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baldr 30 Oct 2008, 16:05
Export name table address is in edi after Code: mov edi, [esi+0x20] ;export name table add edi, ebx Code: ;ebx=kernel32 base, esi=export name table, ecx=number exported functions, eax=counter ;;; ATTN bcdsys mov edx, edi ;;; NOT esi, it points to export directory table .next: push eax esi edi ;;; ATTN bcdsys mov esi, [edx] ;;; edx points to RVA of the name add esi, ebx ;;; RVA to VA mov edi, str_GetProcAddress Code: format PE GUI entry $ mov eax, [fs:0x30] ;PEB BASE mov eax, [eax+0xC] ;PEB_LDR_DATA mov esi, [eax+0x1C] lodsd mov ebx, [eax+0x8] ;kernel32 base memory mov esi, [ebx+0x3C] ;e_lfanew add esi, ebx ;esi => PE header mov esi, [esi+0x78] ;export table RVA add esi, ebx ;esi => export table mov edi, [esi+0x20] ;export name table RVA add edi, ebx ;edi => export name table mov ecx, [esi+0x14] ;number of exported functions xor eax, eax ;counter ;ebx=kernel32 base, esi=export name table, ecx=number exported functions, eax=counter mov edx, edi .next: push eax esi edi mov esi, [edx] add esi, ebx mov edi, str_GetProcAddress call strcmp test eax, eax pop edi esi eax jz .done add edx, 4 inc eax jmp .next ;ProcAddr = (((counter * 2) + Ordinal) * 4) + AddrTable + Kernel32Base .done: mov edx, [esi+0x1C] add edx, ebx mov edx, [edx+eax*4] add edx, ebx ret ;;;here edx points to GetProcAddress ;strcmp: compare null terminated string pointed to esi and edi ;return 0 if same, else nonzero strcmp: .next: mov al, [esi] mov ah, [edi] cmp al, ah jnz .nomatch test al, al jz .match test ah, ah jz .match inc esi inc edi jmp .next .match: xor eax, eax .nomatch: ;since al != ah, eax cannot be 0 ret beep: push 1000 push 1000 mov eax, 0x7C837A8F ;Beep call eax ret msg_hello db 'Hello World!', 0 str_Beep db 'Beep', 0 str_GetProcAddress db 'GetProcAddress', 0 str_GetModuleHandle db 'GetModuleHandleA', 0 |
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bcdsys 30 Oct 2008, 23:44
Thanks baldr, following hello world code works:
Code: ;displays "Hello World" without importing anything ;note kernel32.dll always present, but not found in import table ;should work on all windows except some version 2000 format PE GUI section '.code' code executable readable entry $ mov eax, [fs:0x30] ;PEB BASE mov eax, [eax+0xC] ;PEB_LDR_DATA mov esi, [eax+0x1C] lodsd mov ebx, [eax+0x8] ;kernel32 base memory mov esi, [ebx+0x3C] ;PE header add esi, ebx mov esi, [esi+0x78] ;export table add esi, ebx mov edi, [esi+0x20] ;export name table add edi, ebx mov ecx, [esi+0x14] ;number of exported functions xor eax, eax ;counter ;ebx=kernel32 base, esi=export name table, ecx=number exported functions, eax=counter mov edx, edi .next: push eax esi edi mov esi, [edx] add esi, ebx mov edi, str_GetProcAddress call strcmp test eax, eax jz .done pop edi esi eax add edx, 4 inc eax jmp .next ;ProcAddr = (((counter * 2) + Ordinal) * 4) + AddrTable + Kernel32Base .done: pop edi esi eax mov edx, [esi+0x1C] add edx, ebx mov edx, [edx+eax*4] add edx, ebx mov ebp, edx push str_LoadLibrary push ebx call edx ;get address LoadLibrary push str_user32 call eax ;LoadLibrary user32 push str_MessageBox push eax call ebp push 0 push msg_title push msg_caption push 0 call eax ret ;strcmp: compare null terminated string pointed to esi and edi ;return 0 if same, else nonzero strcmp: .next: mov al, [esi] mov ah, [edi] cmp al, ah jnz .nomatch test al, al jz .match test ah, ah jz .match inc esi inc edi jmp .next .match: xor eax, eax .nomatch: ;since al != ah, eax cannot be 0 ret msg_title db 'Message Box', 0 msg_caption db 'Hello World!', 0 str_GetProcAddress db 'GetProcAddress', 0 str_GetModuleHandle db 'GetModuleHandleA', 0 str_LoadLibrary db 'LoadLibraryA', 0 str_MessageBox db 'MessageBoxA', 0 str_user32 db 'USER32.DLL', 0 >By the way, my kernel32.dll, 5.1.2600.3119 (xpsp_sp2_gdr.070416-1301) has it at RVA 0xADA0... It's system dependent, I made util that finds address of proc in module, for my xp sp3 system GetProcAddress is 0x7C80AE30 (and its verified, I used hardcoded address in working shellcode) This is why I want find address in kernel32 and not hardcoded address, since hardcoded change from versions and service packs. |
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DOS386 21 Nov 2008, 02:31
bcdsys wrote:
It doesn't ![]() |
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