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Joined: 13 Jul 2009
Posts: 17
khanh1984 15 Jul 2009, 06:55
Hi everybody,

Today I'm trying to code a very simple application that simply demonstrated how to use keyboard hook and started to use LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress API function. However, when I make a call to GetProcAddress, the 1st function was retrieved sucessfully but not the second. After examing the symbol name in the dll file, I'v found them to be still correct. So where the thing goes wrong ?
I include here the source code of both DLL file and main application. You can compile it right away and see it yourself.

format PE GUI 4.0 DLL
entry DllMain

include "win32a.inc"
include "\macro\if.inc"

section '.data' data readable writeable shareable
     msg1 db "Ko bam phim xuong",0
     msg2 db "Call nexthook",0
 hook dw 0

section '.code' code readable executable
proc DllMain hinstDLL,fdwReason,lpvReserved
  mov eax,TRUE

proc KBHookSetup DLL_module

      mov eax,[DLL_module]
        invoke SetWindowsHookEx,WH_KEYBOARD,KBHookFilter,dword [eax],0
      mov dword [hook],eax

proc KBHookFilter keycode,wParam,lParam
     mov ebx,[lParam]
    shr ebx,31
  mov eax,[keycode]
      .if eax = HC_ACTION
         .if ebx = 0
                 .if [wParam]=30h
                            invoke MessageBox,NULL,msg1,NULL,MB_OK
               invoke MessageBox,NULL,msg2,MB_OK
           mov eax,[keycode]
              mov ebx,[wParam]
            mov ecx,[lParam]
            invoke CallNextHookEx,dword [hook],eax,ebx,ecx
xor eax,eax   

section '.edata' export data readable 
  export 'HOOKDLL.DLL',\

section ".idata" import data readable writeable
   library kernel32,'kernel32.dll',\
       import user32,\
           CallNextHookEx, 'CallNextHookEx'

section '.reloc' fixups data discardable

Main Application code
include 'win32ax.inc'
include 'rc.inc'


msg MSG
nResult dw 0
hModule dw 0
hook dw 0 
Dll_module dw 0
_dll_hook_setup dw 0
_dll_hook_filter dw 0
error db 1,2,3,4
    db      "can't load the module",0
 kbh db "KBHookSetup",0
 kbf db "KBHookFilter",0        
    invoke  GetModuleHandle,NULL
        mov dword [hModule],eax
     invoke  DialogBoxParam,eax,IDD_DLG1001,NULL,DLG_Function,NULL
       .if eax = 0
         mov dword [nResult],eax
             invoke MessageBox,NULL,"Hi! I'm the example program!","Win32 Assembly",MB_OK
    invoke UnhookWindowsHook,[hook]
     invoke  ExitProcess,0

proc DLG_Function,hwnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam

mov eax,[uMsg]
cmp eax ,WM_DESTROY
jz .wm_destroy
cmp eax,WM_COMMAND
jz .wm_command
cmp eax,WM_CLOSE
jz .wm_close
jz .wm_initdialog
jmp .default

      invoke LoadLibrary,"C:\HOOKDLL.DLL"
      mov dword [Dll_module],eax
  .if eax =  0
                        invoke MessageBox,NULL,"the specified modulesss could not be found",NULL,MB_OK
                    invoke ExitProcess,0
      mov ecx,dword [Dll_module]
  invoke GetProcAddress,ecx,"KBHookSetup"
   mov dword [_dll_hook_setup],eax
     .if eax=0
           invoke MessageBox,NULL,"Can't get the function address setup",NULL,MB_OK
         invoke FreeLibrary,[Dll_module]
             invoke ExitProcess,NULL
      mov ecx,dword [Dll_module]
  invoke GetProcAddress,ecx,"KBHook"
        mov dword [_dll_hook_filter],eax
    .if eax = 0
         invoke MessageBox,NULL,"Can't get the function address filter",NULL,MB_OK
                invoke FreeLibrary,[Dll_module]
             invoke ExitProcess,NULL
    invoke _dll_hook_setup,Dll_module

       mov dword [hook],eax
        jmp .exit
   invoke PostQuitMessage,,NULL
        jmp .exit
   mov eax, [wParam]
   .if ax = IDC_BUTTON_EXIT
            shr eax,16
          .if ax=BN_CLICKED                     ;click exit buttion
                   mov eax,[hwnd]
                      invoke DestroyWindow,[hwnd]
                 invoke FreeLibrary,[Dll_module]
      jmp .exit
     mov eax,[hwnd]
      invoke EndDialog,eax,nResult
        jmp .exit
      mov eax,FALSE
       mov eax,TRUE


.end start

section '.rsrc' data readable resource from 'rc.res'
Post 15 Jul 2009, 06:55
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revolution 15 Jul 2009, 07:41
You have defined all of your global variable as words.
nResult dw 0
hModule dw 0
hook dw 0
Dll_module dw 0
_dll_hook_setup dw 0
_dll_hook_filter dw 0     
You should define them as dwords.
nResult dd 0
hModule dd 0
hook dd 0
Dll_module dd 0
_dll_hook_setup dd 0
_dll_hook_filter dd 0     
Then you won't need the 'dword' overrides in the code.
Post 15 Jul 2009, 07:41
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Joined: 13 Jul 2009
Posts: 17
khanh1984 15 Jul 2009, 08:50
How idiot I'm. After changing into double word, the program runs as expected. I'always forget that dw stands for "define word" not "double word" ???
Post 15 Jul 2009, 08:50
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vid 15 Jul 2009, 10:34
Btw, when WinAPI function returns error, you can use GetLastError and FormatMessage to get text error message, that can be displayed. It wouldn't help with this particular bug, but you should think of doing it to catch other bugs in future more easily.
Post 15 Jul 2009, 10:34
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