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Index > Macroinstructions > utf8.inc

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Joined: 17 Nov 2008
Posts: 21
skykrnl 03 Aug 2009, 17:30

; utf-8 -> utf-16

macro du [arg]
  local   current,char

    if ~ arg eqtype ''
                dw arg
                virtual at 0
                        db arg
                      count = $
           end virtual

             current = 0
         while current < count
                    virtual at 0
                                db arg
                              load char byte from current
                         current = current + 1
                               if      char <= 0C0h
                                     wide = char
                         else if char < 0E0h
                                      wide = char and 11111b
                                      repeat 1
                                            load char byte from current
                                         wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
                                              current = current + 1
                                       end repeat
                          else if char < 0F0h
                                      wide = char and 1111b
                                       repeat 2
                                            load char byte from current
                                         wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
                                              current = current + 1
                                       end repeat
                          else if char < 0F8h
                                      wide = char and 111b
                                        repeat 3
                                            load char byte from current
                                         wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
                                              current = current + 1
                                       end repeat
                          else if char < 0FCh
                                      wide = char and 11b
                                 repeat 4
                                            load char byte from current
                                         wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
                                              current = current + 1
                                       end repeat
                                        wide = char and 1b
                                  repeat 5
                                            load char byte from current
                                         wide = wide shl 6 + (char and 111111b)
                                              current = current + 1
                                       end repeat
                          end if
                      end virtual

                     if wide < 10000h
                         dw wide
                                dw 0D7C0h + wide shr 10, 0DC00h or (wide and 3FFh)
                  end if

          end while       ;endwhile current < count
        end if

struc du [args]
   common label . word
 du args
Post 03 Aug 2009, 17:30
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8361
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 12 Aug 2009, 11:08
Is it better than the one provided in the official package? Could you make some comment?
Post 12 Aug 2009, 11:08
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