Lately i have been testing SOLAR OS with multiple PC emulators...and while i was doing this i have also tested MenuetOS...
SOLAR OS works ok with all emulators
Below are my testings with Menuet:
Bochs -free GPL
Menuet OS runs ok under Bochs since Bochs supports most VESA 24/32bits video modes. However it runs very slowly... patience is required
Vmvare - tiral
Well it runs only in standard VGA 16 colors,
vmware is much faster than Bochs but in 16colors

can not see much
The main problem here is that vmware has no support for VESA modes with 24/32bits of colors... looks like vmvare only supports 16bits per color modes. (i was plain lucky as SOLAR OS runs in 65536 colors now)
Also take care as vmvare does NOT support ATA-Identify command.
Virtual PC 2004 - trial
This is the fastest emulator IMHO
Unfortunately MenuetOS crashes at initialization...
Menuet waits a lot of time at mouse setup: looks like a timeout to me...
And then crashes right after pressing Esc to start with and exception
Bochs needs a special "latest" video BIOS and normal BIOS for VESA modes (change setup script)
Vmware wants floppy image to be a little biger than the maximum read sector but can smaller than 1.44M
Vmware presence can be detected
Virtual PC wants the floppy image to be exactly 1.44M
Also Virtual_PC2004 reads a real floppy very very slow...