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scientica 09 Aug 2003, 09:26
Blag wrote:
Fresh Team??? Great!!! Very Happy Congratulations Tommy!!!
Thanx Scientica and Jhon Found for working in such a gret project like FRESH, i have all the release versions on my PC...and i love them. Cool
I just hope, that someday...i could be that great in FASM Wink
People like you, make programmers happy Very Happy
As i told before....i have been a programmer for about 5 years (VB,C++,Euphoria,ABAP,etc).....but in ASM.....i'm just a little boy....but thanx to this forum and all the great people that makes this a community, i just beggining to walk with my own feet.
Sorry if i'm being too thankfully Embarassed but i think, that is the least thing that i can do.....you guys deserve to be known worldwide!!!!!

Keep on the good work! Wink

I must say I'm happy that you like our work (I think currently JohnFound deserves the most credit, has has made the vast majority of Fresh),

If you want to be good at fasm and take your self the time to learn it, then you will be good. It worked for me, and one thing that has kept me learning is the joy you feel when you are able to help some one, share knowledge or write code that other people like. And errors, I kinda have a bitter-sweet relation to them, every error I can track down and fix gives me more happiness and knowledge, tend to think of errors/bgs as misstakes in real life, they say experience is the sum of all misstakes, but then again one isn't always happy to find errors/bugs Wink
There is nothing work with expressing thankfulness or happiness, in fact I think people in general (my self included Sad) are too bad at showing their feelings. I must say thank you for show us your appriceation, it makes at least me (I'm sure JohnFound is happy too) very happy. (It means a lot to me when other poeple like what I do (enven thought it isn't "mega much"), it makes me even more sure on that it was worth spending the time in front of the computer instead of joining the RPG people I knew, in the past-no longer assosiate my self with them, personal issues Rolling Eyes. )

Tommy, bokmarks that would be nice, hard to implent. Do you plan on setting them to statically point on a specific line or will the position be uppdated when code above is changed)?

... a professor saying: "use this proprietary software to learn computer science" is the same as English professor handing you a copy of Shakespeare and saying: "use this book to learn Shakespeare without opening the book itself.
- Bradley Kuhn
Post 09 Aug 2003, 09:26
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Tommy 09 Aug 2003, 09:39
scientica: there you gave me something to think about... Very Happy Though I think I'll go for the last one.. I'll do my best to implement a bookmark feature which updates the bookmark positions when lines above are changed... Wink

Someone who has any ideas to features which should be implemented??
Post 09 Aug 2003, 09:39
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Tommy 09 Aug 2003, 09:42
scientica and JohnFound: Should we add an hexeditor to FRESH too? What do you think?
Post 09 Aug 2003, 09:42
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scientica 09 Aug 2003, 10:05
Firt you could implent a static line pointer, use the goto functionallity, get teh cursor pos and then save it ion the book mark struct/file, and the just read the position and use the goto code to get there. The dynamic line pointer, well that's a loot of work, I'd say first implent the static baookmarks, and then when you've gotten that part to work, you can add a funciton call in the MW_KEYDOWN that tests for return/line removal, and then get teh position of the cursor, compare it to the line numbers in the bookmark list, if the cursor is below any bookmark, ingore the key press, if it is above, if it's a return, add one to the bookmark line number, if a line is deleted, subtract one. (Easy in theory, but hard to implent, you'll need some data allocated for each file, and a way of preventing the bookmark from beein changed when an other file is changed, perhaps the book mark could look like this: "<filename>(line,row)[;comment]". And it could be put in a file, perhaps bookmarks.bms (.bms - bookmarks), this file could be stored in the same folder as the project/source (it seems like al IDEs have files for storing things))
Here's an sample:
<Fresh.asm>(125,5);need to fix that
<Styleeditor.asm>(13,25); return error if this isn't ok...
<res\rest.inc>(2,3);since file is in the project base dir, relative paths may be a good Idea?

(I just came to think of it, the bookmarks needs to be arranged first afer file name and then by position, duplicates need to be handleds, etc)

Take time, you seem a dynamic bookkmark system would require a loot of work, a static will be a good start, it will be a good start plate if you later add dynamic.

A hex edit, that would be very nice (I have an idea about binary mode, and grouping of bits for modr/m, sib, etc), but first things first, a hex editor would be really nice Smile

... a professor saying: "use this proprietary software to learn computer science" is the same as English professor handing you a copy of Shakespeare and saying: "use this book to learn Shakespeare without opening the book itself.
- Bradley Kuhn
Post 09 Aug 2003, 10:05
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Tommy 09 Aug 2003, 10:26
Thanks! I'll do.... Wink
(first I add support of bookmarks in the AsmEdit library [static first, then dynamic], because that's what I'm working on right now - the saving to files etc. can be implemented later, ok?)
Post 09 Aug 2003, 10:26
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scientica 09 Aug 2003, 10:34
Tommy wrote:
Thanks! I'll do.... Wink
(first I add support of bookmarks in the AsmEdit library [static first, then dynamic], because that's what I'm working on right now - the saving to files etc. can be implemented later, ok?)

Fine with me, no need to do everything at once. (I know it's hard, one wants to do evertthign Smile)

... a professor saying: "use this proprietary software to learn computer science" is the same as English professor handing you a copy of Shakespeare and saying: "use this book to learn Shakespeare without opening the book itself.
- Bradley Kuhn
Post 09 Aug 2003, 10:34
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JohnFound 09 Aug 2003, 10:43
Hi, all

At first:
Blag, thank you for good words. I am glad to see, that you like our work. Smile If you actually have 5 years experiance in programming I don't think you will have some problems with assembler. If you want, I can find some easy part of Fresh for you. I think that big project is the best way to learn assembler. Smile

So, now from the back to the top:

1. Tommy, bookmarks will be very usefull, but maybe you must implement some easy things first and leave bookmarks for next release.

It will be good if you can implement AsmEdit in source level, with left field for some marks.

For second step, think about bookmarks and also think about way of marking in different colors the part of source, the same way like selection but independently from normal selection. We will use this for source level debugger to mark the current executed line, break points etc. These selections must be several, not only one. They must be set/reset only via messages, no keyboard interface.

2. HexEditor - I think it will be part of source level debugger. There will be window CPU where exact binary code will be showed.

3. Scientica: I was prepared 1.0.03 for publishing, but I will implement your changes now and in monday will be release.
[edit]Or, wait, I will attach 1.0.03 now. there are some changes you must see. Look at History.inc In monday will be 1.0.04[/edit]

4. Tommy, can you post your work, today or tomorrow even partially finished, or you need some more time? I will atach pop-up menus.

[edit]Outdated file removed. Check board for new version [/edit]

Last edited by JohnFound on 11 Aug 2003, 05:55; edited 1 time in total
Post 09 Aug 2003, 10:43
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scientica 09 Aug 2003, 12:22
Mom parents are on a visit now so I don't knwo if I'll ahve mych time for codeing but I'll see what I can do.
As for:
- Strange GPF on address $403de2 on exit of the program.

I have been unsuccessfull to reproduce the error in Win2k, I'll see if I can look in to the address with olly, is it GPF on read or write (incase I can't locate it, it could be a write to some var accidentaly declared in the .code (has occured for me in other projects))

One question, could there be a bugs.inc, where bugs are reported.
As for ToDO, I think we can "solve" it like this:
Every todo block starts with
";TODO: "
and then simply add it to the source editor (or ToDo-man) to simply search for ";TODO: " and then treat the comment block as a TODO block, thus
[qoute=">See quote as code block<"]
; not todo comment..

;TODO: do this and that
; and don't for getabout this or thar.
; foobar

; not comment

the block could be presented in a text box as this:
--see image--    


Filesize: 7.06 KB
Viewed: 13717 Time(s)


... a professor saying: "use this proprietary software to learn computer science" is the same as English professor handing you a copy of Shakespeare and saying: "use this book to learn Shakespeare without opening the book itself.
- Bradley Kuhn
Post 09 Aug 2003, 12:22
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Tommy 09 Aug 2003, 14:07
I can post my work tonight... I just have to add some more features first...ok? As it is right now, it's still a DLL, but when I've implemented some more features I can make it into an include-file as in FasmW...

I attach a screenshot...

Description: Screenshot
Filesize: 19.47 KB
Viewed: 13712 Time(s)


Post 09 Aug 2003, 14:07
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scientica 09 Aug 2003, 15:47
Nice, just one question, shouldn't the bar on right of "bar line" be colored in a little brighter color than the "code area"? (Just my oppinion Smile)

btw, I got this error messge when showing this thread, it didn't appear after i hit F5:
General Error

Could not get Attachment Informations for post number 887, 899, 902, 903


SQL Error : 1030 Got error 12 from table handler

SELECT a.post_id, d.* FROM phpbb_attachments a, phpbb_attachments_desc d WHERE ( a.post_id IN (887, 899, 902, 903)) AND (a.attach_id = d.attach_id) ORDER BY d.filetime DESC

Line : 541
File : /home/users/web/b943/pow.rogerwasson/htdocs/fasm/board/attach_mod/includes/functions_attach.php

[EDIT]Hmm, strange I see the same type of error on the page I opened in background at the sametime
Could not get Attachment Informations for post number 901


SQL Error : 1030 Got error 12 from table handler

SELECT a.post_id, d.* FROM phpbb_attachments a, phpbb_attachments_desc d WHERE ( a.post_id IN (901)) AND (a.attach_id = d.attach_id) ORDER BY d.filetime DESC

Line : 541
File : /home/users/web/b943/pow.rogerwasson/htdocs/fasm/board/attach_mod/includes/functions_attach.php

... a professor saying: "use this proprietary software to learn computer science" is the same as English professor handing you a copy of Shakespeare and saying: "use this book to learn Shakespeare without opening the book itself.
- Bradley Kuhn
Post 09 Aug 2003, 15:47
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Tommy 09 Aug 2003, 17:06
I just took some colors.... They are fully editable... Wink Easy to change! Smile
Post 09 Aug 2003, 17:06
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scientica 09 Aug 2003, 17:09
Got some time re-implent the code, here's the uppdated files (all I think, tell me if I forgot some file), anyway theres a precompiled exe included, just noticed that I for got to fix the dialog, --detail-- Laughing
JohnFound, could you please name the LastFresh.rar to LastFresh-1.0.03.rar, it's easier to keep track of the versions IMO (I just put all old/obsoloete stuff in a "acrchive" (old is it's name really) keeping them postfixed with their version).
It smells like it's soon food (some sort of steak, yum, yum) Very Happy

[EDIT]Keep those colors! Name it something like "Dawn Theme", why not add some propper color theme manging to teh TODO list? Most IDEs have some preset themes, Twiligt, Ocean and the "Standard Eyse killer theme" (Confused do they want to make their buyers blind ?) I think both Borland C++Builder and VC has.[/EDIT]

Description: Adapted code, test compiled and lauch tested.
Filename: adapted.zip
Filesize: 34.93 KB
Downloaded: 658 Time(s)

... a professor saying: "use this proprietary software to learn computer science" is the same as English professor handing you a copy of Shakespeare and saying: "use this book to learn Shakespeare without opening the book itself.
- Bradley Kuhn
Post 09 Aug 2003, 17:09
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Tommy 09 Aug 2003, 19:08
Good idea scientica! I'll do...
I'll post my code later (when I've done a bit more on it) Wink

So long!
Post 09 Aug 2003, 19:08
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Tommy 09 Aug 2003, 20:28
Here's what I have so far.... [updated 10.08.03 - 18:29 GMT]

Description: Modified AsmEdit Library
Filename: asmedit.zip
Filesize: 42.92 KB
Downloaded: 661 Time(s)

Last edited by Tommy on 10 Aug 2003, 17:28; edited 4 times in total
Post 09 Aug 2003, 20:28
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JohnFound 10 Aug 2003, 15:02
Thank you guys.
I will include all these ideas about to-do manager and themes manager in next todo.inc file and maybe bugs.inc too. (Actually I name these files .inc only to open them easy win fasmw. Smile ) To-do manager and themes manager are must-have for Fresh, but not first priority IMHO. If you can make some work to make these things easy to implement later - great, but it's too early for more IMHO.

Post 10 Aug 2003, 15:02
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Tommy 10 Aug 2003, 16:51
New update! (only a little bug-fix - now the caret will not blink in the left-margin anymore)... Wink Download in my previous post...
Post 10 Aug 2003, 16:51
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