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Index > OS Construction > int 13

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Joined: 11 Nov 2006
Posts: 88
abuashraf 09 Mar 2008, 14:00
I'm having problem reading the first sector of the root directory of fat12
floppy,when I convert the LBA to CHS my code doesn't print any thing,
but when I write track=0,head=1,sector=2 by my hands it works perfectly,
Also my LBACHS fuction works fine becuase I printed the values it gave me and they were as I expect, any way here's my code I hope some one
can help me.

use16                            ; 16bit addressing
org 0x100                        ; Com file stuff

push cs                          ; Push CS on stack
pop ds                           ; Move CS into DS
push ds                          ; Push DS
pop es                           ; Move DS into ES
mov [count],3
mov bx,0x0200

mov ah,02h
;mov  ax,19
;call lbachs
mov al,1 ;number of sectors to read
mov ch,0 ;[track] ;track
mov cl,2 ;[sector] ;sector
mov dh,1 ;[head];head
mov dl,1h;B
int 13h
jnc PrintBuffer                   
dec [count]
cmp [count],0
jne TryAgain

mov si,fdd_err                   ; Point SI to string
call print                       ; call our print function
ret                              ; Note: if run from dos change this for RET

mov si,out_buffer                ; Point SI to string
call printF                      ; call our print function
ret                              ; Note: if run from dos change this for RET

;  print.                                            ;
mov ah,0Eh                       ; Request display
lodsb                            ; load a byte into AL from DS:SI
or al,al                         ; Or AL
jz done1                         ; Jump 0, to label done1
int 10h                          ; Call interrupt service
jmp again1                       ; Jump to label again1
ret                              ; Return  

;  printF.                                           ;
mov cx,512
mov ah,0Eh                       ; Request display
lodsb                            ; load a byte into AL from DS:SI
int 10h                          ; Call interrupt service
loop again2                      ; Jump to label again1
ret                              ; Return

;takes ax=lba ;
 lbachs:          ;
  xor     dx,dx
       div     WORD [bpbSectorsPerTrack]
   inc     dl
  mov     BYTE [sector], dl
   xor     dx, dx 
     div     WORD [bpbHeadsPerCylinder]
  mov     BYTE [head], dl
     mov     BYTE [track], al

count db 0  
fdd_err db 'Error ,0            

track              db      0000
head            db      0000
sector          db      0000
bpbSectorsPerTrack:         DW 18
bpbHeadsPerCylinder:       DW 2    

Post 09 Mar 2008, 14:00
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edfed 09 Mar 2008, 14:03
Post 09 Mar 2008, 14:03
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 09 Mar 2008, 14:05
Try moving the ah,02 down. Like this:
;mov  ax,19
;call lbachs
mov ah,02h     ;<--- move it to here after you call lbachs
mov al,1 ;number of sectors to read
Post 09 Mar 2008, 14:05
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Joined: 11 Nov 2006
Posts: 88
abuashraf 10 Mar 2008, 16:59
Thank you revolution,
it's working now. Smile
Post 10 Mar 2008, 16:59
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