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Azu 06 Feb 2009, 05:58
Can somebody please tell me how to convert "mov fs:[0],esp" to FASM syntax?

So far I have tried

mov fs:0,esp
mov fs,esp
mov fs:[NULL],esp
mov fs:null,esp
mov dword fs:0,esp
mov dword fs,esp
mov dword fs:[NULL],esp
mov dword fs:null,esp

And none of them even compile.

I also can't figure out how to get "assume fs:nothing" into FASM syntax. I think just commenting it out should be okay though.

I would be very very happy if somebody could explain to me how to fix one (or both) of these compile errors Very Happy

P.S. sorry if this has been answered before. I tried searching for fs:[0] and there are a lot of results but none of them even have "fs" in them.. I guess I don't know how to use the search thing..
Post 06 Feb 2009, 05:58
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sinsi 06 Feb 2009, 06:05
  mov [fs:0],esp    
Forget assume
Post 06 Feb 2009, 06:05
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revolution 06 Feb 2009, 06:15
Also, this is allowed:
mov [0],esp    

And this:
fs mov [0],esp    
Post 06 Feb 2009, 06:15
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Azu 06 Feb 2009, 08:06
Thanks guys Smile I'm almost done converting now I think

There is another thing I'ms tuck on though.. if you could help me with this one to that would be great

"assume esi:ptr IMAGE_NT_HEADERS"

It won't compile at all.. tried changing it to "assume esi:IMAGE_NT_HEADERS" but still no go. I have the IMAGE_NT_HEADERS struct defined in an include so I'm not sure why it isn't working x_x any ideas?

Is there a way to get this working easily or should I just look through the structs and try to do the offsets manually instead? I'm almost to the end and think I'll have it done as soon as I get this last obstacle out of the way.. I don't see why it won't compile though..

It doesn't get hung up on the "assume esi:ptr EXCEPTION_RECORD,edi:ptr CONTEXT" near the start of the file, which looks to me like it would have more problem.. I'm really confused Confused
And I tried replacing that line with it just to see if it would work, but it still gives "illegal instruction" compile error.. Confused

The line right after it is "mov esi,[esi].OptionalHeader.DataDirectory.VirtualAddress" if that matters (which I changed to mov esi,[esi.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory.VirtualAddress] btw)

Edit: nevermind the one at the top gives a compile error to. I thought FASM parsed files from the top to the bottom, but when I commented out the stuff at the bottom it's giving errors on the assume at the top now. Damn. Is the whole "assume" directive just non existent in FASM? Sad
I tried commenting out all the assumes but now I get an error on "pop [edi.regEbp]" saying undefined symbol Crying or Very sad

Last edited by Azu on 06 Feb 2009, 08:19; edited 2 times in total
Post 06 Feb 2009, 08:06
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revolution 06 Feb 2009, 08:14
If you are not using the MASM macros then you can't use assume.

Try this:
mov esi,[esi+EXCEPTION_RECORD.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory.VirtualAddress]    
Post 06 Feb 2009, 08:14
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Azu 06 Feb 2009, 08:29
Thanks.. I'm having a problem with one of the structs, now. Hopefully this will be the last one...

This "Fpr0 double ?" gives illegal instruction

Did I convert it wrong or is it just impossible to use the "double" type in FASM?

It was originally "double Fpr0;" from msdn


This is getting frustrating lol..

P.S. tried changing it to dfloat, to Confused
Post 06 Feb 2009, 08:29
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MazeGen 06 Feb 2009, 09:13
Azu wrote:

Did I convert it wrong or is it just impossible to use the "double" type in FASM?

The fastest way to get most of the answers is to read the docs:

Post 06 Feb 2009, 09:13
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revolution 06 Feb 2009, 09:40
double is the same as dq and rq.
MyFloat dq 1.2345678901234
MyOtherFloat dq ?    
Post 06 Feb 2009, 09:40
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Azu 06 Feb 2009, 18:57
Thanks again guys. I still can't get it to compile though Sad

Now these aren't compiling

SIZE_OF_80387_REGISTERS equ 80
  ControlWord        dd ?
  StatusWord         dd ?
  TagWord            dd ?
  ErrorOffset        dd ?
  ErrorSelector      dd ?
  DataOffset         dd ?
  DataSelector       dd ?
  RegisterArea       rb SIZE_OF_80387_REGISTERS
  Cr0NpxStatedd      dd ?
struct CONTEXT
        ContextFlags            DW ?
        iDr0                    DW ?
        iDr1                    DW ?
        iDr2                    DW ?
        iDr3                    DW ?
        iDr6                    DW ?
        iDr7                    DW ?
        FloatSave               FLOATING_SAVE_AREA
        regGs                   DW ?
        regFs                   DW ?
        regEs                   DW ?
        regDs                   DW ?
        regEdi                  DW ?
        regEsi                  DW ?
        regEbx                  DW ?
        regEdx                  DW ?
        regEcx                  DW ?
        regEax                  DW ?
        regEbp                  DW ?
        regEip                  DW ?
        regCs                   DW ?
        regFlag                 DW ?
        regEsp                  DW ?
        regSs                   DW ?
        Extendedregisters       DB MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION DUP (?)

On the last ends it says "Error: definition of CONTEXT contains illegal instructions."

If I comment out the "FloatSave FLOATING_SAVE_AREA" part then it gets passed that but then it gets stuck on this "pop[edi+CONTEXT.regEbp]" and says "Error: undefined symbol 'CONTEXT.regEbp'."

I can't find anything in the docs about why this shouldn't be working, sorry.. Sad

I also tried putting this struct as
struct CONTEXT
  ContextFlags            DW ?
  iDr0                    DW ?
  iDr1                    DW ?
  iDr2                    DW ?
  iDr3                    DW ?
  iDr6                    DW ?
  iDr7                    DW ?
    ControlWord        dd ?
    StatusWord         dd ?
    TagWord            dd ?
    ErrorOffset        dd ?
    ErrorSelector      dd ?
    DataOffset         dd ?
    DataSelector       dd ?
    RegisterArea       rb SIZE_OF_80387_REGISTERS
    Cr0NpxStatedd      dd ?
  regGs                   DW ?
  regFs                   DW ?
  regEs                   DW ?
  regDs                   DW ?
  regEdi                  DW ?
  regEsi                  DW ?
  regEbx                  DW ?
  regEdx                  DW ?
  regEcx                  DW ?
  regEax                  DW ?
  regEbp                  DW ?
  regEip                  DW ?
  regCs                   DW ?
  regFlag                 DW ?
  regEsp                  DW ?
  regSs                   DW ?
  Extendedregisters       DB MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION DUP (?)

but it says illegal instructions on " FloatSave"
I don't understand why this is since I used exactly the same syntax as this struct (which doesn't error)
    Characteristics     dd ?
    OriginalFirstThunk  dd ?
  TimeDateStamp         dd ?
  ForwarderChain        dd ?
  Name                  dd ?
  FirstThunk            dd ?

Please help Confused the tiny "structures" section in the docs doesn't help at all..
Post 06 Feb 2009, 18:57
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revolution 07 Feb 2009, 00:37
Can you please show some minimal code that gives the error. There may be some interaction with other parts of your code. By this I mean not just the snippets you posted above, but one small asm file with the includes and other things all intact.

BTW: Why do you have DW in your structure for 32bit registers?
Post 07 Feb 2009, 00:37
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Azu 07 Feb 2009, 00:57
I'm not sure why it's a DW, sorry. I am just finding the structs on Google and trying to convert them to FASM syntax. It was a DW to begin with so I left it as a DW.

Here's the original file I'm trying to include and get to compile
; ¹«ÓÃÄ£¿é£º_GetKernel.asm
; ¸ù¾Ý³ÌÐò±»µ÷ÓõÄʱºò¶ÑÕ»ÖÐÓиöÓÃÓÚ Ret µÄµØÖ·Ö¸Ïò Kernel32.dll
; ¶ø´ÓÄÚ´æÖÐɨÃè²¢»ñÈ¡ Kernel32.dll µÄ»ùÖ·
; ´íÎó Handler
_SEHHandler     proc    _lpExceptionRecord,_lpSEH,_lpContext,_lpDispatcherContext

                mov     esi,_lpExceptionRecord
                mov     edi,_lpContext
                assume  esi:ptr EXCEPTION_RECORD,edi:ptr CONTEXT
                mov     eax,_lpSEH
                push    [eax + 0ch]
                pop     [edi].regEbp
                push    [eax + 8]
                pop     [edi].regEip
                push    eax
                pop     [edi].regEsp
                assume  esi:nothing,edi:nothing
                mov     eax,ExceptionContinueExecution

_SEHHandler     endp
; ÔÚÄÚ´æÖÐɨÃè Kernel32.dll µÄ»ùÖ·
_GetKernelBase  proc    _dwKernelRet
                local   @dwReturn

                mov     @dwReturn,0
; Öض¨Î»
                call    @F
                pop     ebx
                sub     ebx,offset @B
; ´´½¨ÓÃÓÚ´íÎó´¦ÀíµÄ SEH ½á¹¹
                assume  fs:nothing
                push    ebp
                lea     eax,[ebx + offset _PageError]
                push    eax
                lea     eax,[ebx + offset _SEHHandler]
                push    eax
                push    fs:[0]
                mov     fs:[0],esp
; ²éÕÒ Kernel32.dll µÄ»ùµØÖ·
                mov     edi,_dwKernelRet
                and     edi,0ffff0000h
                .while  TRUE
                        .if     word ptr [edi] == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE
                                mov     esi,edi
                                add     esi,[esi+003ch]
                                .if word ptr [esi] == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE
                                        mov     @dwReturn,edi
                        sub     edi,010000h
                        .break  .if edi < 070000000h
                pop     fs:[0]
                add     esp,0ch
                mov     eax,@dwReturn

_GetKernelBase  endp
; ´ÓÄÚ´æÖÐÄ£¿éµÄµ¼³ö±íÖлñȡij¸ö API µÄÈë¿ÚµØÖ·
_GetApi         proc    _hModule,_lpszApi
                local   @dwReturn,@dwStringLength

                mov     @dwReturn,0
; Öض¨Î»
                call    @F
                pop     ebx
                sub     ebx,offset @B
; ´´½¨ÓÃÓÚ´íÎó´¦ÀíµÄ SEH ½á¹¹
                assume  fs:nothing
                push    ebp
                lea     eax,[ebx + offset _Error]
                push    eax
                lea     eax,[ebx + offset _SEHHandler]
                push    eax
                push    fs:[0]
                mov     fs:[0],esp
; ¼ÆËã API ×Ö·û´®µÄ³¤¶È£¨´øβ²¿µÄ0£©
                mov     edi,_lpszApi
                mov     ecx,-1
                xor     al,al
                repnz   scasb
                mov     ecx,edi
                sub     ecx,_lpszApi
                mov     @dwStringLength,ecx
; ´Ó PE ÎļþÍ·µÄÊý¾ÝĿ¼»ñÈ¡µ¼³ö±íµØÖ·
                mov     esi,_hModule
                add     esi,[esi + 3ch]
                assume  esi:ptr IMAGE_NT_HEADERS
                mov     esi,[esi].OptionalHeader.DataDirectory.VirtualAddress
                add     esi,_hModule
                assume  esi:ptr IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY
; ²éÕÒ·ûºÏÃû³ÆµÄµ¼³öº¯ÊýÃû
                mov     ebx,[esi].AddressOfNames
                add     ebx,_hModule
                xor     edx,edx
                        push    esi
                        mov     edi,[ebx]
                        add     edi,_hModule
                        mov     esi,_lpszApi
                        mov     ecx,@dwStringLength
                        repz    cmpsb
                        .if     ZERO?
                                pop     esi
                                jmp     @F
                        pop     esi
                        add     ebx,4
                        inc     edx
                .until  edx >=  [esi].NumberOfNames
                jmp     _Error
; APIÃû³ÆË÷Òý --> ÐòºÅË÷Òý --> µØÖ·Ë÷Òý
                sub     ebx,[esi].AddressOfNames
                sub     ebx,_hModule
                shr     ebx,1
                add     ebx,[esi].AddressOfNameOrdinals
                add     ebx,_hModule
                movzx   eax,word ptr [ebx]
                shl     eax,2
                add     eax,[esi].AddressOfFunctions
                add     eax,_hModule
; ´ÓµØÖ·±íµÃµ½µ¼³öº¯ÊýµØÖ·
                mov     eax,[eax]
                add     eax,_hModule
                mov     @dwReturn,eax
                pop     fs:[0]
                add     esp,0ch
                assume  esi:nothing
                mov     eax,@dwReturn

_GetApi         endp

And here's how I've changed it so far to try to get it to compile
; ¹«ÓÃÄ£¿é£º_GetKernel.asm
; ¸ù¾Ý³ÌÐò±»µ÷ÓõÄʱºò¶ÑÕ»ÖÐÓиöÓÃÓÚ Ret µÄµØÖ·Ö¸Ïò Kernel32.dll
; ¶ø´ÓÄÚ´æÖÐɨÃè²¢»ñÈ¡ Kernel32.dll µÄ»ùÖ·
; ´íÎó Handler
include 'PeStructs.inc'

proc           _SEHHandler _lpExceptionRecord,_lpSEH,_lpContext,_lpDispatcherContext

                mov     esi,[_lpExceptionRecord]
                mov     edi,[_lpContext]
;                assume  esi:ptr EXCEPTION_RECORD,edi:ptr CONTEXT
;                assume  edi:CONTEXT
                mov     eax,[_lpSEH]
                push   dword [eax + 0ch]
                pop     [edi+CONTEXT.regEbp]
                push    [eax + 8]
                pop     [edi.regEip]
                push    eax
                pop     [edi.regEsp]
;                assume  esi:nothing,edi:nothing
                mov     eax,ExceptionContinueExecution

; ÔÚÄÚ´æÖÐɨÃè Kernel32.dll µÄ»ùÖ·
proc           _GetKernelBase _dwKernelRet
                local   dd @dwReturn

                mov     [@dwReturn],0
; Öض¨Î»
                call    @F
                pop     ebx
                sub     ebx,@B
; ´´½¨ÓÃÓÚ´íÎó´¦ÀíµÄ SEH ½á¹¹
;                assume  fs:nothing
                push    ebp
                lea     eax,[ebx + _PageError]
                push    eax
                lea     eax,[ebx + _SEHHandler]
                push    eax
                push    [fs:0]
                mov     [fs:0],esp
; ²éÕÒ Kernel32.dll µÄ»ùµØÖ·
                mov     edi,[_dwKernelRet]
                and     edi,0ffff0000h
                .while  TRUE
;                        .if     word ptr [edi] == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE
                        .if     word [edi] = IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE
                                mov     esi,edi
                                add     esi,[esi+003ch]
;                                .if word ptr [esi] == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE
                                .if word [esi] = IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE
                                        mov     [dwReturn],edi
;                                        .break
jmp @f
                        sub     edi,010000h
;                        .break  .if edi < 070000000h
                        .if edi < 070000000h
jmp @f
                pop     [fs:0];fs:[0]
                add     esp,0ch
                mov     eax,@dwReturn

; ´ÓÄÚ´æÖÐÄ£¿éµÄµ¼³ö±íÖлñȡij¸ö API µÄÈë¿ÚµØÖ·
proc           _GetApi _hModule,_lpszApi
                local  dd @dwReturn, dd @dwStringLength

                mov     [@dwReturn],0
; Öض¨Î»
                call    @F
                pop     ebx
                sub     ebx,@B
; ´´½¨ÓÃÓÚ´íÎó´¦ÀíµÄ SEH ½á¹¹
;                assume  fs:nothing
                push    ebp
                lea     eax,[ebx + _Error]
                push    eax
                lea     eax,[ebx + _SEHHandler]
                push    eax
                push    [fs:0];fs:[0]
                mov     [fs:0],esp
; ¼ÆËã API ×Ö·û´®µÄ³¤¶È£¨´øβ²¿µÄ0£©
                mov     edi,[_lpszApi]
                mov     ecx,-1
                xor     al,al
                repnz   scasb
                mov     ecx,edi
                sub     ecx,[_lpszApi]
                mov     [@dwStringLength],ecx
; ´Ó PE ÎļþÍ·µÄÊý¾ÝĿ¼»ñÈ¡µ¼³ö±íµØÖ·
                mov     esi,[_hModule]
                add     esi,[esi + 3ch]
;                assume  esi:ptr IMAGE_NT_HEADERS
;                mov     esi,[esi].OptionalHeader.DataDirectory.VirtualAddress
                mov     esi,[esi.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory.VirtualAddress]
                add     esi,[_hModule]
;                assume  esi:ptr IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY
; ²éÕÒ·ûºÏÃû³ÆµÄµ¼³öº¯ÊýÃû
                mov     ebx,[esi.AddressOfNames]
                add     ebx,[_hModule]
                xor     edx,edx
                        push    esi
                        mov     edi,[ebx]
                        add     edi,[_hModule]
                        mov     esi,[_lpszApi]
                        mov     ecx,@dwStringLength
                        repz    cmpsb
                        .if     ZERO?
                                pop     esi
                                jmp     @F
                        pop     esi
                        add     ebx,4
                        inc     edx
                .until  edx >=  [esi.NumberOfNames]
                jmp     _Error
; APIÃû³ÆË÷Òý --> ÐòºÅË÷Òý --> µØÖ·Ë÷Òý
                sub     ebx,[esi.AddressOfNames]
                sub     ebx,[_hModule]
                shr     ebx,1
                add     ebx,[esi.AddressOfNameOrdinals]
                add     ebx,[_hModule]
                movzx   eax,word [ebx];word ptr [ebx]
                shl     eax,2
                add     eax,[esi.AddressOfFunctions]
                add     eax,[_hModule]
; ´ÓµØÖ·±íµÃµ½µ¼³öº¯ÊýµØÖ·
                mov     eax,[eax]
                add     eax,[_hModule]
                mov     [@dwReturn],eax
                pop     [fs:0]
                add     esp,0ch
;                assume  esi:nothing
                mov     eax,[@dwReturn]


P.S. here's the struct file I've made for it
;#define IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE                 0x5A4D      // MZ
;#define IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE                 0x454E      // NE
;#define IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE_LE              0x454C      // LE
;#define IMAGE_VXD_SIGNATURE                 0x454C      // LE
;#define IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE                  0x00004550  // PE00
IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE     = 0x00004550

;typedef struct _IMAGE_DOS_HEADER {      // DOS .EXE header
;    WORD   e_magic;                     // Magic number
;    WORD   e_cblp;                      // Bytes on last page of file
;    WORD   e_cp;                        // Pages in file
;    WORD   e_crlc;                      // Relocations
;    WORD   e_cparhdr;                   // Size of header in paragraphs
;    WORD   e_minalloc;                  // Minimum extra paragraphs needed
;    WORD   e_maxalloc;                  // Maximum extra paragraphs needed
;    WORD   e_ss;                        // Initial (relative) SS value
;    WORD   e_sp;                        // Initial SP value
;    WORD   e_csum;                      // Checksum
;    WORD   e_ip;                        // Initial IP value
;    WORD   e_cs;                        // Initial (relative) CS value
;    WORD   e_lfarlc;                    // File address of relocation table
;    WORD   e_ovno;                      // Overlay number
;    WORD   e_res[4];                    // Reserved words
;    WORD   e_oemid;                     // OEM identifier (for e_oeminfo)
;    WORD   e_oeminfo;                   // OEM information; e_oemid specific
;    WORD   e_res2[10];                  // Reserved words
;    LONG   e_lfanew;                    // File address of new exe header

  e_magic       dw ?
  e_cblp        dw ?
  e_cp          dw ?
  e_crlc        dw ?
  e_cparhdr     dw ?
  e_minalloc    dw ?
  e_maxalloc    dw ?
  e_ss          dw ?
  e_sp          dw ?
  e_csum        dw ?
  e_ip          dw ?
  e_cs          dw ?
  e_lfarlc      dw ?
  e_ovno        dw ?
  e_res         dw 4 dup (?)
  e_oemid       dw ?
  e_oeminfo     dw ?
  e_res2        dw 10 dup (?)
  e_lfanew      dd ?

;typedef struct _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER {
;    WORD    Machine;
;    WORD    NumberOfSections;
;    DWORD   TimeDateStamp;
;    DWORD   PointerToSymbolTable;
;    DWORD   NumberOfSymbols;
;    WORD    SizeOfOptionalHeader;
;    WORD    Characteristics;

  Machine                dw ?
  NumberOfSections       dw ?
  TimeDateStamp          dd ?
  PointerToSymbolTable   dd ?
  NumberOfSymbols        dd ?
  SizeOfOptionalHeader   dw ?
  Characteristics        dw ?


;typedef struct _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY {
;    DWORD   VirtualAddress;
;    DWORD   Size;

  VirtualAddress        dd ?
  Size                  dd ?

;typedef struct _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER {
;    //
;    // Standard fields.
;    //
;    WORD    Magic;
;    BYTE    MajorLinkerVersion;
;    BYTE    MinorLinkerVersion;
;    DWORD   SizeOfCode;
;    DWORD   SizeOfInitializedData;
;    DWORD   SizeOfUninitializedData;
;    DWORD   AddressOfEntryPoint;
;    DWORD   BaseOfCode;
;    DWORD   BaseOfData;
;    //
;    // NT additional fields.
;    //
;    DWORD   ImageBase;
;    DWORD   SectionAlignment;
;    DWORD   FileAlignment;
;    WORD    MajorOperatingSystemVersion;
;    WORD    MinorOperatingSystemVersion;
;    WORD    MajorImageVersion;
;    WORD    MinorImageVersion;
;    WORD    MajorSubsystemVersion;
;    WORD    MinorSubsystemVersion;
;    DWORD   Win32VersionValue;
;    DWORD   SizeOfImage;
;    DWORD   SizeOfHeaders;
;    DWORD   CheckSum;
;    WORD    Subsystem;
;    WORD    DllCharacteristics;
;    DWORD   SizeOfStackReserve;
;    DWORD   SizeOfStackCommit;
;    DWORD   SizeOfHeapReserve;
;    DWORD   SizeOfHeapCommit;
;    DWORD   LoaderFlags;
;    DWORD   NumberOfRvaAndSizes;

  ;Standard fields.
  Magic                       dw ?
  MajorLinkerVersion          db ?
  MinorLinkerVersion          db ?
  SizeOfCode                  dd ?
  SizeOfInitializedData       dd ?
  SizeOfUninitializedData     dd ?
  AddressOfEntryPoint         dd ?
  BaseOfCode                  dd ?
  BaseOfData                  dd ?
  ;NT additional fields.
  ImageBase                   dd ?
  SectionAlignment            dd ?
  FileAlignment               dd ?
  MajorOperatingSystemVersion dw ?
  MinorOperatingSystemVersion dw ?
  MajorImageVersion           dw ?
  MinorImageVersion           dw ?
  MajorSubsystemVersion       dw ?
  MinorSubsystemVersion       dw ?
  Win32VersionValue           dd ?
  SizeOfImage                 dd ?
  SizeOfHeaders               dd ?
  CheckSum                    dd ?
  Subsystem                   dw ?
  DllCharacteristics          dw ?
  SizeOfStackReserve          dd ?
  SizeOfStackCommit           dd ?
  SizeOfHeapReserve           dd ?
  SizeOfHeapCommit            dd ?
  LoaderFlags                 dd ?
  NumberOfRvaAndSizes         dd ?
                              rb sizeof.IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY * (IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES -1)

;typedef struct _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS {
;    DWORD Signature;
;    IMAGE_FILE_HEADER FileHeader;
;    IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32 OptionalHeader;

  Signature      dd ?
  FileHeader     IMAGE_FILE_HEADER

  Signature      dd ?
  FileHeader     IMAGE_FILE_HEADER

SIZE_OF_80387_REGISTERS equ 80
;  ControlWord        dd ?
;  StatusWord         dd ?
;  TagWord            dd ?
;  ErrorOffset        dd ?
;  ErrorSelector      dd ?
;  DataOffset         dd ?
;  DataSelector       dd ?
;  RegisterArea       rb SIZE_OF_80387_REGISTERS
;  Cr0NpxStatedd      dd ?
struct CONTEXT
  ContextFlags            DW ?
  iDr0                    DW ?
  iDr1                    DW ?
  iDr2                    DW ?
  iDr3                    DW ?
  iDr6                    DW ?
  iDr7                    DW ?
; FloatSave               FLOATING_SAVE_AREA
    ControlWord        dd ?
    StatusWord         dd ?
    TagWord            dd ?
    ErrorOffset        dd ?
    ErrorSelector      dd ?
    DataOffset         dd ?
    DataSelector       dd ?
    RegisterArea       rb SIZE_OF_80387_REGISTERS
    Cr0NpxStatedd      dd ?
  regGs                   DW ?
  regFs                   DW ?
  regEs                   DW ?
  regDs                   DW ?
  regEdi                  DW ?
  regEsi                  DW ?
  regEbx                  DW ?
  regEdx                  DW ?
  regEcx                  DW ?
  regEax                  DW ?
  regEbp                  DW ?
  regEip                  DW ?
  regCs                   DW ?
  regFlag                 DW ?
  regEsp                  DW ?
  regSs                   DW ?
  Extendedregisters       DB MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION DUP (?)

;struct CONTEXT
;Fpr0 dq ?
;Fpr1 dq ?
;Fpr2 dq ?
;Fpr3 dq ?
;Fpr4 dq ?
;Fpr5 dq ?
;Fpr6 dq ?
;Fpr7 dq ?
;Fpr8 dq ?
;Fpr9 dq ?
;Fpr10 dq ?
;Fpr11 dq ?
;Fpr12 dq ?
;Fpr13 dq ?
;Fpr14 dq ?
;Fpr15 dq ?
;Fpr16 dq ?
;Fpr17 dq ?
;Fpr18 dq ?
;Fpr19 dq ?
;Fpr20 dq ?
;Fpr21 dq ?
;Fpr22 dq ?
;Fpr23 dq ?
;Fpr24 dq ?
;Fpr25 dq ?
;Fpr26 dq ?
;Fpr27 dq ?
;Fpr28 dq ?
;Fpr29 dq ?
;Fpr30 dq ?
;Fpr31 dq ?
;Fpscr dq ?
;Gpr0 dw ?
;Gpr1 dw ?
;Gpr2 dw ?
;Gpr3 dw ?
;Gpr4 dw ?
;Gpr5 dw ?
;Gpr6 dw ?
;Gpr7 dw ?
;Gpr8 dw ?
;Gpr9 dw ?
;Gpr10 dw ?
;Gpr11 dw ?
;Gpr12 dw ?
;Gpr13 dw ?
;Gpr14 dw ?
;Gpr15 dw ?
;Gpr16 dw ?
;Gpr17 dw ?
;Gpr18 dw ?
;Gpr19 dw ?
;Gpr20 dw ?
;Gpr21 dw ?
;Gpr22 dw ?
;Gpr23 dw ?
;Gpr24 dw ?
;Gpr25 dw ?
;Gpr26 dw ?
;Gpr27 dw ?
;Gpr28 dw ?
;Gpr29 dw ?
;Gpr30 dw ?
;Gpr31 dw ?
;Cr dw ?
;Xer dw ?
;Msr dw ?
;Iar dw ?
;Lr dw ?
;Ctr dw ?
;ContextFlags dw ?
;Fill dw 3 dup ?
;Dr0 dw ?
;Dr1 dw ?
;Dr2 dw ?
;Dr3 dw ?
;Dr4 dw ?
;Dr5 dw ?
;Dr6 dw ?
;Dr7 dw ?

;#define IMAGE_SIZEOF_SHORT_NAME              8

;typedef struct _IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER {
;    union {
;            DWORD   PhysicalAddress;
;            DWORD   VirtualSize;
;    } Misc;
;    DWORD   VirtualAddress;
;    DWORD   SizeOfRawData;
;    DWORD   PointerToRawData;
;    DWORD   PointerToRelocations;
;    DWORD   PointerToLinenumbers;
;    WORD    NumberOfRelocations;
;    WORD    NumberOfLinenumbers;
;    DWORD   Characteristics;

  Name      db IMAGE_SIZEOF_SHORT_NAME dup (?)
    PhysicalAddress     dd ?
    VirtualSize         dd ?
  VirtualAddress        dd ?
  SizeOfRawData         dd ?
  PointerToRawData      dd ?
  PointerToRelocations  dd ?
  PointerToLinenumbers  dd ?
  NumberOfRelocations   dw ?
  NumberOfLinenumbers   dw ?
  Characteristics       dd ?

;typedef struct _IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR {
;    union {
;        DWORD   Characteristics;            // 0 for terminating null import descriptor
;        DWORD   OriginalFirstThunk;         // RVA to original unbound IAT (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)
;    };
;    DWORD   TimeDateStamp;                  // 0 if not bound,
;                                            // -1 if bound, and real date\time stamp
;                                            //     in IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT (new BIND)
;                                            // O.W. date/time stamp of DLL bound to (Old BIND)
;    DWORD   ForwarderChain;                 // -1 if no forwarders
;    DWORD   Name;
;    DWORD   FirstThunk;                     // RVA to IAT (if bound this IAT has actual addresses)

    Characteristics     dd ?
    OriginalFirstThunk  dd ?
  TimeDateStamp         dd ?
  ForwarderChain        dd ?
  Name                  dd ?
  FirstThunk            dd ?

;typedef struct _IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME {
;    WORD    Hint;
;    BYTE    Name[1];

  Hint      dw ?
  Name      db 1 dup (?)

;typedef struct _IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32 {
;    union {
;        DWORD ForwarderString;      // PBYTE
;        DWORD Function;             // PDWORD
;        DWORD Ordinal;
;        DWORD AddressOfData;        // PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME
;    } u1;

    ForwarderString     dd ?
    Function            dd ?
    Ordinal             dd ?
    AddressOfData       dd ?

;#define IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG32 0x80000000
IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG32 = 0x80000000

IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_REG = 0x00000000         ;Reserved.
IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_DSECT = 0x00000001       ;Reserved.
IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_NOLOAD = 0x00000002      ;Reserved.
IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_GROUP = 0x00000004       ;Reserved.
IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_NO_PAD = 0x00000008      ;Reserved.
IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_COPY = 0x00000010        ;Reserved.
IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE = 0x00000020         ;Section contains executable code.
IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA = 0x00000040     ;Section contains initialized data.
IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA = 0x00000080   ;Section contains uninitialized data.
IMAGE_SCN_LNK_OTHER = 0x00000100        ;Reserved.
IMAGE_SCN_LNK_INFO = 0x00000200         ;Reserved.
IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_OVER = 0x00000400        ;Reserved.
IMAGE_SCN_LNK_COMDAT = 0x00001000       ;Section contains COMDAT data.
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_FARDATA = 0x00008000      ;Reserved.
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PURGEABLE = 0x00020000    ;Reserved.
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_16BIT = 0x00020000        ;Reserved.
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_LOCKED = 0x00040000       ;Reserved.
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PRELOAD = 0x00080000      ;Reserved.
IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_1BYTES = 0x00100000     ;Align data on a 1-byte boundary.
IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_2BYTES = 0x00200000     ;Align data on a 2-byte boundary.
IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_4BYTES = 0x00300000     ;Align data on a 4-byte boundary.
IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_8BYTES = 0x00400000     ;Align data on a 8-byte boundary.
IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_16BYTES = 0x00500000    ;Align data on a 16-byte boundary.
IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_32BYTES = 0x00600000    ;Align data on a 32-byte boundary.
IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_64BYTES = 0x00700000    ;Align data on a 64-byte boundary.
IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_128BYTES = 0x00800000   ;Align data on a 128-byte boundary.
IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_256BYTES = 0x00900000   ;Align data on a 256-byte boundary.
IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_512BYTES = 0x00A00000   ;Align data on a 512-byte boundary.
IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_1024BYTES = 0x00B00000  ;Align data on a 1024-byte boundary.
IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_2048BYTES = 0x00C00000  ;Align data on a 2048-byte boundary.
IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_4096BYTES = 0x00D00000  ;Align data on a 4096-byte boundary.
IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_8192BYTES = 0x00E00000  ;Align data on a 8192-byte boundary.
IMAGE_SCN_LNK_NRELOC_OVFL = 0x01000000  ;Section contains extended relocations.
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE = 0x02000000  ;Section can be discarded as needed.
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_CACHED = 0x04000000   ;Section cannot be cached.
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_PAGED = 0x08000000    ;Section cannot be paged.
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_SHARED = 0x10000000       ;Section can be shared in memory.
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE = 0x20000000      ;Section can be executed as code.
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ = 0x40000000         ;Section can be read.
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE = 0x80000000        ;Section can be written to.    
most of it came from this forum, and some from MSDN and random pages found on Google.
Post 07 Feb 2009, 00:57
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revolution 07 Feb 2009, 01:06
Azu: Please don't just post the MASM file, post the fasm file that you made that shows the error you mention above. Even better if you can make it minimal. That way will give you the best chance that someone can help you to fix it.
Post 07 Feb 2009, 01:06
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Azu 07 Feb 2009, 01:10
I don't know what ASM it is, sorry. I just thought you wanted the file. So I posted the original one and the one I partially converted to FASM, and the structs file I made for it. Did you mean something else? Confused

The only other file is this
format PE GUI 4.0
include 'J:\fasmw16727\INCLUDE\win32ax.inc'
include '_GetKernel.asm'
section '.text' code readable executable

My attempt to get the files I listed above included and compiling.
Post 07 Feb 2009, 01:10
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revolution 07 Feb 2009, 01:25
Yes, now we have a complete fasm source file. By ASM I just meant the file with the .asm extension.

Last edited by revolution on 07 Feb 2009, 03:29; edited 1 time in total
Post 07 Feb 2009, 01:25
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revolution 07 Feb 2009, 01:52
Oh shucks, I just realised as I got out the door that you are using UPPERCASE for DW and DD etc. The struct macro only supports lower case. Change them all to lower case.
Post 07 Feb 2009, 01:52
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Azu 07 Feb 2009, 01:56

It still errors out in the same places though x_x

Is there something else I have to do besides saving the file and restarting FASMW.exe?

BTW this compiles and runs without error
include 'J:\fasmw16727\INCLUDE\win32ax.inc'
struct foo
bar DD ?
Post 07 Feb 2009, 01:56
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revolution 07 Feb 2009, 03:17
I changed just this part only and it compiled fine for me:
  ControlWord        dd ?
  StatusWord         dd ?
  TagWord            dd ?
  ErrorOffset        dd ?
  ErrorSelector      dd ?
  DataOffset         dd ?
  DataSelector       dd ?
  RegisterArea       rb SIZE_OF_80387_REGISTERS
  Cr0NpxStatedd      dd ?
struct CONTEXT
  ContextFlags            dd ?
  iDr0                    dd ?
  iDr1                    dd ?
  iDr2                    dd ?
  iDr3                    dd ?
  iDr6                    dd ?
  iDr7                    dd ?
  FloatSave               FLOATING_SAVE_AREA
  regGs                   dd ?
  regFs                   dd ?
  regEs                   dd ?
  regDs                   dd ?
  regEdi                  dd ?
  regEsi                  dd ?
  regEbx                  dd ?
  regEdx                  dd ?
  regEcx                  dd ?
  regEax                  dd ?
  regEbp                  dd ?
  regEip                  dd ?
  regCs                   dd ?
  regFlag                 dd ?
  regEsp                  dd ?
  regSs                   dd ?
  Extendedregisters       rb MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION
Post 07 Feb 2009, 03:17
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Azu 07 Feb 2009, 03:34
Thanks so much!

I just changed the db to rb and now it works perfect. Very Happy
Time for me to go make something with it now.

Edit: nevermind.. I tried to shorten my example file for you and I guess since I didn't call anything from the file in it, it wasn't trying to compile it, and that's why no errors...

This " local dd @dwReturn" errors saying undefined symbol (I thought the point of this instruction is to define it???) it was "local @dwReturn " before which says illegal instruction..

Here is example that gives the compiler errors..
format PE GUI 4.0
include 'J:\fasmw16727\INCLUDE\win32ax.inc'
include '_GetKernel.asm'
section '.text' code readable executable
invoke  _GetKernelBase    
Post 07 Feb 2009, 03:34
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revolution 07 Feb 2009, 03:39
Inside a proc macro local must be used like this:
local somevar:DWORD    
Notice that it is uppercase for the DWORD to work properly.
Post 07 Feb 2009, 03:39
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Azu 07 Feb 2009, 03:45
Okay.. I tried putting it as "local DWORD:@dwReturn" but it still says illegal instruction? Confused
Post 07 Feb 2009, 03:45
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