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Index > Windows > First win32 program, undefined symbol with menu

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Joined: 27 Apr 2004
Posts: 2
Noorah 27 Apr 2004, 17:09
I'm quite sorry if this is a really obvious error, but I have been working on it for some time, and while I think I finally have most of the win32 issues that were confusing me worked out, I still can't seem to figure out what's going on with this little issue of mine.

I have a little window program that I want to have two buttons and a menu on. I haven't gotten it to compile so I'm not sure about my logic, but I'm just trying to understand win32 programming right now.

My problem is that when I compile FASM gives me the following error:

Error: undefined symbol
main_menu dd RVA data?0005D8B,size?0005D8B,0,0

The code referenced is line 219 of the following:

include '%fasminc%\win32axp.inc'

IDM_EXIT = 102


  _message_text db 'This is my Message!',0
  _message_title db 'My Message',0
  _title db 'First Win32Program',0
  _about_text db 'This is a simple program to help me',\
  ' understand win32 programming',0
  _btn_text db 'Give me a Message',0
  _btn_cncl db 'Cancel',0

  _class db 'FASMWIN32',0
  _btn_style db 'BS_PUSHBUTTON',0
  _btn_dstyle db 'BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON',0

  mainhwnd dd ?
  hinstance dd ?
  btnKhwnd dd ?
  btnChwnd dd ?

  msg MSG


  ; Get hinstance
  push NULL
  call [GetModuleHandle]
  mov [hinstance],eax

  ; get Application Icon
  push NULL
  call [LoadIcon]
  mov [wc.hIcon],eax

  ; get cursor
  push IDC_ARROW
  push NULL
  call [LoadCursor]
  mov [wc.hCursor],eax

  mov [wc.style],0
  mov [wc.lpfnWndProc],WindowProc
  mov [wc.cbClsExtra],0
  mov [wc.cbWndExtra],0
  mov eax,[hinstance]
  mov [wc.hInstance],eax
  mov [wc.hbrBackground],COLOR_BTNFACE+1
  mov [wc.lpszMenuName],0
  mov [wc.lpszClassName],_class
  push wc
  call [RegisterClass]

  ; load Menu to eax
  push 1000
  push [hinstance]
  call [LoadMenu]

  ; Create Main Window with Menu from eax
  push NULL
  push [hinstance]
  push eax
  push NULL
  push 192
  push 192
  push 128
  push 128
  push _title
  push _class
  push 0
  call [CreateWindowEx]
  mov [mainhwnd],eax

  ; Refresh Window
  push SW_SHOW
  push [mainhwnd]
  call [ShowWindow]
  push [mainhwnd]
  call [UpdateWindow]

  push 0
  push 0
  push NULL
  push msg
  call [GetMessage]
  or      eax,eax
  jz      end_loop
  push msg
  call [TranslateMessage]
  push msg
  call [DispatchMessage]
  jmp     msg_loop

  push [msg.wParam]
  call [ExitProcess]

proc WindowProc, hwnd,wmsg,wparam,lparam
    push ebx esi edi
    cmp [wmsg],WM_CREATE
    je wmcreate
    cmp [wmsg],WM_COMMAND
    je wmcommand
    cmp [wmsg],WM_DESTROY
    je wmdestroy

    push [lparam]
    push [wparam]
    push [wmsg]
    push [hwnd]
    call [DefWindowProc]
    jmp finish

      ; Create Message Button
      push NULL
      push [hinstance]
      push NULL
      push [mainhwnd]
      push 30
      push 50
      push 90
      push 10
      push _btn_text
      push _btn_dstyle
      push 0
      call [CreateWindowEx]
      mov [btnKhwnd],eax
      or eax,eax
      jz failed

      ; Create Cancel Button
      push NULL
      push [hinstance]
      push NULL
      push [mainhwnd]
      push 30
      push 40
      push 90
      push 70
      push _btn_text
      push _btn_dstyle
      push 0
      call [CreateWindowEx]
      mov [btnChwnd],eax
      or eax,eax
      jz failed
      xor eax,eax
      jmp finish
      or eax,-1
      jmp finish

    mov eax,[lparam]
    cmp eax,[hwnd]
    je menucom
    cmp eax,[btnKhwnd]
    je btnK
    cmp eax,[btnChwnd]
    je btnC
      mov eax,[wparam]
      and eax,0FFFFh
      cmp eax,IDM_MSGPOP
      je msgpopup
      cmp eax,IDM_EXIT
      je  wmdestroy
      mov eax,[wparam]
      cmp eax,BN_CLICKED
      je msgpopup
      cmp eax,BN_DBLCLK
      je msgpopup
      mov eax,[wparam]
      cmp eax,BN_CLICKED
      je wmdestroy
      cmp eax,BN_DBLCLK
      je wmdestroy
      push MB_OK
      push _message_title
      push _message_text
      push [hwnd]
      call [MessageBox]
      jmp finish
      push [btnKhwnd]
      call [DeleteObject]
      push [btnChwnd]
      call [DeleteObject]
      push 0
      call [PostQuitMessage]
      xor eax,eax
      pop edi esi ebx

.end start

section '.rsrc' data resource readable

  directory RT_MENU, menus

  resource menus, \

menu main_menu
  menuitem '&Message',0,MFR_POPUP
    menuitem '&Display',IDM_MSGPOP,0
    menuitem 'E&xit',IDM_EXIT,MFR_END

If anyone can provide help on this error I would greatly appreciate it. I find win32 programming to be rather unintuitive.

Aaron Hsu
noorah@aaronhsu.com | ICQ: 153114301
Post 27 Apr 2004, 17:09
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Joined: 27 Apr 2004
Posts: 2
Noorah 27 Apr 2004, 17:22
Simple error, fixed thanks to Privalov:


or add +MFR_END to the end of line 219.

Aaron Hsu
noorah@aaronhsu.com | ICQ: 153114301
Post 27 Apr 2004, 17:22
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