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Index > Main > fasm C version (as close as possible)

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sleepsleep 14 May 2009, 03:47
hi there,
is there possible for mod to stick a thread that explain how to use fasm as close as possible like C (with all the default fasm macro package support)?

eg, the C feature, if, elseif, while, do, switch ... case, and more.

it is still fasm, but just we use dd in every types.

anyone got time and .... sort of samaritan's heart?
Post 14 May 2009, 03:47
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Borsuc 14 May 2009, 21:55
I don't get what you mean. The above features you enumerated do not generate instructions, they more like preprocessor (although fasm has an ever previous pre-preprocessor Smile).

Previously known as The_Grey_Beast
Post 14 May 2009, 21:55
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sleepsleep 17 May 2009, 14:11
i mean, to put a list of example on how to use the fasm macroinstruction in a C like pattern.

cinvoke   printf,'EAX = 0x%X',eax

.if eax = 8
        jmp     somewhere
        jmp     anotherwhere
Post 17 May 2009, 14:11
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Borsuc 17 May 2009, 19:30
Ah you're talking about .if, not if

there's a difference.
Post 17 May 2009, 19:30
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sleepsleep 18 May 2009, 00:21
how to use the .while? and .wend?
i tried but to no avail Sad
anyone wanna chip in?
Post 18 May 2009, 00:21
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LocoDelAssembly 18 May 2009, 00:49
sleepsleep, something like this?
; This is a reproduction of the Fahrenheit-Celsius table code from "C Programming Language (2nd Edition)"

UPPER = 300
STEP  = 20

format pe console
entry main
include 'win32ax.inc'

  sub     esp, 4*3 ; Reserve space for printf arguments
  virtual at esp
    .fmt     dd ?
    .fahr    dd ?
    .celsius dd ?
  end virtual

  ; fahr = lower
  mov    esi, LOWER

  .while esi <= UPPER
     ; celsius = 5 * (fahr-32) / 9
     lea     eax, [esi*4+esi-32*5]
     mov     ecx, 9
     idiv    ecx
     ; printf("%d\t%d\t", fahr, celsius);
     mov     [.fmt], fmt
     mov     [.fahr], esi
     mov     [.celsius], eax
     call    [printf]

     ; fahr = fahr + step;
     add     esi, STEP

  add     esp, 4*3 ; Probably not required
  invoke  ExitProcess, 0

fmt db "%d", 9,"%d", 10, 0

align 4 ; Just to be safe
data import 
  library kernel32, 'kernel32.dll',\

  import kernel32,\
         ExitProcess, 'ExitProcess'

  import msvcrt,\
         printf, 'printf'
end data    
Post 18 May 2009, 00:49
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sleepsleep 18 May 2009, 13:25
thanks loco, that is exactly what i hope this thread turns out.

more people, chips in Smile come on..

switch, select case...
how to use array ... chip in.. this thread will forsure help many people who coming from C.
Post 18 May 2009, 13:25
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Enko 18 May 2009, 15:15
Complete program: http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=9398
It use the c++ runtime, msvcrt.dll
  mov     [sock_addr.sin_addr],NULL 
    invoke  bind, [sock], sock_addr,sizeof.sockaddr_in 
    .if eax <> 0 
        invoke  WSAGetLastError 
        cinvoke printf, szError, eax         
    invoke listen, [sock],MAX_QUEUE 
    ;socket listening 
    invoke accept, [sock],peerAddr,sizePeerAddr 
    mov     [peer],eax  
    stdcall ipToString,[peerAddr.sin_addr],szIp 
    cinvoke printf, szClient,szIp 
    ;new thread for each connection 
    invoke CreateThread, NULL,NULL, resolveConnection,[peer],NULL,NULL 
    jmp     accepted 
        invoke  ExitProcess,0 

;the connection manager 
proc resolveConnection, lpParam 
local lpeer: DWORD, lbuffer: DWORD, lurl: DWORD, lfile: DWORD  
    mov     eax, [lpParam] 
    mov     [lpeer],eax 
    cinvoke malloc, BUFFER_SIZE 
    mov     [lbuffer],eax 
    invoke  recv, [lpeer],[lbuffer],BUFFER_SIZE,0  
    ;if there is a message then continue 
    .if eax <> 0    
        mov ebx,[lbuffer] 
        mov byte [ebx+eax],0 
        .if SHOW_DETAILED_MSG 
            cinvoke printf,szRequest, [lbuffer]    
        cinvoke strtok, [lbuffer], szTockens 
        .if eax <> 0  
            ;handling the GET message 
            .if dword[eax] = "GET"           
                ;url sring allocation 
                ;getting the URL from GET message 
                cinvoke malloc, MAX_URL_SIZE 
                mov    [lurl],eax 
                cinvoke strcpy, [lurl],szRoot 
                cinvoke strtok, NULL, szTockens 
                cinvoke strcat,[lurl],eax   
                mov     ebx,eax      
                cinvoke strlen, eax 
                mov edx,eax 
                dec edx 
                    dec eax 
                    cmp byte[ebx+eax],"/" 
                    .if ZERO? 
                        mov byte[ebx+eax],"\" 
                .until eax = 0 
                .if byte[ebx+edx] = "\" 
                    cinvoke strcat,[lurl],szIndex 
                cinvoke printf, szFile, [lurl] 
                ;opening the file to send to browser 
                ;file exists, sending,,,, 
                .if eax <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE  
                    mov [lfile],eax             
                    invoke  GetFileSize, [lfile],NULL 
                    invoke  TransmitFile, [lpeer],[lfile],eax,NULL,NULL,transmiteBuffer,NULL  
                    .if eax 
                        cinvoke printf, szStatus, szFileSent 
                    invoke  CloseHandle, [lfile] 
                    cinvoke printf, szStatus, szFileNotExists                     
                    invoke  send, [lpeer], h404, h404.size, 0                
                cinvoke free, [lurl] 
    cinvoke free, [lbuffer] 

Post 18 May 2009, 15:15
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Picnic 18 May 2009, 21:20
Here is an example of the SetConsoleCtrlHandler function that is used to install a control handler.

            ; Registering a Control Handler Function
            ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms685049(v=vs.85).aspx

            format pe console
            entry main

            include "win32ax.inc"

            macro return x {
                mov eax, x
                ret }

            crlf equ 13,10

section ".code" code readable executable
            invoke SetConsoleCtrlHandler, CtrlHandler, TRUE
            .if ( eax )

                cinvoke printf, <crlf,"The Control Handler is installed.",crlf>
                cinvoke printf, <crlf," -- Now try pressing Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break, or">
                cinvoke printf, <crlf,"    try logging off or closing the console...",crlf>
                cinvoke printf, <crlf,"(...waiting in a loop for events...)",crlf,crlf>

                .while ( 1 )



                cinvoke printf, <crlf,"ERROR: Could not set control handler">
                return 1


            return 0

proc CtrlHandler uses ecx edx, fdwCtrlType:DWORD

            mov eax, [fdwCtrlType]

            ; Handle the CTRL-C signal.
            .if ( eax = CTRL_C_EVENT )
                cinvoke printf, <"Ctrl-C event",crlf,crlf>
                return TRUE

            ; CTRL-CLOSE: confirm that the user wants to exit.
            .elseif ( eax = CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT )
                cinvoke printf, <"Ctrl-Close event",crlf,crlf>
                return TRUE

            ; Pass other signals to the next handler.
            .elseif ( eax = CTRL_BREAK_EVENT )
                cinvoke printf, <"Ctrl-Break event",crlf,crlf>
                return FALSE

            .elseif ( eax = CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT )
                cinvoke printf, <"Ctrl-Logoff event",crlf,crlf>
                return FALSE

            .elseif ( eax = CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT )
                cinvoke printf, <"Ctrl-Shutdown event",crlf,crlf>
                return FALSE


            return FALSE

section ".idata" import data readable writeable

                kernel32, "kernel32.dll",\
                msvcrt, "msvcrt.dll"

            import kernel32,\
                SetConsoleCtrlHandler, "SetConsoleCtrlHandler"

            import msvcrt,\
                printf, "printf"

Last edited by Picnic on 23 Dec 2012, 19:57; edited 1 time in total
Post 18 May 2009, 21:20
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sleepsleep 19 May 2009, 00:43
how bout some simplified example on array?
we can do it Smile come on Razz
Post 19 May 2009, 00:43
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Picnic 19 May 2009, 07:24
I'm not sure if that's what you want but checkout this example by Tomasz shows how to make arrays in a HLL-ish syntax using macros.

Post 19 May 2009, 07:24
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sleepsleep 19 May 2009, 22:07
cool, thanks Smile thimis & tomasz
Post 19 May 2009, 22:07
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LocoDelAssembly 08 Jun 2009, 15:13
BTW, I haven't noticed before but this thread is in Heap. Do you think it should be moved? It should be moved to Main? Which other forum if not Main?
Post 08 Jun 2009, 15:13
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OzzY 08 Jun 2009, 18:33
I don't know the current state of FASM macros, but I guess it's possible to implement a programming language with it.

Maybe parsing the source codes to adjust to the macros when compiling, but it really helps anyway.


; C macros
macro init_libc {
      jmp @f
      crt dd 0
      invoke LoadLibrary, 'MSVCRT.DLL'
      mov [crt], eax

macro load_C_API api {
      invoke GetProcAddress, [crt], api

macro unload_libc {
      invoke FreeLibrary, [crt]

macro main {
     format PE console
     include '%fasminc%\win32ax.inc'



     load_C_API 'printf'
     mov [printf], eax

     jmp @f
     printf dd 0

macro return x {

        invoke ExitProcess, x
.end main
; End C macros

include 'stdio.h'

main ;() {
        cinvoke printf, <'Hello world!',13,10,0>
        return 0

Have fun! Very Happy
Post 08 Jun 2009, 18:33
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Raedwulf 10 Jun 2009, 14:36
LocoDelAssembly wrote:
BTW, I haven't noticed before but this thread is in Heap. Do you think it should be moved? It should be moved to Main? Which other forum if not Main?

Highlevel languages?

But LocoDelAssembly... sleepsleep would never find this thread if it wasn't in Heap Laughing

Post 10 Jun 2009, 14:36
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sleepsleep 10 Jun 2009, 15:49

sleepsleep would never find this thread if it wasn't in Heap

Laughing Laughing Laughing
Rolling Eyes
Arrow its ok, please adjust it at the place it supposes to be
Post 10 Jun 2009, 15:49
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LocoDelAssembly 02 Jul 2009, 22:44
OK, there was no serious opposition to the moving and another moderator agreed via PM this thread should be in Main.

Thread moved.
Post 02 Jul 2009, 22:44
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sleepsleep 03 Jul 2009, 12:59
what about the thimis (if i am correct) api and text, and he mentioned little bit about fix... any idea how to put such ... "feature" into this idea?
Post 03 Jul 2009, 12:59
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Picnic 03 Jul 2009, 17:00
sleepsleep here is how 'text' replacing 'cinvoke printf,' in Ozzy's example above, using the fix directive.

include 'stdio.h'

main ;() {
        text fix cinvoke printf,   
        wait1sec fix cinvoke Sleep,1000    

        text <'Hello world!',13,10,0>
        return 0
Post 03 Jul 2009, 17:00
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sleepsleep 04 Jul 2009, 02:38
thanks thimis Wink cool
Post 04 Jul 2009, 02:38
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