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r22 18 Jun 2009, 18:03
I have a SERVER where testing is done.

The SERVER is an IIS / asp.net webserver.

The asp.NET code uses *** DateTime.Now ***,
because of the nature of the code the time is an important part of testing.

Here's the problem...
To test with different times you'd just reset the time on the SERVER,
BUT YOU CAN'T because resetting the time kills it's connection to the DOMAIN (which is necessary).

How do I make ONLY .NET think the time is different ?????

Can I DLL Inject the w3wp.exe and/or aspnet_wp.exe processes and detour the GetSystemTime api? Does .NET even use GetSystemTime or does it calculate the time from another api?

I've already started on ASM code to inject the DLL, which seems to work, however API hooking isn't my forte.

Any help / input / ideas would be appreciated.

include 'win32ax.inc'

section '.text' code readable executable
        cinvoke printf,<'Start',13,10,0>
        invoke  EnumProcesses,processes,4096,bRet
        mov     ebx,dword[bRet]
        shr     ebx,2
        cinvoke printf,<'Enum # %d Processes',13,10,0>,ebx
        mov     esi,processes
        lea     edi,[esi+ebx*4]
        ;;cinvoke printf,<'%d',9,0>,dword[esi]
        add     esi,4
        cmp     esi,edi
        jne     .iter
        cinvoke printf,<13,10,0>
        mov     esi,processes
        invoke  OpenProcess,PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,0,dword[esi]
        test    eax,eax
        jz      .skip
        mov     ebx,eax
        invoke  EnumProcessModules,ebx,hMod,4,bRet
        invoke  GetModuleBaseName,ebx,dword[hMod],sName,MAX_PATH
        invoke  lstrcmpi,sName,sTest1
        jz      .found
        invoke  lstrcmpi,sName,sTest2
        jz      .found
        jmp     .next
        cinvoke printf,<'NAME:',9,'%s',13,10,'PID:',9,'%d',13,10,'HANDLE:',9,'%d',13,10,0>,sName,dword[esi],ebx
        invoke  VirtualAllocEx,ebx,0,1024*1024,MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE
        test    eax,eax
        jz      .next
        mov     dword[pMem],eax
        cinvoke printf,<9,'Mem Alloc = %X',13,10,0>,dword[pMem]

        invoke  WriteProcessMemory,ebx,dword[pMem],sDLL,sDLL_size,bRet
        test    eax,eax
        jz      .fail
        cinvoke printf,<9,'Written:',9,'%d',13,10,0>,dword[bRet]
        invoke  GetModuleHandle,"kernel32.dll"
        invoke  GetProcAddress,eax,"LoadLibraryA"
        push    eax
        cinvoke printf,<9,'LoadLibraryA:',9,'%X',13,10,0>,eax
        pop     eax
        invoke  CreateRemoteThread,ebx, 0, 0,eax,dword[pMem],0,thrID
        test    eax,eax
        jz      .fail
        cinvoke printf,<9,'Thread:',9,'%d',13,10,0>,eax
        invoke  SleepEx,2000,0

        invoke  VirtualFreeEx,ebx,dword[pMem],0,MEM_RELEASE
        invoke  CloseHandle,ebx
        add     esi,4
        cmp     esi,edi
        jne     .open

        cinvoke system,"pause"
        invoke  ExitProcess,0

section '.data' data readable writeable

sDLL:           db 'c:\fasm\hook.dll',0
sDLL_size = $-sDLL
sTest1          db 'ASPNET_WP.EXE',0
sTest2          db 'W3WP.EXE',0
thrID           dd 0
pMem            dd 0
bRet            dd 0
hMod            dd 0
sName           rb MAX_PATH + 1
processes       rd 1024
                dd 0

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

        library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\

     include 'API/kernel32.inc'
     include 'API/user32.inc'
     include 'API/gdi32.inc'
     include 'API/advapi32.inc'

     import msvcrt,\
     import psapi,\

format PE GUI 4.0 DLL
entry DLLMain
include 'win32ax.inc'

section '.text' code readable executable

        mov     eax,[esp+8];;;reason
        cmp     eax,DLL_PROCESS_DETACH
        je      .detach
        cmp     eax,DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
        je      .attach
        mov     eax,TRUE
        ret     12

        jmp     .finish
        ;;;invoke  ExitProcess,0
        ;;invoke  MessageBox,0,"Hook","Success",0
        jmp     .finish

        ret     4

;;;found on fasm board
        mov     eax, [fs:30h]
        test    eax, eax
        js      .9x
        mov     eax, [eax+0ch]
        mov     eax, [eax+1ch]
        mov     eax, [eax]
        mov     eax, [eax+8]
        mov     eax, [eax+34h]
        lea     eax, [eax+7ch]
        mov     eax, [eax+3ch]
;;;found on fasm board
        push    ebp
        mov     ebp, esp
        ;ebp+0Ch        sz api
        ;ebp+08h        mod handle
        push    esi edi ebx
        mov     esi, [ebp+08h]
        cmp     word [esi], 'MZ'
        jnz     .err
        add     esi, [esi + 03ch]
        cmp     dword [esi], 'PE'
        jnz     .err
        mov     edi, [ebp+0Ch]
        mov     ecx, 200
        xor     al, al
        repnz   scasb
        mov     ecx, edi
        sub     ecx, [ebp+0Ch]
        mov     edx, [esi + 078h]
        add     edx, [ebp+08h]
        mov     ebx, [edx+20h]
        add     ebx, [ebp+08h]
        xor     eax, eax
        mov     edi, [ebx]
        add     edi, [ebp+08h]
        mov     esi, [ebp+0Ch]
        push    ecx
        repz    cmpsb
        jz      .l2
        pop     ecx
        add     ebx, 4
        inc     eax
        cmp     eax, [edx+18h]
        jz      .l3
        jmp     .l1
        add     esp, 4
        cmp     eax, [edx+18h]
        je      .err
        mov     esi, [edx+24h]
        add     esi, [ebp+08h]
        push    edx
        mov     ebx, 2
        xor     edx, edx
        mul     ebx
        pop     edx
        add     eax, esi
        xor     ecx, ecx
        mov     word cx, [eax]
        mov     edi, [edx+1Ch]
        xor     edx, edx
        mov     ebx, 4
        mov     eax, ecx
        mul     ebx
        add     eax, [ebp+08h]
        add     eax, edi
        mov     eax, [eax]
        add     eax, [ebp+08h]
        jmp     .ret
        xor     eax, eax
        pop     ebx edi esi
        retn    2*04h

section '.data' data readable writeable

hMod    dd 0

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

        library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\

     include 'API/kernel32.inc'
     include 'API/user32.inc'
     include 'API/gdi32.inc'
     include 'API/advapi32.inc'

section '.edata' export data readable

  export 'HOOK.DLL',\

section '.reloc' fixups data discardable
Post 18 Jun 2009, 18:03
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LocoDelAssembly 18 Jun 2009, 19:46
r22, if you already managed to get the DLL work into the foreign process then I suggest you NOT try to lookup GetSystemTime/whatever, just import it and let Windows fill the import table with the precious address for you.
Post 18 Jun 2009, 19:46
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asmcoder 18 Jun 2009, 19:55
[content deleted]

Last edited by asmcoder on 14 Aug 2009, 14:50; edited 1 time in total
Post 18 Jun 2009, 19:55
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r22 18 Jun 2009, 20:46
Another interesting note, according to the SDK documentation on CreateRemoteThread I shouldn't be able to create a remote thread in a process from another session/user (which the aspnet_wp and w3wp exe's are because they run under another account), but yet I'm able to. Possibly because I'm creating the thread at the address of LoadLibraryA.

I'd have to do more research and actually decompile the EXE before I could try your suggestion (I didn't really want to go through the trouble of all of that), but it might be necessary.

LocoDelAssembly wrote:
r22, if you already managed to get the DLL work into the foreign process then I suggest you NOT try to lookup GetSystemTime/whatever, just import it and let Windows fill the import table with the precious address for you.

So something like...
mov ebx,[GetSystemTime]
invoke VirtualProtect ??;;; add write access
mov byte[ebx],JUMP_OPCODE
mov dword[ebx+1],Patched_GetSystemTime
Post 18 Jun 2009, 20:46
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Borsuc 18 Jun 2009, 20:46
asmcoder wrote:
first of all you CANT hook anything on windows.
Yes you can. I use an app called JauntePE everyday (hooks Registry calls to redirect them so it makes the apps portable -- that is, without touching the system drive). I'm not sure how it does it though.

Previously known as The_Grey_Beast
Post 18 Jun 2009, 20:46
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asmcoder 18 Jun 2009, 21:06
[content deleted]

Last edited by asmcoder on 14 Aug 2009, 14:50; edited 1 time in total
Post 18 Jun 2009, 21:06
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Borsuc 18 Jun 2009, 21:38
asmcoder wrote:
no u cant! (ok maybe, i will look into debug apis).
What are we children arguing?
I gave you an example program, search for it. Or search for the "madhook" dll library (I think JauntePE is based on it).

If you're saying it does something else than hooking Windows APIs for a specific application, then tell me how it manages to hook the registry APIs and some special filesystem APIs (like the "Special Folders" you know, Application Data, My Documents, crap like that).

Don't tell me "no u cant" because I use it everyday.
Or at least tell me why what it does isn't 'hooking' by your definitions?

Previously known as The_Grey_Beast
Post 18 Jun 2009, 21:38
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LocoDelAssembly 18 Jun 2009, 21:44

So something like...

proc hook_GetSystemTime uses ebx
local oldProtect: DWORD
        jmp $-5
        load .jmp_op word from $$
      end virtual

      mov     ebx, [GetSystemTime]
      cmp     word [ebx], $FF8B ; "mov edi, edi" but not encoded as FASM do
      jne     .unhookable ; (Trivially)

      invoke  VirtualProtect, addr ebx-5, 7, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, addr oldProtect
      test    eax, eax
      jz      .protFail

      mov     byte [ebx-5], $E9
      mov     eax, hook
      sub     eax, ebx
      mov     [ebx-4], eax

      mov     word [ebx], .jmp_op

      invoke  VirtualProtect, addr ebx-5, 7, [oldProtect], addr oldProtect

      mov     eax, TRUE ; In case VirtualProtect failed


      mov     eax, FALSE
      jmp     .return
Post 18 Jun 2009, 21:44
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asmcoder 18 Jun 2009, 22:45
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Last edited by asmcoder on 14 Aug 2009, 14:50; edited 1 time in total
Post 18 Jun 2009, 22:45
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arigity 18 Jun 2009, 22:47
http://flatassembler.net/examples/detour_example.zip fasm windows hooking example....

also, theres an API for it (SetWindowsHook)
Post 18 Jun 2009, 22:47
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r22 18 Jun 2009, 23:04
The exciting conclusion tomorrow (time pending) I give it a test.

-I'll patch GetSystemTime and GetLocalTime
-Have them return some hard coded time (if all goes well I'll have the dll read the time I'd like from a file that can be edited easily)
-Make an asp.net page that just displays DateTime.Now.ToString()
-See if the hack overrides it or not.

Should be ifun.
Post 18 Jun 2009, 23:04
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LocoDelAssembly 18 Jun 2009, 23:24
r22, I've just coded a C# program and debugged under OllyDbg. I've set breakpoints on the APIs you mention but nothing happened. The one that was caught by a breakpoint was GetSystemTimeAsFileTime.

The code:
using System;

namespace TestsPad
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            for (; ; )

OllyDbg was interrupting the execution of the program above every second after the breakpoint was set.
Post 18 Jun 2009, 23:24
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r22 19 Jun 2009, 14:44
It works! (using GetSystemTimeAsFileTime).

I've done it locally using the aspnet_wp exe, once I get it to a more generic/customizable implementation I'll test on a server which uses w3wp.exe instead.

For completeness here's the updated DLL code.
format PE GUI 4.0 DLL
entry DLLMain
include 'win32ax.inc'

section '.text' code readable executable

        push    ebp
        mov     ebp,esp
        push    ebx esi edi
        mov     eax,[ebp+12];;;reason
        cmp     eax,DLL_PROCESS_DETACH
        je      .detach
        cmp     eax,DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
        je      .attach
        invoke  CreateFile,<'c:/usertest/return.txt',0>,GENERIC_READ + GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ,0,CREATE_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0
        invoke  CloseHandle,eax
        mov     eax,TRUE
        pop     edi esi ebx
        mov     esp,ebp
        pop     ebp
        ret     12
        invoke  CreateFile,<'c:/usertest/detached.txt',0>,GENERIC_READ + GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ,0,CREATE_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0
        invoke  CloseHandle,eax
        jmp     .finish
.jmp_op:         jmp $-5
        mov     ebx,[GetSystemTimeAsFileTime]
        lea     esi,[ebx-5]
        cmp     word [ebx], $FF8B ; "mov edi, edi" but not encoded as FASM do
        jne     .fail ; (Trivially)
        invoke  VirtualProtect,esi,7,PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE,oldProtect
        test    eax, eax
        jz      .fail
        mov     byte [ebx-5], $E9
        mov     eax,GetSystemTimeAsFileTime_patch
        sub     eax, ebx
        mov     [ebx-4], eax
        mov     di,word[.jmp_op]
        mov     word [ebx],di
        invoke  VirtualProtect,esi,7,[oldProtect],oldProtect
        test    eax, eax
        jz      .fail
        jmp     .finish
        invoke  CreateFile,<'c:/usertest/fail.txt',0>,GENERIC_READ + GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ,0,CREATE_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0
        invoke  CloseHandle,eax
        jmp     .finish

        mov     eax,[esp+4]
        mov     dword[eax],555555
        mov     dword[eax+4],555555
        ret     4

        ret     4

section '.data' data readable writeable

oldProtect      dd 0

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

        library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\

     include 'API/kernel32.inc'
     include 'API/user32.inc'
     include 'API/gdi32.inc'
     include 'API/advapi32.inc'

section '.edata' export data readable

  export 'HOOK.DLL',\

section '.reloc' fixups data discardable

For those curious the time displayed with the above is 7/24/1608 12:17:35 PM

I appreciate all the help, especially LocoDel actually researching the correct API for me (I was just guessing Very Happy).

This should make testing and QA much more efficient.

This would be a good addition for the examples section...
Post 19 Jun 2009, 14:44
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LocoDelAssembly 19 Jun 2009, 15:19
Just some minor "corrections":
* "jne .fail ; (Trivially)" should be changed to "jne .fail" (the comment made sense with the .unhookable label but now not Razz).

* Why haven't you used the virtual block this time? It makes both the source and executable smaller.

asmcoder, I believe you think this way of hooking can't work at times due to multi-tasking? Could you comment the particular scenario it will fail? (Besides that only one hook over the same API will be available rather than a chain of several hooks but without crashing the app in any moment).
Post 19 Jun 2009, 15:19
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asmcoder 19 Jun 2009, 16:03
[content deleted]

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Post 19 Jun 2009, 16:03
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LocoDelAssembly 19 Jun 2009, 16:40

1. hooking by design is not safe. many things can go wrong and exception will occur. such as unloaded dll, next hook, etc, etc.

Remember that the injected DLL also imports the DLL that contains the function you want to hook so the target app should call FreeLibrary more times to unload than it is supposed to do (and windows really allows to unload a DLL even though it is imported by some DLL rather than just loaded via LoadLibrary?). I don't get the next hook part, if N injectors compete for the hook, only one will succeed. The rest will not crash but won't never get their hook executed. Even some of them will detect earlier their failure (because they couldn't find "mov edi, edi").


2. imagine thread A code:

In your explanation you are assuming that the jmp will overwrite "mov ebp, esp", etc. This is not how the hooking is working. There is a jump inserted five bytes BEFORE the entry point of the function, and after that modification has been done the next thing is to replace "mov edi, edi" by the jmp instruction ("jmp $-5") which has exactly the same size than "mov edi, edi" (2 bytes, i.e. a word).
Post 19 Jun 2009, 16:40
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asmcoder 19 Jun 2009, 19:12
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Post 19 Jun 2009, 19:12
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asmcoder 19 Jun 2009, 19:16
[content deleted]

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Post 19 Jun 2009, 19:16
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arigity 19 Jun 2009, 19:49
asmcoder wrote:
i checked krenel32 and i must admit my mistake, there ARE 5 nops and alignemt if nessecary. however smp issue still exist, 1 core wont finish mov edi,edi and another one start and end writing jmp there. and what about multiple hooks? 1 will overwrite another.

but is that rule for evry windows built-in DLL?

the whole point of the mov edi, edi and the 5 nops at the start is that so the function could be hooked for hot-patching, it should be present in most standard windows dlls.

you can do multiple hooks if your hook function ends up jumping back to the original code and so long as you end up correctly executing modified instructions before doing so.

i don't think its very likely your hooking procedure will over-write the instructions at the exact same time another processor is trying to execute them.
Post 19 Jun 2009, 19:49
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asmcoder 19 Jun 2009, 20:06
[content deleted]

Last edited by asmcoder on 14 Aug 2009, 14:50; edited 1 time in total
Post 19 Jun 2009, 20:06
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