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Index > Macroinstructions > extended import and stdcall/invoke macroses

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Joined: 09 Dec 2004
Posts: 141
Location: Russia, Murmansk region
IronFelix 24 Apr 2009, 08:23
Hi all!
I have made some small update in import, stdcall, invoke, ccall and cinvoke macroses for next reasons:
1. In case when some of application functions should be placed in separate DLL and still used in that application all "stdcall"s with such functions must be replaced with "invoke"s - not so easy, IMHO. With this macro update direct/indirect calls are detected automatically and are based on if function is actually imported or not.
2. Some of DLLs have exported functions with same names. For example ntdll.dll and kernel.dll both have RtlMoveMemory and some other functions.
With such macro no errors will be in case of import all of those DLL's contents. So it is enough to use some DLL converter programm which will make whole DLL contents import file in FASM syntax without need to modify such file almost always.

Here is the code :
format PE GUI 4.0
entry Main

 include "win32a.inc"

 ; Updated import macro
 ; Here additional forward-referenced constants are set in order to
 ; detect direct/indirect call needed in stdcall/invoke
 ; it also exclude earlier imported functions with same name, for example
 ; ntdll.dll and kernel.dll both have RtlMoveMemory and some other functions
 ; with such macro no errors will be in case of import all of those DLL's
 ; contents
 macro import name,[label,string]
   DONE equ NO
   ; check, if we have at least one function which is not
   ; defined in earlier DLL imports
    match any , label#_importdone
     restore DONE
     DONE equ YES
   ; if we have at least one function which is not
   ; defined in earlier DLL imports - make import table
   match =YES, DONE
    if defined name\#.referred
     match any , label\#_importdone
      if used label
       if string eqtype ''
        local _label
        dd RVA _label
        dd 80000000h + string
       end if
      end if
      if $ > name\#.lookup
       name\#.redundant = 0
       dd 0
       name\#.redundant = 1
      end if
      match any , label\#_importdone
       if used label
        if string eqtype ''
         label dd RVA _label
        label dd 80000000h + string
        end if
        label\\#_dllimport = 1 ; mark function as DLL-imported
       end if
      if ~ name\#.redundant
       dd 0
      end if
      match any , label\#_importdone
       if used label & string eqtype ''
       _label dw 0
             db string,0
          rb RVA $ and 1
       end if
       ; mark function name as imported in order not to
       ; process it in next possible imports
       label\\#_importdone equ
     end if
   restore DONE   

; macro to choose call type based on imported constant definition
macro call_by_declare name
 ; match is used here to get proper name in cases like this:
 ; MessageBox  equ MessageBoxA
 ; ...
 ; import user32 ,\
 ;         MessageBoxA,   'MessageBoxA',\
 ;         MessageBoxW,   'MessageBoxW'
 match _name, name
  ; if function is imported - make indirect call
  if defined _name\#_dllimport
   call near [_name]
  ; otherwise - direct call
   call near _name
  end if

; updated function call macroses with direct/indirect call detection

macro stdcall proc,[arg]               ; directly call STDCALL procedure
 { common
   match all, arg
     pushd arg
   call_by_declare proc}

macro invoke proc,[arg]                ; indirectly call STDCALL procedure
 { common
   match all, arg
     pushd arg
    call_by_declare proc}

macro ccall proc,[arg]                 ; directly call CDECL procedure
 { common
    size@ccall = 0
    match all, arg
      pushd arg
     size@ccall = size@ccall+4
    call_by_declare proc
    if size@ccall
     add esp,size@ccall
    end if }

macro cinvoke proc,[arg]               ; indirectly call CDECL procedure
 { common
    size@ccall = 0
    match all, arg
      pushd arg
     size@ccall = size@ccall+4
    call_by_declare proc
    if size@ccall
     add esp,size@ccall
    end if }

; now we are free to use stdcall or invoke with all functions in code -
; appropriate call type will be chosen automatically

; now let use UNICODE name to control ASCII/Unicode function calls
; if "UNICODE equ " is not specified - we have ASCII versions


 MessageBox equ MessageBoxA

match  , UNICODE
 MessageBox equ MessageBoxW

; just a test function
proc TestFunction
 ; actually used MessageBox version depends on UNICODE name
 invoke MessageBox, 0, szOk, szTitle, MB_ICONINFORMATION


 invoke TestFunction ; <- here stdcall actually used, so - no error till execution

 invoke ExitProcess, 0

; if we are not use Unicode
 szTitle  db "Test",0
 szOk     db "Call is successful.",0

; if Unicode is used
match  , UNICODE
 szTitle  du "Test",0
 szOk     du "Call is successful.",0

align 16
data import
 library kernel32,           'kernel32.dll',\
         user32,             'user32.dll'

 include "api\kernel32.inc"
 ; here we are free to import all contents of DLL
 ; but for example - only MessageBox'es
 import user32 ,\
         MessageBoxA,    "MessageBoxA",\
         MessageBoxW,    "MessageBoxW"

end data


Flat Assembler is the best!
Post 24 Apr 2009, 08:23
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