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Index > Linux > Asynchronus named pipes

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Joined: 26 Jan 2006
Posts: 373
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
DustWolf 21 Jun 2009, 20:23

I am trying to make my program handle a named pipe asynchronously wile I have tested and gotten everything to work (program will respond to SIGIO properly and do a nonblocking open properly), doing "echo a > myNamedPipe" still does not trigger a SIGIO.

My kernel is 2.6.21. Will this ever work? Where is the problem?

The reason I am using named pipes and not something else is simplicity.

Here is the relevant initialization code:
; creates a FIFO (named pipe)

        mov     eax,14          ;sys_mknod
        mov     ebx,fifoFile
        mov     ecx,4096 + 777o ;S_IFIFO with a+rwx
        int     0x80

        mov     eax,48          ;sys_signal
        mov     ebx,29          ;handle IO signal
        mov     ecx,fifoRead
        int     0x80

        ;OPEN FIFO
        mov     eax,5           ;sys_open
        mov     ebx,fifoFile
        mov     ecx,00024000o   ;O_RDONLY, FASYNC and O_NONBLOCK
        int     0x80
        mov     [fifoFN],eax

        ;GET OUR PID
        mov     eax,20          ;sys_getpid
        int     0x80
        mov     [fifoPID],eax

        mov     eax,55          ;sys_fcntl
        mov     ebx,[fifoFN]
        mov     ecx,8           ;F_SETOWN
        mov     edx,[fifoPID]
        int     0x80

        mov     eax,55          ;sys_fcntl
        mov     ebx,[fifoFN]
        mov     ecx,10          ;F_SETSIG
        xor     edx,edx         ;SIGIO
        int     0x80

        mov     eax,55          ;sys_fcntl
        mov     ebx,[fifoFN]
        mov     ecx,3           ;F_GETFL
        int     0x80
        push    eax             ;save result

        mov     eax,55
        mov     ebx,[fifoFN]
        mov     ecx,4           ;F_SETFL
        pop     edx             ;restore F_GETFL result
        or      edx,00024000o   ;O_RDONLY, FASYNC and O_NONBLOCK
        int     0x80

Thanks a lot for any help in advance.
Post 21 Jun 2009, 20:23
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Joined: 29 Dec 2003
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Location: Budapest, Hungary
Endre 23 Jun 2009, 08:12
I don't see where (and how) you have installed your signal handler.

Oh sorry, I found it Sad.
Post 23 Jun 2009, 08:12
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Joined: 29 Dec 2003
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Location: Budapest, Hungary
Endre 24 Jun 2009, 17:48
Ok, I've tracked down the reason of the problem. If you open the pipe with O_ASYNC (FASYNC) flag set then you won't get SIGIO (SIGPOLL). I don't know why (kernel bug?). So you must not set this flag when opening the pipe (independently of whether you are on the read or the write end of the pipe and whether you set O_ASYNC with fcntl or not).
Post 24 Jun 2009, 17:48
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Joined: 26 Jan 2006
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Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
DustWolf 28 Jun 2009, 21:05
That fixed it, thanks. Smile

I noticed a message regarding that particular kernel bug before (apparently, it makes some kind of sense, although then all the documentation is wrong), that's why the re-emphasis code is for anyway; I just didn't know that setting FASYNC in the first place will break it too.

Thanks again.

EDIT: Yup, a bug: http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5993
Post 28 Jun 2009, 21:05
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Joined: 29 Dec 2003
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Location: Budapest, Hungary
Endre 29 Jun 2009, 09:20
I'm using gentoo kernel 2.6.29-r5. It doesn't contain any bugfix regarding this strange behavior either. At least it's good to know that you first have to clear the F_ASYNC flag and then reenable it again to have things work.
I just didn't know that setting FASYNC in the first place will break it too
I didn't know either, just played with the flags and thus it turned out to be the cause Smile .
Post 29 Jun 2009, 09:20
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