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Joined: 03 Apr 2009
Posts: 3
YST 25 Jun 2009, 20:51
include 'win32ax.inc'
cBuffer db 'Hello world',0
cPassword db 'Password',0
s db 257 dup(0)

stdcall Len,cPassword
mov ebx,eax
stdcall Len,cBuffer
stdcall RC4,cBuffer,cPassword,eax,ebx
invoke MessageBox,0,cBuffer,0,0
invoke ExitProcess,0
proc RC4,pBuffer,pPassword,pTamñoBuffer,pTamPass
dec [pTamñoBuffer]
;   For i = 0 To 255
 ; DoEvents
 ; s(i) = i
 ;   Next i
 mov eax,s
mov byte[eax],0
inc eax
mov ecx,256
mov bl,byte[eax-1]
inc bl
mov  byte[eax] ,bl
inc eax
loop .bucle1_

;    For i = 0 To 255
;        DoEvents
;        j = (j + s(i) + Key(i Mod Len(sKey))) Mod 256
;        tmp = s(i)
;        s(i) = s(j)
;        s(j) = tmp
;    Next i
;j = ebx
;ja = esi
;I = edi
xor ebx,ebx
mov edi,-1
inc edi
xor esi,esi
mov esi,ebx
movzx eax,byte[s+edi]
add esi,eax
stdcall lMod,edi,[pTamPass]
mov ecx,[pPassword]
movzx eax,byte[ecx+eax]
add esi,eax
stdcall lMod,esi,256
mov ebx, eax
mov eax,s
mov cl,byte[eax+ebx] ; s(j)
mov ch,byte[eax+edi] ; s(i)
mov byte[eax+edi],cl
mov byte[eax+ebx],ch
cmp edi,255
jne .bucle2_
inc edi

 ;   For l = 0 To UBound(Buffer)
 ;       DoEvents
 ;       i = (i + 1) Mod 256
 ;       j = (j + s(i)) Mod 256
 ;       tmp = s(i)
 ;       s(i) = s(j)
 ;       s(j) = tmp
 ;       Buffer(l) = Buffer(l) Xor (s((s(i) + s(j)) Mod 256))
 ;   Next l
xor esi,esi  ;esi = l
dec esi ; esi = -1
inc esi
mov eax,edi
inc eax
stdcall lMod,eax,256
mov edi,eax
mov eax,ebx
xor ecx,ecx
movzx ecx,byte[s+edi]
add eax,ecx
stdcall lMod,eax,256
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,s
mov cl,byte[eax+ebx] ; s(j)
mov ch,byte[eax+edi] ; s(i)
mov byte[eax+edi],cl
mov byte[eax+ebx],ch
mov eax,[pBuffer]
add cl,ch
movzx eax,cl
add eax,s
movzx eax,byte[eax]
stdcall lMod,eax,256

mov edx,[pBuffer]
xor byte[edx+esi],al

cmp esi,[pTamñoBuffer]
jne .bucle3_

proc lMod,c1,c2
push edx
xor edx,edx
mov eax,[c1]
idiv [c2]
push edx
pop eax
pop edx

proc Len,cCadena
push ecx edi
mov ecx,-1
mov edi,[cCadena]
mov al,0
repnz scasb
mov eax,ecx
not eax
dec eax
pop edi ecx
.end start    
Post 25 Jun 2009, 20:51
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Joined: 15 Feb 2008
Posts: 77
Location: Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk
narada 26 Jun 2009, 05:36
and... ??? so what???
Post 26 Jun 2009, 05:36
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Joined: 27 Dec 2004
Posts: 805
r22 26 Jun 2009, 14:53
narada wrote:
and... ??? so what???

He posted a reference source for RC4 in FASM and you're trolling the thread?!
I hope your joking and I just misunderstood...

I went from learning VB to ASM (not learning C/C++ until later) I guess the block'y syntax are similar:P.

The more (*working) algorithms posted on the boards the less time wasted reinventing the wheel.
Post 26 Jun 2009, 14:53
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Your code has a bug

Joined: 06 May 2005
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Location: Argentina
LocoDelAssembly 26 Jun 2009, 14:55

and... ??? so what???

I believe he just wanted to share an example?

BTW, DoEVents is not present in the Assembly code. The equivalent would be calling some proc having a message processing loop with PeekMessage instead of GetMessage.
Post 26 Jun 2009, 14:55
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Joined: 15 Feb 2008
Posts: 77
Location: Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk
narada 26 Jun 2009, 15:52
i mean, RC4 in fasm was already implemented, many-many month ago...

may be i dont understand something...
Post 26 Jun 2009, 15:52
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Joined: 15 Feb 2008
Posts: 77
Location: Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk
narada 26 Jun 2009, 15:53
; ----------------------------------------------------- ;
;       RC4 Encryption Algorithm ( Stream Cipher )      ;
;              by RSA Data Security, Inc                ;
;                                                       ;
; Block Size: N/A                                       ;
; Max Key Size: 2048 bits  (256 bytes)                  ;
; ----------------------------------------------------- ;

align 16
push ebx edi esi
     mov edi, [KeyB]
     mov esi, 32
     xor ecx, ecx
     mov [rc4_table+ecx],cl
     inc ecx
     cmp ecx,255
     jle @b
     shr esi,3
     je @_rc4_init_end
     cmp esi,256
     jle @f
     mov esi,256
     xor ecx,ecx
     xor ebx,ebx
     mov eax,ecx
     xor edx,edx
     div si
     add bl,[edi+edx]
     mov ah,[rc4_table+ecx]
     add bl,ah
     mov al,[rc4_table+ebx]
     mov [rc4_table+ecx],al
     mov [rc4_table+ebx],ah
     inc ecx
     cmp ecx,255
     jle @b
pop esi edi ebx

align 16
push ecx ebx edi esi
     mov edi, [check_data]         ; DataB:PBYTE
     xor eax, eax                  ;
     xor ecx, ecx                  ; i = 0
     xor edx, edx                  ;

   cmp ecx, [filesize]
   jnl @f

     mov esi, ecx                  ; ECX = ESI = i
     inc esi                       ; i = i + 1
     and esi, 0xFF                 ;
     mov al,  [rc4_table+esi]      ; tmp = S[i]
     add dl,  al                   ; j = j + S[i]

     mov bl,  [rc4_table+edx]      ; S[j]
     mov [rc4_table+esi],bl        ;  }= (S[i] = S[j])
     mov [rc4_table+edx],al        ;  }= (S[j] = S[i])

     add al,  bl                   ; t = Si + Sj
     mov al,  [rc4_table+eax]      ; Key = S[t]
     xor [edi+ecx],al              ;

   inc ecx
   jmp @b
pop esi edi ebx ecx
Post 26 Jun 2009, 15:53
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Joined: 15 Feb 2008
Posts: 77
Location: Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk
narada 26 Jun 2009, 15:55
;; S-box for Rijndael
sbox:   db       99, 124, 119, 123, 242, 107, 111, 197,  48,   1, 103,  43
        db      254, 215, 171, 118, 202, 130, 201, 125, 250,  89,  71, 240
        db      173, 212, 162, 175, 156, 164, 114, 192, 183, 253, 147,  38
        db       54,  63, 247, 204,  52, 165, 229, 241, 113, 216,  49,  21
        db        4, 199,  35, 195,  24, 150,   5, 154,   7,  18, 128, 226
        db      235,  39, 178, 117,   9, 131,  44,  26,  27, 110,  90, 160
        db       82,  59, 214, 179,  41, 227,  47, 132,  83, 209,   0, 237
        db       32, 252, 177,  91, 106, 203, 190,  57,  74,  76,  88, 207
        db      208, 239, 170, 251,  67,  77,  51, 133,  69, 249,   2, 127
        db       80,  60, 159, 168,  81, 163,  64, 143, 146, 157,  56, 245
        db      188, 182, 218,  33,  16, 255, 243, 210, 205,  12,  19, 236
        db       95, 151,  68,  23, 196, 167, 126,  61, 100,  93,  25, 115
        db       96, 129,  79, 220,  34,  42, 144, 136,  70, 238, 184,  20
        db      222,  94,  11, 219, 224,  50,  58,  10,  73,   6,  36,  92
        db      194, 211, 172,  98, 145, 149, 228, 121, 231, 200,  55, 109
        db      141, 213,  78, 169, 108,  86, 244, 234, 101, 122, 174,   8
        db      186, 120,  37,  46,  28, 166, 180, 198, 232, 221, 116,  31
        db       75, 189, 139, 138, 112,  62, 181, 102,  72,   3, 246,  14
        db       97,  53,  87, 185, 134, 193,  29, 158, 225, 248, 152,  17
        db      105, 217, 142, 148, 155,  30, 135, 233, 206,  85,  40, 223
        db      140, 161, 137,  13, 191, 230,  66, 104,  65, 153,  45,  15
        db      176,  84, 187,  22

        ;; Inverse S-box for Rijndael
isbox:  db       82,   9, 106, 213,  48,  54, 165,  56, 191,  64, 163, 158
        db      129, 243, 215, 251, 124, 227,  57, 130, 155,  47, 255, 135
        db       52, 142,  67,  68, 196, 222, 233, 203,  84, 123, 148,  50
        db      166, 194,  35,  61, 238,  76, 149,  11,  66, 250, 195,  78
        db        8,  46, 161, 102,  40, 217,  36, 178, 118,  91, 162,  73
        db      109, 139, 209,  37, 114, 248, 246, 100, 134, 104, 152,  22
        db      212, 164,  92, 204,  93, 101, 182, 146, 108, 112,  72,  80
        db      253, 237, 185, 218,  94,  21,  70,  87, 167, 141, 157, 132
        db      144, 216, 171,   0, 140, 188, 211,  10, 247, 228,  88,   5
        db      184, 179,  69,   6, 208,  44,  30, 143, 202,  63,  15,   2
        db      193, 175, 189,   3,   1,  19, 138, 107,  58, 145,  17,  65
        db       79, 103, 220, 234, 151, 242, 207, 206, 240, 180, 230, 115
        db      150, 172, 116,  34, 231, 173,  53, 133, 226, 249,  55, 232
        db       28, 117, 223, 110,  71, 241,  26, 113,  29,  41, 197, 137
        db      111, 183,  98,  14, 170,  24, 190,  27, 252,  86,  62,  75
        db      198, 210, 121,  32, 154, 219, 192, 254, 120, 205,  90, 244
        db       31, 221, 168,  51, 136,   7, 199,  49, 177,  18,  16,  89
        db       39, 128, 236,  95,  96,  81, 127, 169,  25, 181,  74,  13
        db       45, 229, 122, 159, 147, 201, 156, 239, 160, 224,  59,  77
        db      174,  42, 245, 176, 200, 235, 187,  60, 131,  83, 153,  97
        db       23,  43,   4, 126, 186, 119, 214,  38, 225, 105,  20,  99
        db       85,  33,  12, 125

        ;; xtime lookup table
xtime:  db      0x00, 0x02, 0x04, 0x06, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x0c, 0x0e
        db      0x10, 0x12, 0x14, 0x16, 0x18, 0x1a, 0x1c, 0x1e
        db      0x20, 0x22, 0x24, 0x26, 0x28, 0x2a, 0x2c, 0x2e
        db      0x30, 0x32, 0x34, 0x36, 0x38, 0x3a, 0x3c, 0x3e
        db      0x40, 0x42, 0x44, 0x46, 0x48, 0x4a, 0x4c, 0x4e
        db      0x50, 0x52, 0x54, 0x56, 0x58, 0x5a, 0x5c, 0x5e
        db      0x60, 0x62, 0x64, 0x66, 0x68, 0x6a, 0x6c, 0x6e
        db      0x70, 0x72, 0x74, 0x76, 0x78, 0x7a, 0x7c, 0x7e
        db      0x80, 0x82, 0x84, 0x86, 0x88, 0x8a, 0x8c, 0x8e
        db      0x90, 0x92, 0x94, 0x96, 0x98, 0x9a, 0x9c, 0x9e
        db      0xa0, 0xa2, 0xa4, 0xa6, 0xa8, 0xaa, 0xac, 0xae
        db      0xb0, 0xb2, 0xb4, 0xb6, 0xb8, 0xba, 0xbc, 0xbe
        db      0xc0, 0xc2, 0xc4, 0xc6, 0xc8, 0xca, 0xcc, 0xce
        db      0xd0, 0xd2, 0xd4, 0xd6, 0xd8, 0xda, 0xdc, 0xde
        db      0xe0, 0xe2, 0xe4, 0xe6, 0xe8, 0xea, 0xec, 0xee
        db      0xf0, 0xf2, 0xf4, 0xf6, 0xf8, 0xfa, 0xfc, 0xfe
        db      0x1b, 0x19, 0x1f, 0x1d, 0x13, 0x11, 0x17, 0x15
        db      0x0b, 0x09, 0x0f, 0x0d, 0x03, 0x01, 0x07, 0x05
        db      0x3b, 0x39, 0x3f, 0x3d, 0x33, 0x31, 0x37, 0x35
        db      0x2b, 0x29, 0x2f, 0x2d, 0x23, 0x21, 0x27, 0x25
        db      0x5b, 0x59, 0x5f, 0x5d, 0x53, 0x51, 0x57, 0x55
        db      0x4b, 0x49, 0x4f, 0x4d, 0x43, 0x41, 0x47, 0x45
        db      0x7b, 0x79, 0x7f, 0x7d, 0x73, 0x71, 0x77, 0x75
        db      0x6b, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x63, 0x61, 0x67, 0x65
        db      0x9b, 0x99, 0x9f, 0x9d, 0x93, 0x91, 0x97, 0x95
        db      0x8b, 0x89, 0x8f, 0x8d, 0x83, 0x81, 0x87, 0x85
        db      0xbb, 0xb9, 0xbf, 0xbd, 0xb3, 0xb1, 0xb7, 0xb5
        db      0xab, 0xa9, 0xaf, 0xad, 0xa3, 0xa1, 0xa7, 0xa5
        db      0xdb, 0xd9, 0xdf, 0xdd, 0xd3, 0xd1, 0xd7, 0xd5
        db      0xcb, 0xc9, 0xcf, 0xcd, 0xc3, 0xc1, 0xc7, 0xc5
        db      0xfb, 0xf9, 0xff, 0xfd, 0xf3, 0xf1, 0xf7, 0xf5
        db      0xeb, 0xe9, 0xef, 0xed, 0xe3, 0xe1, 0xe7, 0xe5

        ;; Round constants for key schedule
rcon:   db      0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x1b, 0x36
        db      0x6c, 0xd8, 0xab, 0x4d, 0x9a, 0x2f, 0x5e, 0xbc, 0x63, 0xc6
        db      0x97, 0x35, 0x6a, 0xd4, 0xb3, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0xef, 0xc5, 0x91

        ;; small procedure to mix keys.  input text must be in DI,  key to
        ;; mix must be in DI.  Destroys AX, DX, SI, and DI.
mixkey: mov     dx,8
        xor     ax,[di]
        dec     dx
        jnz     .keyadd_loop1

        push    bp
        mov     bp,sp
        push    si
        push    di
        mov     di,[bp+4]       ; Cipher state (plaintext)
        mov     si,[bp+6]       ; first round key
        call    mixkey
        mov     cx,16           ; round key offset (16*round_number)
        mov     ah,16           ; apply the s-box to the 16 bytes
        mov     si,[bp+4]       ; load cipher state address
        mov     di,si
        mov     bx,sbox         ; get address of s-box
        lodsb                   ; load a byte from the state
        xlatb                   ; translate using the s-box
        stosb                   ; store back to the state
        dec     ah              ; loop until done
        jnz     .sbox_loop
        ;; Rotate (cyclically shift) row 1 by one, row 2 by two and row 3
        ;; by three.
        mov     si,[bp+4]
        add     si,4            ; point to the first row
        mov     di,si
        mov     bl,1            ; row number (also shift quantity)
        ;; load entire row into ax:dx
        lodsw                   ; first half of row
        xchg    dx,ax           ; lives in DX
        lodsw                   ; second half of row lives in AX
        ;; Now dl = original first, dh = original second, al = original third
        ;; ah = original fourth.  We thus rotate ax:dx a number of bytes
        ;; equal to the row number and then store back.
        mov     bh,bl           ; make copy of row num. for looping
        ;; A single rotation is (0 3 2 1) expressible as (0,1)(0,2)(0,3) as a
        ;; product of transpositions. (this is a right shift)
        xchg    ah,dl           ; (0,3)
        xchg    al,dl           ; (0,2)
        xchg    dh,dl           ; (0,1)
        dec     bh
        jnz     .do_rotate
        ;; store the row back
        xchg    ax,dx           ; make ax the first half of row first
        stosw                   ; store first half of row
        xchg    ax,dx           ; make ax the second
        stosw                   ; store second half of row
        inc     bl
        cmp     bl,3            ; have we gotten to row 3?
        jbe     .rotate_rows    ; if not, keep rotating
        cmp     cx,224          ; are we at round 14 (16*14)?
        jne     .mixcolumn_begin ; if not, do a mixcolumn
        jmp     .finalize       ; else finalize
        ;; Do the MixColumn transformation.
        mov     si,[bp+4]       ; load the address of the state
        mov     di,4            ; column loop counter
        mov     bx,xtime        ; load xtime table in bx
        push    cx
        mov     cl,[si]         ; zeroth byte of column
        mov     ch,[si+4]       ; first byte of column
        mov     dl,[si+8]       ; second byte of column
        mov     dh,[si+12]      ; third byte of column
        mov     ah,cl           ; let ah = tmp
        xor     ah,ch
        xor     ah,dl
        xor     ah,dh
        mov     al,cl           ; a[j]
        xor     al,ch           ; a[j]^a[j+4]
        xlatb                   ; xtimetbl[a[j]^a[j+4]]
        xor     al,ah           ; xtimetbl[a[j]^a[j+4]] ^ tmp
        xor     [si],al         ; store back to state by xoring with orig
        mov     al,ch           ; a[j+4]
        xor     al,dl           ; a[j+4]^a[j+8]
        xlatb                   ; xtimetbl[a[j+4]^a[j+8]]
        xor     al,ah           ; xtimetbl[a[j+4]^a[j+8]] ^ tmp
        xor     [si+4],al       ; store back to state by xoring with orig
        mov     al,dl           ; a[j+8]
        xor     al,dh           ; a[j+8]^a[j+12]
        xlatb                   ; xtimetbl[a[j+8]^a[j+12]]
        xor     al,ah           ; xtimetbl[a[j+8]^a[j+12]] ^ tmp
        xor     [si+8],al       ; store back to state by xoring with orig
        mov     al,dh           ; a[j+12]
        xor     al,cl           ; a[j+12]^a[j]
        xlatb                   ; xtimetbl[a[j+12]^a[j]]
        xor     al,ah           ; xtimetbl[a[j+12]^a[j]] ^ tmp
        xor     [si+12],al      ; store back to state by xoring with orig
        inc     si              ; point to next column
        dec     di
        jnz     .do_mixcolumn
        pop     cx
        mov     di,[bp+4]       ; Cipher state
        mov     si,[bp+6]       ; base address of round keys
        add     si,cx           ; make si address of current round key
        call    mixkey          ; mix the key
        add     cx,16           ; increment the loop counter
        jmp     .round_top
        ;; Perform a final key mixing before finishing up
        mov     di,[bp+4]       ; address of state
        mov     si,[bp+6]       ; base address of key schedule
        add     si,224          ; last key in key schedule
        call    mixkey
        pop     di
        pop     si
        pop     bp

        push    bp
        mov     bp,sp
        push    si
        push    di
        mov     cx,224          ; round key offset (14*16)
        ;; Perform the initial key mixing operation
        mov     di,[bp+4]       ; address of state
        mov     si,[bp+6]       ; base address of key schedule
        add     si,224          ; last key in key schedule
        call    mixkey
        ;; The first round doesn't perform the inverse column mixing.
        jmp     .start_isbox
        mov     di,[bp+4]       ; Cipher state
        mov     si,[bp+6]       ; base address of round keys
        add     si,cx           ; make si address of current round key
        call    mixkey
        ;; The inverse column mixing is much more ticklish than the straight
        ;; mix...
        mov     si,[bp+4]       ; load the address of the state
        mov     di,4            ; column loop counter
        mov     bx,xtime        ; load xtime table in bx
        push    cx
        push    bp
        mov     cl,[si]         ; zeroth byte of column
        mov     ch,[si+4]       ; first byte of column
        mov     dl,[si+8]       ; second byte of column
        mov     dh,[si+12]      ; third byte of column
        xor     bp,bp           ; bp is the offset in column
        ;; Multiply by 0x0e in GF(2^8) (`*' denotes multiplication in GF(2^8))
        mov     al,cl
        xlatb                   ; a0*02
        mov     ah,al
        xlatb                   ; a0*04
        xor     ah,al           ; (a0*02)^(a0*04) = ah
        xlatb                   ; a0*08
        xor     ah,al           ; (a0*02)^(a0*04)^*(a0*08) = a0*0e
        mov     al,ch           ; a1
        xor     ah,al
        xlatb                   ; a1*02
        xor     ah,al
        xlatb                   ; a1*04
        xlatb                   ; a1*08
        xor     ah,al           ; a1^(a1*02)^(a1*08) = a1*0b
        mov     al,dl           ; a2
        xor     ah,al
        xlatb                   ; a2*02
        xlatb                   ; a2*04
        xor     ah,al
        xlatb                   ; a2*08
        xor     ah,al           ; a2^(a2*04)^(a2*08) = a1*0d
        mov     al,dh           ; a3
        xor     ah,al
        xlatb                   ; a3*02
        xlatb                   ; a3*04
        xlatb                   ; a3*08
        xor     ah,al           ; a3^(a3*08) = a3*09
        mov     [ds:bp+si],ah   ; store to state
        add     bp,4
        cmp     bp,12           ; if we are more than 12
        ja      .end_col_invmix ; stop
        ;; Now we rotate cl, ch, dl, and dh one byte to the right so that
        ;; when we go back up to .mix_onecolumn the coefficients will line up,
        ;; since the matrix we multiply with is a circulant matrix.  This
        ;; rotation can be expressed as a product of transpositions, just as
        ;; above: (0,1)(0,2)(0,3).
        xchg    dh,cl           ; (0,3)
        xchg    dl,cl           ; (0,2)
        xchg    ch,cl           ; (0,1)
        jmp     .invmix_onecolumn
        inc     si              ; point to next column
        dec     di
        jnz     .do_invmixcolumn
        pop     bp              ; restore saved registers
        pop     cx
        mov     ah,16           ; apply the s-box to the 16 bytes
        mov     si,[bp+4]       ; load cipher state address
        mov     di,si
        mov     bx,isbox        ; get address of inverse s-box for xlat
        lodsb                   ; load a byte from the state
        xlatb                   ; translate using the s-box
        stosb                   ; store back to the state
        dec     ah              ; loop until done
        jnz     .sbox_loop
        ;; Rotate (cyclically shift) row 1 by one, row 2 by two and row 3
        ;; by three, as before, but in the opposite direction, inverting
        ;; the previous shifts.
        mov     si,[bp+4]
        add     si,4            ; point to the first row
        mov     di,si
        mov     bl,1            ; shift count
        ;; load entire row into ax:dx
        lodsw                   ; first half of row
        xchg    dx,ax           ; lives in DX
        lodsw                   ; second half of row lives in AX
        ;; Now dl = original first, dh = original second, al = original third
        ;; ah = original fourth.  We thus rotate ax:dx a number of bytes
        ;; equal to the row number and then store back.
        mov     bh,bl           ; make copy of shift count for looping
        ;; A single inverse rotation is (0 1 2 3), expressible as
        ;; (0,3)(0,2)(0,1) as a product of transpositions. (left shift)
        xchg    dh,dl           ; (0,1)
        xchg    al,dl           ; (0,2)
        xchg    ah,dl           ; (0,3)
        dec     bh
        jnz     .do_rotate
        ;; store the row back
        xchg    ax,dx           ; make ax the first half of row first
        stosw                   ; store first half of row
        xchg    ax,dx           ; make ax the second
        stosw                   ; store second half of row
        inc     bl
        cmp     bl,3            ; have we gotten to row 3?
        jbe     .rotate_rows    ; if not, keep rotating
        sub     cx,16
        jz      .finalize
        jmp     .round_top
        mov     di,[bp+4]       ; Cipher state (almost plaintext)
        mov     si,[bp+6]       ; first round key
        call    mixkey
        pop     di
        pop     si
        pop     bp

        push    bp
        mov     bp,sp
        push    si
        push    di
        ;; Copy the original key data into the W[] array.  This generates
        ;; the keys used in the first two rounds.
        mov     si,[bp+4]
        mov     di,[bp+6]
        mov     cx,4
        lodsw                   ; get two byte of key information
        mov     [di],al
        mov     [di+4],ah
        lodsw                   ; get another two bytes of key info
        mov     [di+8],al
        mov     [di+12],ah
        inc     di              ; point to next column
        dec     cx
        jnz     .copy_key1
        mov     di,[bp+6]
        add     di,16           ; point di to next block
        mov     cx,4
        lodsw                   ; get two bytes of key information
        mov     [di],al
        mov     [di+4],ah
        lodsw                   ; get another two bytes of key info
        mov     [di+8],al
        mov     [di+12],ah
        inc     di              ; point to next column
        dec     cx
        jnz     .copy_key2
        mov     cx,8            ; key number
        mov     si,[bp+6]       ; base address of generated keys
        mov     ax,cx
        dec     ax
        mov     dx,ax
        and     ax,0xfffc       ; clear low four bits
        shl     ax,2            ; 80186 instr.
        and     dx,3            ; mask low four bits
        add     ax,dx
        add     si,ax           ; SI points to column to get
        mov     dl,[si]
        mov     dh,[si+4]
        mov     al,[si+8]
        mov     ah,[si+12]
        ;; Now dl = first byte, dh = second, al = third, ah=fourth
        test    cx,00000011b    ; is round # div. by 4 or 8?
        jnz     .not_div4       ; no...
        ;; Apply the S-boxes if round # is divisible by 4 or 8
        mov     bx,sbox         ; load address of S-box for xlat
        xlatb                   ; al = sbox[#3]
        xchg    ah,al           ; ah = sbox[#3], al=#4
        xlatb                   ; ah=sbox[#3], al=sbox[#4]
        xchg    ax,dx           ; ah=#2, al=#1, dh=sbox[#3], dl=sbox[#4]
        xlatb                   ; ah=#2, al=sbox[#1]
        xchg    ah,al           ; ah=sbox[#1], al=#2, dh=sbox[#3], dl=sbox[#4]
        xlatb                   ; al=sbox[#2]
        ;; Now, ah=sbox[#1], al=sbox[#2], dh=sbox[#3], dl=sbox[#4].
        ;; Test whether round is divisible by 8.  If so, further transforms
        ;; are needed.
        test    cx,00000111b    ; is round # div by 8?
        jnz     .not_div8       ; no...we're done
        ;; What we want is to rotate the data so that ah=sbox[#2], al=sbox[#3],
        ;; dh=sbox[#4], and dl=sbox[#1].  This is the cycle (0 1 2 3) which
        ;; can be turned into the product of transpositions (impl. by XCHG
        ;; instructions) (0 3)(0 2)(0 1)
        xchg    ah,dl           ; (0 3)
        xchg    ah,dh           ; (0 2)
        xchg    ah,al           ; (0,1)
        mov     bx,cx           ; get round #
        shr     bx,3            ; divide by 8 (80186 instr)
        dec     bx
        xor     ah,[rcon+bx]    ; xor with the round constant...finished
        ;; Now we have to rearrange the order of the registers again so that
        ;; from ah=#1, al=#2, dh=#3, dl=#4 => dl=#1, dh=#2, al=#3, ah=#4, so
        ;; that the following code gets the registers where they are expected.
        xchg    ax,dx           ; ah=#3, al=#4, dh=#1, dl=#2
        xchg    ah,al           ; ah=#4, al=#3
        xchg    dh,dl           ; dh=#2, dl=#1
        ;; When we enter here, dl=first byte, dh=second, al=third, ah=fourth
        ;; Perform indexing on the address of the previous key again.
        mov     bx,cx
        sub     bx,8
        mov     di,bx
        and     bx,0xfffc
        shl     bx,2            ; 80186 instr
        and     di,3
        add     bx,di           ; offset into keys for first byte of old key
        add     bx,[bp+6]       ; add base address of subkeys
        xor     dl,[bx]         ; xor with current
        xor     dh,[bx+4]
        xor     al,[bx+8]
        xor     ah,[bx+12]
        ;; Perform indexing again for new key
        mov     bx,cx
        mov     di,bx
        and     bx,0xfffc
        shl     bx,2            ; 80186 instr
        and     di,3
        add     bx,di
        add     bx,[bp+6]
        mov     [bx],dl
        mov     [bx+4],dh
        mov     [bx+8],al
        mov     [bx+12],ah
        inc     cx
        cmp     cx,60           ; last key?
        je      .done
        jmp     .keygen_loop
.done:  pop     di
        pop     si
        pop     bp
Post 26 Jun 2009, 15:55
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Location: Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk
narada 26 Jun 2009, 15:55

mov ebx, ext_simle_table
; В EAX - число которое нужно заменить
; Внутренний цикл работы П/П
; 1. Начало цикла и сохранение старого N1
mov ebp, eax
; 2. Добавление к S ключа по модулю 2^32
add eax, [esi] ; добавить ключ
add esi, 4 ; следующий эл. ключа
; 3. Поблочная замена в S с вращением на 8 бит влево
xlatb ; перекодировка байта
ror eax, 8 ; AL <- следующий байт
add ebx, 0x100 ; следующий узел замен
xlatb ; перекодировка байта
ror eax, 8 ; AL <- следующий байт
add ebx, 0x100 ; следующий узел замен
xlatb ; перекодировка байта
ror eax, 8 ; AL <- следующий байт
add ebx, 0x100 ; следующий узел замен
xlatb ; перекодировка байта
sub ebx, 0x300 ; BX -> 1-й узел замен
; 4. Доворот S на 3 бита влево
rol eax, 3
; 5. Вычисление новых значений N1,N2
xor eax, edx
mov edx, ebp
; Завершение внутреннего цикла
dec ecx ; U
jnz iloop ; V

push esi ecx
; Загрузка синхропосылки
mov eax,[syn] ; EAX <- S1
mov edx,[syn+4] ; EDX <- S2
; Вызов простой замены;
mov ecx, 32 ; ECX <- число основн. шагов
mov esi, key ; ESI <- адрес ключа
call _gost32 ; <шаг простой замены>
; Использование сгенерированного блока гаммы
mov edi, [tar] ; EDI <- адрес назн.

;xchg eax, edx ; обмен значениями S1<-->S2
push eax ; U
push edx ; V
pop eax ; U
pop edx ; V

xor eax,[edi] ; гаммирование 8-байтового
xor edx,[edi+4] ; блока данных

; Инструкция 'XCHG регистр, [память]' опасна.
;По умолчанию эта инструкция имеет неявный префикс LOCK, что не дает ей загружаться в кэш.
;Поэтому выполнение данной инструкции отнимает очень много времени, и ее следует избегать.
;xchg [edi],eax ; обмен его с
push eax ; U
mov ecx, [edi] ; V
push ecx ; U
pop eax ; V
pop ecx ;
mov [edi], ecx ;

;xchg [edi+4],edx ; блоком шифротекста
push edx ; U
mov ecx, [edi+4] ; V
push ecx ; U
pop edx ; V
pop ecx ;
mov [edi+4], ecx ;

; Сохранение синхропосылки для следующего вызова
; (это нужно для обработки массива данных частями, в
; противном случае можно удалить эту секцию)
mov [syn],eax ; заносим новые значения
mov [syn+4],edx ; S1,S2 на их место !!!
pop ecx esi

push esi ecx
; Загрузка синхропосылки
mov eax, [syn] ; EAX <- S1
mov edx, [syn+4] ; EDX <- S2
; Вызов простой замены;
mov ecx, 32 ; ECX <- число основн. шагов
mov esi, key ; ESI <- адрес ключа
call _gost32 ; <шаг простой замены>
; Использование сгенерированного блока гаммы
mov edi, [tar] ; EDI <- адрес назн.
;xchg eax, edx ; обмен значениями S1<-->S2
push eax ; U
push edx ; V
pop eax ; U
pop edx ; V
xor eax, [edi] ; Шифруем
xor edx, [edi+4] ; блок данных
mov [edi],eax ; и записываем его
mov [edi+4],edx ; на нужное место
; Сохранение синхропосылки для следующего вызова
; (это нужно для обработки массива данных частями, в
; противном случае можно удалить эту секцию)
mov [syn],eax ; заносим новые значения
mov [syn+4],edx ; S1,S2 на их место !!!
pop ecx esi

; Настройка регистров
pushfd ; Сохраняем флаг 'D'
mov esi, [SrcKey] ; ESI=адрес ключа
mov edi, key;[Target] ; EDI=адрес назначения
lea ebx, [esi+28] ; EBX <- адрес конца ключа
xor eax, eax ; EAX=0
; Проверка условия завершения цикла
cmp eax, 4 ; нужное число сделано ?
jge g2exit ; если да, выход
; Повторение элементов ключа в прямом порядке
mov ecx, 8 ; ECX=длина ключа в dword-блоках
push edx
mov edx, 8 ; KeyMask = 8 = 0001b
bt edx, eax
pop edx
jc Reverse ; CF=1 -> реверс
mov esi, dword [SrcKey] ; ESI=смещение ключа
rep movsd ; копируем ключ
jmp Incr ; на счет повтор. ключа
; Повторение элементов ключа в обратном порядке
mov esi, ebx ; ESI=адрес конца ключа
movsd ; слова ключа
sub esi, 8 ; к предш. элементу
loop rev ; организация цикла
inc eax ; счетчик повторов ключа
jmp begin34
popfd ; Восстанавливаем флаг 'D'

; Функция построения расширенной (1Кбайт) формы таблицы замен из обычной формы (128 байт)
pushfd ; Сохраняем флаг 'D'
push esi
push edi
push ebx

; Загрузка параметров в регистры и прочие настройки
mov esi, simle_table
mov edi, ext_simle_table
; Цикл по блокам расширенной таблицы замен
mov ecx,4 ; ECX <- число блоков ТЗ
lea ebx, [esi+0x10] ; EBX<-адрес начала
; Цикл по линиям блока
push ecx ; сохранить счетчик блоков
mov cl, 16 ; загрузить счетчик линий
push esi ; сохр. указ. текущ. блока
mov ah, byte [ebx]; AH <- старший полубайт
shl ah, 4 ; сдвиг полубайта
; Цикл по байтам линии
push ecx ; сохранить счетчик линий
mov cl, 16 ; загрузить счетчик байтов
lodsb ; загрузить очередной байт
or al, ah ; добавить старший полубайт
stosb ; ... и записать результат
loop bytes ; цикл по байтам линни
pop ecx ; восстанов. счетчик линий
; Проверка цикла по линиям
pop esi ; восст. указат. тек. блока
inc ebx ; продвинуть указатель байт
loop lines ; цикл по строкам таблицы
; Проверка цикла по блокам
pop ecx ; восстанов. счетчик блоков
add esi, 0x20 ; продвинуть указат. блока
loop blocks ; цикл по блокам
; Восстановление регистров из стэка и выход
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi

; Согласно ГОСТ 28147-89 этот модуль может использоваться только для шифрования ключевой информации
; (и синхропосылки для гаммирования)
push esi edi ebx ecx edx ebp
; Начальная загрузка указателей
mov edi, [tar] ; EDI <- адрес назн.
; Загрузка блока данных
mov eax, [edi] ; EAX <- S1
mov edx, [edi+4] ; EDX <- S2
; Вызов простой замены;
mov ecx, 32 ; ECX <- число основн. шагов
mov esi, key ; ESI <- адрес ключа
call _gost32 ; <шаг простой замены>
; Запись результата на место
mov [edi+4],eax ; Заносим результат
mov [edi], edx ; на его место
; Организация цикла
add edi,8 ; коррекция адреса назн.
dec dword [len] ; коррекция счетчика б.
jnz circleS ; циклимся
pop ebp edx ecx ebx edi esi

; ГОСТ variables
align 4
db 0x4, 0xA, 0x9, 0x2, 0xD, 0x8, 0x0, 0xE, 0x6, 0xB, 0x1, 0xC, 0x7, 0xF, 0x5, 0x3
db 0xE, 0xB, 0x4, 0xC, 0x6, 0xD, 0xF, 0xA, 0x2, 0x3, 0x8, 0x1, 0x0, 0x7, 0x5, 0x9
db 0x5, 0x8, 0x1, 0xD, 0xA, 0x3, 0x4, 0x2, 0xE, 0xF, 0xC, 0x7, 0x6, 0x0, 0x9, 0xB
db 0x7, 0xD, 0xA, 0x1, 0x0, 0x8, 0x9, 0xF, 0xE, 0x4, 0x6, 0xC, 0xB, 0x2, 0x5, 0x3
db 0x6, 0xC, 0x7, 0x1, 0x5, 0xF, 0xD, 0x8, 0x4, 0xA, 0x9, 0xE, 0x0, 0x3, 0xB, 0x2
db 0x4, 0xB, 0xA, 0x0, 0x7, 0x2, 0x1, 0xD, 0x3, 0x6, 0x8, 0x5, 0x9, 0xC, 0xF, 0xE
db 0xD, 0xB, 0x4, 0x1, 0x3, 0xF, 0x5, 0x9, 0x0, 0xA, 0xE, 0x7, 0x6, 0x8, 0x2, 0xC
db 0x1, 0xF, 0xD, 0x0, 0x5, 0x7, 0xA, 0x4, 0x9, 0x2, 0x3, 0xE, 0x6, 0xB, 0x8, 0xC

syn dd 0,0,0,0
tar dd 0
len dd 0
SrcKey dd 0
Target dd 0

align 4
key rb 256 ; Нужно только 128, но мне не жалко :)

align 4
ext_simle_table rb 1024
Post 26 Jun 2009, 15:55
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Location: Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk
narada 26 Jun 2009, 15:56

rc4_prepare_key: ; u_char *key_data, int key_len, rc4_key *key
  push      rbx
  mov       [r8+rc4_key.x], 0
  mov       [r8+rc4_key.y], 0
  mov       ebx, edx
  ; create initial state
  xor       r11, r11
  mov       byte [r8+r11], r11b
  inc       r11
  cmp       r11, 255
  jbe       @B
  ; r9  - idx1, r10 - idx2
  xor       r9, r9
  xor       r10, r10
  ; mix state and key data
  xor       r11, r11
  add       r10b, byte [rcx+r9] ; idx2 += key_data[idx1]
  mov       al, byte [r8+r11]   ; t = state[num]
  add       r10b, al            ; idx2 += t
  mov       dl, byte [r8+r10]   ; z = state[idx2]
  mov       byte [r8+r10], al   ; state[idx2] = t
  mov       byte [r8+r11], dl   ; state[num] = z
  lea       eax, [r9d+1]        ;
  div       bl                  ;
  shr       eax, 8              ; idx1 = (idx1 + 1) % key_len;
  mov       r9b, al             ;
  inc       r11
  cmp       r11, 255
  jbe       @B
  pop       rbx

rc4_crypt:       ; u_char *buf, int len, rc4_key *key
  ; load params
  movzx     r9,  byte [r8+rc4_key.x]
  movzx     r10, byte [r8+rc4_key.y]
  xor       rax, rax
  ; crypt loop
  inc       r9b                        ; x++
  mov       al, byte [r8+r9]           ; t = state[x]
  add       r10b, al                   ; y += t
  mov       r11b, byte [r8+r10]        ; z = state[y]
  mov       byte [r8+r9], r11b         ; state[x] = z
  mov       byte [r8+r10], al          ; state[y] = t
  add       al, r11b                   ; idx = t+z
  mov       al, byte [r8+rax]          ;
  xor       byte [rcx], al             ; *buf ^= state[idx]
  inc       rcx                        ;  buf++
  dec       rdx                        ;  len--
  jnz       @B
  ; store params
  mov       byte [r8+rc4_key.x], r9b
  mov       byte [r8+rc4_key.y], r10b

  .state rb 256
  .x     rb 1
  .y     rb 1    
Post 26 Jun 2009, 15:56
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Joined: 15 Feb 2008
Posts: 77
Location: Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk
narada 26 Jun 2009, 15:56
; RC6.ASM -- Implementation of RC6 in FASM
; (C)opyLeft 2005 by drizz (MASM)
; (c) 2008 by narada (FASM)
;  key 256 bit
;  block 128 bit

RC6KR   equ 44
RC6_P   equ 0xB7E15163
RC6_Q   equ 0x9E3779B9
RC6_PxQ equ 0xF7909B8B

macro RC6SETUP A,B,kEy,_L
push ecx
        add A,B
        add A,kEy
        rol A,3
        lea ecx,[A+B]
        mov kEy,A
        add B,A
        add B,_L
        rol B,cl
        mov _L,B
pop  ecx

macro RC6ENCRND _I,_A,_B,_C,_D
        lea eax,[_B+_B+1]
        lea ecx,[_D+_D+1]
        imul eax,_B
        imul ecx,_D
        rol eax,5
        rol ecx,5
        xor _A,eax
        xor _C,ecx
        rol _A,cl
        mov cl,al
        rol _C,cl
        add _A,[RC6_KEY+_I*4+0*4]
        add _C,[RC6_KEY+_I*4+1*4]

        push ebp
        push esi
        push edi
        push ebx
        mov eax,[esp+1*4+4*4];pPlainText
        mov esi,[eax+0*4]
        mov ebx,[eax+1*4]
        mov edi,[eax+2*4]
        mov ebp,[eax+3*4]
        add ebx,[RC6_KEY+0*4]
        add ebp,[RC6_KEY+1*4]
    RC6ENCRND 02,esi,ebx,edi,ebp
    RC6ENCRND 04,ebx,edi,ebp,esi
    RC6ENCRND 06,edi,ebp,esi,ebx
    RC6ENCRND 08,ebp,esi,ebx,edi
    RC6ENCRND 10,esi,ebx,edi,ebp
    RC6ENCRND 12,ebx,edi,ebp,esi
    RC6ENCRND 14,edi,ebp,esi,ebx
    RC6ENCRND 16,ebp,esi,ebx,edi
    RC6ENCRND 18,esi,ebx,edi,ebp
    RC6ENCRND 20,ebx,edi,ebp,esi
    RC6ENCRND 22,edi,ebp,esi,ebx
    RC6ENCRND 24,ebp,esi,ebx,edi
    RC6ENCRND 26,esi,ebx,edi,ebp
    RC6ENCRND 28,ebx,edi,ebp,esi
    RC6ENCRND 30,edi,ebp,esi,ebx
    RC6ENCRND 32,ebp,esi,ebx,edi
    RC6ENCRND 34,esi,ebx,edi,ebp
    RC6ENCRND 36,ebx,edi,ebp,esi
    RC6ENCRND 38,edi,ebp,esi,ebx
    RC6ENCRND 40,ebp,esi,ebx,edi
        mov eax,[esp+2*4+4*4];pCipherText
        add esi,[RC6_KEY+42*4]
        add edi,[RC6_KEY+43*4]
        mov [eax+0*4],esi
        mov [eax+1*4],ebx
        mov [eax+2*4],edi
        mov [eax+3*4],ebp
        pop ebx
        pop edi
        pop esi
        pop ebp
ret 8

macro RC6DECRND _I,_A,_B,_C,_D
        sub _C,[RC6_KEY+_I*4+1*4]
        lea eax,[_D+_D+1]
        sub _A,[RC6_KEY+_I*4+0*4]
        lea edx,[_B+_B+1]
        imul eax,_D
        imul edx,_B
        rol eax,5
        rol edx,5
        mov cl,dl
        ror _C,cl
        mov cl,al
        ror _A,cl
        xor _C,eax
        xor _A,edx

        push ebp
        push esi
        push edi
        push ebx
        mov edx,[esp+1*4+4*4];pCipherText
        mov esi,[edx+0*4]
        mov ebx,[edx+1*4]
        mov edi,[edx+2*4]
        mov ebp,[edx+3*4]
        sub esi,[RC6_KEY+42*4]
        sub edi,[RC6_KEY+43*4]
        RC6DECRND 40,ebp,esi,ebx,edi
        RC6DECRND 38,edi,ebp,esi,ebx
        RC6DECRND 36,ebx,edi,ebp,esi
        RC6DECRND 34,esi,ebx,edi,ebp
        RC6DECRND 32,ebp,esi,ebx,edi
        RC6DECRND 30,edi,ebp,esi,ebx
        RC6DECRND 28,ebx,edi,ebp,esi
        RC6DECRND 26,esi,ebx,edi,ebp
        RC6DECRND 24,ebp,esi,ebx,edi
        RC6DECRND 22,edi,ebp,esi,ebx
        RC6DECRND 20,ebx,edi,ebp,esi
        RC6DECRND 18,esi,ebx,edi,ebp
        RC6DECRND 16,ebp,esi,ebx,edi
        RC6DECRND 14,edi,ebp,esi,ebx
        RC6DECRND 12,ebx,edi,ebp,esi
        RC6DECRND 10,esi,ebx,edi,ebp
        RC6DECRND 08,ebp,esi,ebx,edi
        RC6DECRND 06,edi,ebp,esi,ebx
        RC6DECRND 04,ebx,edi,ebp,esi
        RC6DECRND 02,esi,ebx,edi,ebp
        mov edx,[esp+2*4+4*4];pPlainText
        sub ebp,[RC6_KEY+1*4]
        sub ebx,[RC6_KEY+0*4]
        mov [edx+0*4],esi
        mov [edx+1*4],ebx
        mov [edx+2*4],edi
        mov [edx+3*4],ebp
        pop ebx
        pop edi
        pop esi
        pop ebp
ret 8

    shr [dwKeyLen],2            ; ??????????????????//
    mov [SaveEsi],esi
    mov [SaveEdi],edi
    mov [SaveEbx],ebx
        xor edx,edx
        mov eax,pKey


                mov ecx,[eax+edx*4+0*4]
                mov ebx,[eax+edx*4+1*4]
                mov [RC6L+edx*4+0*4],ecx
                mov [RC6L+edx*4+1*4],ebx
                add edx,2

        ;.until edx >= [dwKeyLen]

    mov eax,RC6_P
    xor edx,edx
    mov edi,RC6_KEY
        mov ecx,RC6_PxQ;RC6_P+RC6_Q
            mov [edi+edx*4+0*4],eax
            mov [edi+edx*4+1*4],ecx
                add edx,2
                lea eax,[ecx+RC6_Q]
                cmp edx,RC6KR
                lea ecx,[eax+RC6_Q]
    jnz .repeat867;    .until zero?
        xor eax,eax
        xor ebx,ebx
        xor edx,edx
        xor edi,edi
        xor esi,esi

                RC6SETUP eax,ebx,[RC6_KEY+edi*4+0*4],[RC6L+esi*4+0*4]
                RC6SETUP eax,ebx,[RC6_KEY+edi*4+1*4],[RC6L+esi*4+1*4]
                add edx,2
                add edi,2
                add esi,2
                cmp edi,RC6KR
                sbb ecx,ecx
                and edi,ecx
                cmp esi,[dwKeyLen]
                sbb ecx,ecx
                and esi,ecx
       ;  .until edx >= RC6KR*3

    mov eax,RC6_KEY
    mov esi,[SaveEsi]
    mov edi,[SaveEdi]
    mov ebx,[SaveEbx]

RC6L     rd 8
SaveEsi  rd 1
SaveEdi  rd 1
SaveEbx  rd 1
dwKeyLen rd 1
pKey     rd 1    
Post 26 Jun 2009, 15:56
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Your code has a bug

Joined: 06 May 2005
Posts: 4624
Location: Argentina
LocoDelAssembly 26 Jun 2009, 16:16
narada, I've edited all of your posts to add code tags (except for the one containing comments with Cyrillic chars).

You have said this forum already has RC4 algorithms, if that is true and you Copy&Pasted the code then the next time consider posting a link to it instead. Also, because of the large amount of code, it would be better to attach all the code in a ZIP in a single post...

Nevertheless, thanks for providing the code (but remember the paragraph above :]).
Post 26 Jun 2009, 16:16
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Joined: 22 Dec 2008
Posts: 45
arigity 26 Jun 2009, 18:01
masm forum has a pretty nice and understandable rc4 encryption http://www.masm32.com/board/index.php?topic=6381.msg47573#msg47573
Post 26 Jun 2009, 18:01
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