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Joined: 13 Dec 2008
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GhostXoPCorp 01 Jul 2009, 03:09
how would i do that, i have had a qeustion like this in my head for a while now and i want to know how to do that?

here what i thought it to be

point buffer to ds:si

mov ds, si
mov si, buffer

is that it? if not can some one explain how that al works to me please?

Oh that divide overflow. Just jumps out of the bushes every time to scare the day lights out of me.
Post 01 Jul 2009, 03:09
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windwakr 01 Jul 2009, 03:13
DS would be the segment the buffer is in, si would be the offset to buffer.

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Post 01 Jul 2009, 03:13
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GhostXoPCorp 01 Jul 2009, 03:18
hows about
mov [DS:SI], buffer?
if not can you explain how what you said works

p.s. what wrong with my posts?
Post 01 Jul 2009, 03:18
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windwakr 01 Jul 2009, 03:21
GhostXoPCorp wrote:

p.s. what wrong with my posts?

mov ds, si

What is si before this move?
You set up si properly below that, but you're not setting up DS right. You need to set ds to the segment that "buffer" is in.

2^8 Posts Woo....

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Post 01 Jul 2009, 03:21
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GhostXoPCorp 01 Jul 2009, 03:25
how can i set ds to be the segment to the buffer?
Post 01 Jul 2009, 03:25
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windwakr 01 Jul 2009, 03:27
Well, it depends on what you're doing, if the buffer is in the same area as your code you'd just do:

push cs
pop ds
Post 01 Jul 2009, 03:27
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GhostXoPCorp 01 Jul 2009, 03:29
could you give me an example of pointing the buffer to DS:SI
i am learning vesa and came upon this and i want to know how to do this, this is another reason why i am asking
Post 01 Jul 2009, 03:29
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windwakr 01 Jul 2009, 03:37
Sorry, I'm not the best person to be explaining this.

This sets up both DS:SI and ES:DI and would transfer buffer1's contents to buffer2.(Theres nothing to tranfer though, just showing the set up.)

org 100h

push cs           ;buffer is in the code segment, so set ds up right
pop ds
mov si,buffer1

push cs           ;buffer is in the code segment, so set es up right
pop es
mov di,buffer2

mov cx,1000
rep movsb ;Move DS:SI to ES:DI and increase both si and di

jmp $

rb 1000

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Post 01 Jul 2009, 03:37
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GhostXoPCorp 01 Jul 2009, 03:40
thanks though, i will look this over a couple times, thanks

so if i use ds, i have to pop ds and the same for es, i pop es
an use cs if the buffer is used in the code
Post 01 Jul 2009, 03:40
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windwakr 01 Jul 2009, 03:41
Ya, or you could do mov ds,ax....where ax has the value to put into ds. You can't directly put a value into the segment registers.
Post 01 Jul 2009, 03:41
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LocoDelAssembly 01 Jul 2009, 03:42
Three methods (not necessarily all):
; Memory allocated via Int21

mov ah, $48
mov bx, (BUFFER_SIZE + 15) / 16 ; DOS allocates paragraphs, i.e., multiples of 16 bytes
int $21
mov ds, ax
mov si, 0 ; The returned segment is always pointing to the beginning of the allocated block    

You have the pointer stored in some dword variable:
lds si, [pointer]    

You have a multi-segment executable:
format MZ
entry main:start

segment main

mov ax, bss
mov ds, ax
mov si, buffer

; Also
lds si, dword [pointer]

; More code here

pointer dw buffer, bss

segment bss

buffer rb 256    

You have to understand however that once you set DS then nearly all instructions will refer to the segment where the buffer is located. In general you may want to use ES segment for this instead and use segment overrides like "mov [es:si], al". But, of course this all depends of your code, this is just a warn.
Post 01 Jul 2009, 03:42
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GhostXoPCorp 01 Jul 2009, 03:50
thanks you guys, if i hadnt of asked this question, i would of never of had known it on my own

Sorry, I'm not the best person to be explaining this.

yeah, if you are explaining this to some one with no fasm experience, but to some one like me who has been learning fasm for a while, this is as good as an explanation of this can get Smile

Oh that divide overflow. Just jumps out of the bushes every time to scare the day lights out of me.
Post 01 Jul 2009, 03:50
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