display a message box
     push    0
   push    0
   push    szMessage+IMAGE_BASE
        push    0
   call    [MessageBox+IMAGE_BASE]
    szMessage:  db      'Hello',0
    sizeof.Code = $ - codeSection

     dd      0,0,0,user_name,user_table
  dd      0,0,0,0,0
    user_name       db      'USER32.DLL',0

             MessageBox      dd      _MessageBox
         dd      0
    _MessageBox             dw      0
           db      'MessageBoxA',0

sizeof.Import = $ - importSection
sizeof.Image = $

I have looked at other examples, but I cannot figure out what IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY actually does (that is the directory_entries bit). I tried putting someone elses (a few actually) parts for that into my code but it didn't work.

Any ideas what is wrong with the code?

Also, how does the $ work. I know it is like the offset from the beginning of the file (or that is what I know it as), but how exactly is this assembled? I would use OllyDbg to check the code but it will not even load the file, which makes me think I have messed the code up badly.

Cheers, pal.
Post 08 Oct 2009, 16:30
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revolution 08 Oct 2009, 16:36
This doesn't work:
        .SectionAlignment                               dd      4
        .FileAlignment                                  dd      4    
Windows will reject your PE file as invalid.

These will work better:
SectionAlignment = 0x1000
FileAlignment = 0x200
Post 08 Oct 2009, 16:36
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pal 08 Oct 2009, 17:12
I thought the whole point was that you change these so they are not aligned to their standard alignments, hence you can get a small file size?

Also I have seen other codes where these values are 1 or 4 and they work fine Confused
Post 08 Oct 2009, 17:12
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revolution 08 Oct 2009, 17:14
pal wrote:
Also I have seen other codes where these values are 1 or 4 and they work fine Confused
Not on XP/NT/2000. Maybe older versions of Windows didn't check them.
Post 08 Oct 2009, 17:14
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kohlrak 08 Oct 2009, 19:06
Some things are ignored, and some things must be done to make AVs not FP all over your programs.

Post 08 Oct 2009, 19:06
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pal 09 Oct 2009, 17:56
Yeah, cheers kohlrak, but at the minute I am trying to create it with all the fields in the headers there.

I am further into the code, and it doesn't crash now, it says it is not a valid application.

IMAGE_BASE equ     0x00400000

 .e_magic                dw      'MZ'
      .e_cblp                 dw      0
   .e_cp                   dw      0
   .e_crlc                 dw      0
   .e_cparhdr              dw      0
   .e_minalloc             dw      0
   .e_maxalloc             dw      0
   .e_ss                   dw      0
   .e_sp                   dw      0
   .e_csum                 dw      0
   .e_ip                   dw      0
   .e_cs                   dw      0
   .e_lfarlc               dw      0
   .e_ovno                 dw      0
   .e_res                  dw      4 dup 0
     .e_oemid                dw      0
   .e_oeminfo              dw      0
   .e_res2                 dw      10 dup 0
    .e_lfanew               dd      ntHeader

     .signature      dd      'PE'

   .Machine                                dw      0x014C ; Intel 386 or later
 .NumberOfSections               dw      1
   .TimeDateStamp                  dd      0
   .PointerToSymbolTable   dd      0
   .NumberOfSymbols                dd      0
   .SizeOfOptionalHeader   dw      sizeof.OptionalHeader
       .Characteristics                dw      0x0103

   .Magic                                                  dw      0x010B ; Normal executable file
     .MajorLinkerVersion                             db      0
   .MinorLinkerVersion                             db      0
   .SizeOfCode                                             dd      0
   .SizeOfInitilaisedData                  dd      0
   .SizeOfUninitialisedData                dd      0
   .AddressOfEntryPoint                    dd      codeSection
 .BaseOfCode                                             dd      0
   .BaseOfData                                             dd      0
   ; NT Additional Members
     .ImageBase                                              dd      IMAGE_BASE
  .SectionAlignment                               dd      0x1000
      .FileAlignment                                  dd      0x200
       .MajorOperatingSystemVersion    dw      0
   .MinorOperatingSystemVersion    dw      0
   .MajorImageVersion                              dw      0
   .MinorImageVersion                              dw      0
   .MajorSubsystemVersion                  dw      4
   .MinorSubsystemVersion                  dw      0
   .Win32VersionValue                              dd      0
   .SizeOfImage                                    dd      sizeof.Image 
       .SizeOfHeaders                                  dd      codeSection
 .CheckSum                                               dd      0
   .Subsystem                                              dw      2 ; IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI
     .DllCharacteristics                             dw      0
   .SizeOfStackReserve                             dd      0x1000
      .SizeOfStackCommit                              dd      0x1000
      .SizeOfHeapReserve                              dd      0x1000
      .SizeOfHeapCommit                               dd      0x1000
      .LoaderFlags                                    dd      0
   .NumberOfRvaAndSizes                    dd      0
    .VirtualAddress dd      16 dup 0
    .Size                   dd      16 dup 0

sizeof.OptionalHeader = $ - optionalHeader

        .PhysicalAddress                dq      0 ; '.text'
       .VirtualSize                    dd      sizeof.Code 
        .VirtualAddress                 dd      codeSection
 .SizeOfRawData                  dd      sizeof.Code 
        .PointerToRawData               dd      codeSection
 .PointerToRelocations   dd      0
   .PointerToLinenumbers   dd      0
   .NumberOfRelocations    dw      0
   .NumberOfLineNumbers    dw      0
   .Characteristics                dd      0 

  ; Display a message box
     push    0
   push    0
   push    szMessage+IMAGE_BASE
        push    0
   call    [MessageBox+IMAGE_BASE]
    szMessage       db      'Hello',0
    sizeof.Code = $ - codeSection

     dd      0,0,0,user_name,user_table
  dd      0,0,0,0,0
    user_name       db      'USER32.DLL',0

             MessageBox      dd      _MessageBox
         dd      0
    _MessageBox             dw      0
           db      'MessageBoxA',0

sizeof.Import = $ - importSection
sizeof.Image = $

That is my code, but I have a feeling it is to do with the IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER part (in my code sectionHeader). Do I need to fill this structure in properly? I have seen a code where it has '.text' in but I have also seen one where it has 0 in. Any ideas?
Post 09 Oct 2009, 17:56
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kohlrak 10 Oct 2009, 03:20
There was a user some time ago named Sulaiman Chang (or something like that) who did a manual PE tutorial for fasm. Something else you could do is make a PE the normal way (though, i'd recommend that, because of the FP problems of fasm, you should probably make one using visual studio or something) and use a hex editor to compare values to make sure it's all aligned right. This sort of thing helped me alot when i remade my macros for a manual ELF file. (The hex editing a gcc created elf helped me more than nocona's code believe it or not...)

Remember, when it's not working, consult something that does...
Post 10 Oct 2009, 03:20
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revolution 10 Oct 2009, 03:27
Maybe we can apply the old coders song (with a small minor word change at the end) to this situation also.

Get it working then get it small.
Post 10 Oct 2009, 03:27
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windwakr 10 Oct 2009, 03:27
kohlrak wrote:
There was a user some time ago named Sulaiman Chang (or something like that) .....


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Post 10 Oct 2009, 03:27
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revolution 10 Oct 2009, 03:29
windwakr wrote:
kohlrak wrote:
There was a user some time ago named Sulaiman Chang (or something like that) .....

No, it is vbVeryBeginner IIRC.
Post 10 Oct 2009, 03:29
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windwakr 10 Oct 2009, 03:29
But he is/was vbVeryBeginner IIRC.


sleepsleep wrote:
ops, sorry for late reply, you just got my guilty... sorry for didn't update the website or etc .... i actually wonder who links it to sraeg.net... much appreciate Smile thanks

btw, you could download the whole website here,


Actually, i'm not sure he is the right person, but is he Sulaiman Chang?

yeah, that is my fake name.... Smile

2 points for windwakr : )....maybe this makes up for my point reduction from using Python.....

ANYWAYS.....Back on topic:

Have you seen Borsucs manual PE macros?

Maybe you could learn from them.

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Post 10 Oct 2009, 03:29
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revolution 10 Oct 2009, 03:44
I used to have my RawPE.asm file here also, but it was deleted during the hacking incident some time back. I'll have to see about reposting it (if I can find the thread where it was).

windwakr: You have marginally redeemed yourself from the shame of posting HLL code to brute force 36 divisions instead of proper a maths proof. BTW: I found a better link. http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=6054
Post 10 Oct 2009, 03:44
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Japheth 10 Oct 2009, 04:18
        .LoaderFlags                                    dd      0
        .NumberOfRvaAndSizes                    dd      0
        .VirtualAddress dd      16 dup 0
        .Size                   dd      16 dup 0

I'd say that value of .NumberOfRvaAndSizes must reflect the true number of dataDirectory entries (=16). Also IMO the second entry of dataDirectories (IMPORTS) must "include" the "user32" import directory.

Recently I did something similar in Masm syntax, See http://www.japheth.de/JWasm/Win32_5.html
Post 10 Oct 2009, 04:18
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Borsuc 10 Oct 2009, 15:34
I've done one with macros, and yes, the alignment has to be 4096 minumum, and file alignment 512 bytes min.
Post 10 Oct 2009, 15:34
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pal 10 Oct 2009, 19:03
Japheth: I thought that with the NumberOfRvaAndSizes too, but I saw a code where it had 0 and it worked fine.

I would look at Borsuc's in more depth, but I don't like macros and I don't really understand them very well..

Cheers for all the help, I will keep trying :p
Post 10 Oct 2009, 19:03
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kohlrak 10 Oct 2009, 20:53
Believe me, buddy, if you don't like macros, you are in for a world of hurt with this. Macros aren't like C where the compiler adds junk. FASM always spits out what you put in, and that includes the macros. If you don't like the syntax, well, try your best to learn. Otherwise, you're going to copy and paste a lot of code for every program you make.
Post 10 Oct 2009, 20:53
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bitshifter 10 Oct 2009, 21:24
I dont think he is punishing himself like that.
Maybe he just likes to take his toys apart (like me) Smile
Post 10 Oct 2009, 21:24
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pal 11 Oct 2009, 08:40
When I say I don't like macros, I mean I try to keep using them to a minimum. I use: proc, cinvoke/ccall if I am lazy and right now that is all I can think of.

I like to know 'what is happening under the hood', i.e. how the code is assembled properly. If that makes sense? I think what bitshifter was talking about.
Post 11 Oct 2009, 08:40
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Borsuc 11 Oct 2009, 17:32
I don't use those macros myself, but I always use macros for data structures, as in this case (the PE format is a "data" structure, not "code"). It makes it much easier to alter something without screwing the offsets and having to manually recalculate them, etc.

Previously known as The_Grey_Beast
Post 11 Oct 2009, 17:32
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iic2 14 Oct 2009, 10:14
Have you check out karl and babyboy links below. There use to be a few more about manual PE in FASM. It was all about these guys and others, including vbVeryBeginner and revolution ... Most were all about being the smallest PE. vbVeryBeginner, karl and babyboy were about a full blown PE that worked for any win32 program that you would build. I saved everything this forum had about it. It was why I came to FASM in the first place, than my working HDD burn-out and something else in life came up (old lady came back home) and the fight was back ON ... hee hee . I got backup on my old 8 and 20gigs HDD in the closest. I will dig it up if you don't get the rest of what you need out of these links.


Post 14 Oct 2009, 10:14
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