If I use just MessageBoxA in my code the codesection is very large, because many "DB 00" are added. Why? Is this because the sectionalignment? Is it possible to shrink?
00402000 PUSH 0
00402002 PUSH 00401000
00402007 PUSH 0040100B
0040200C PUSH 0
0040200E CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&USER32.MessageBoxA>>
00402014 RETN
00402015 DB 00
00402016 DB 00
00402017 DB 00
00402018 DB 00
00402019 DB 00
00402FFC DB 00
00402FFD DB 00
00402FFE DB 00
00402FFF DB 00
(Disassembled with Ollydbg)