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Joined: 21 Jul 2007
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tneo77 21 Jul 2007, 13:45
hi im total newbie please help me understund struc
i make 10 records 2 bytes each
is this legal can you show me other beter way?
thank you !

org $100

struc pos {
.x db ?
.y db ?
foo pos

mov bx,mypos
sub bx,2
mov cx,10
add bx,2
mov [bx+foo.x],somevalue
mov [bx+foo.y],somevalue
loop @b

mypos rb 10*2
int $20
Post 21 Jul 2007, 13:45
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kohlrak 22 Jul 2007, 20:58
Here is the structure...

struc pos { 
.x db ? 
.y db ? 

Now you have the structure defined.

foo pos     

You just declared one of that structure in memory, taking two bytes. So you now have a variable called foo that is two bytes, and you can access byte one by either "foo" or "foo.x" (since the .x part is the first byte) and the other you can access as "foo+1" (since foo is the part y is one byte after the first byte) or "foo.y" If you want ten of them, just keep making them. Personally, when i do something like ths, i just do it depending on situation. Chances are, if i wanted to make each one have a name, i would do it like this...

foo pos
anotherfoo pos
yetanotherfoo pos    

And so on, only comming up with better names. Anyway, if i wanted to just make un-named ones, i would have just made the structure (the code block), then addressed them as i go... for example...

mypos 10*2 rb (0) ;i didn't check this for syntax...    

Then, if i wanted to store the first part into al, and the second part into bl, i could do the following.

mov al, [mypos+pos.x]
mov bl, [mypos+pos.y]    

Then the next part...

mov al, [(mypos+2)+pos.x] ;We add the +2 since the next one should be 2 more than the first one since it's 2 bytes.
mov al, [(mypos+2)+pos.y]    

Note that i didn't check syntax for that either, but i think that explains what i think you're asking. Also, the newline before the + shoudln't be there...
Post 22 Jul 2007, 20:58
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Your code has a bug

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LocoDelAssembly 22 Jul 2007, 22:35
struc pos {
.x db ? 
.y db ? 
virtual at 0
  pos pos        ; Now we have defined a zero based label fields
  sizeof.pos = $ ; And its size calculated as well
end virtual

somevalue = 0

org $100
  mov     bx, mypos
  mov     cx, 10

  mov     [bx+pos.x], somevalue
  mov     [bx+pos.y], somevalue
  add     bx, 2
  loop    @b

  int $20

  mypos   rb 10*sizeof.pos    

[edit]A fix in the code, check my post below [/edit]

Last edited by LocoDelAssembly on 02 Aug 2007, 22:14; edited 1 time in total
Post 22 Jul 2007, 22:35
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Picnic 02 Aug 2007, 22:00
Nice information, fast and useful example, loco and kohlrak thanks.
Post 02 Aug 2007, 22:00
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Your code has a bug

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LocoDelAssembly 02 Aug 2007, 22:13
mmmm, thanks thimis for remember me this post, I'm looking a bad practice at it. The "mypos rb 10*2" should be "mypos rb 10*sizeof.pos". It is equivalent anyway but still incorrect because any future change to the structure will led into unpredictible (a very predictible buffer overflow actually Laughing) results.

I'll correct it now
Post 02 Aug 2007, 22:13
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vid 02 Aug 2007, 22:51
You just declared one of that structure in memory, taking two bytes. So you now have a variable called foo that is two bytes, and you can access byte one by either "foo" or "foo.x" (since the .x part is the first byte) and the other you can access as "foo+1" (since foo is the part y is one byte after the first byte) or "foo.y" If you want ten of them, just keep making them. Personally, when i do something like ths, i just do it depending on situation. Chances are, if i wanted to make each one have a name, i would do it like this...

slight mistake:
"foo" itself isn't two bytes. "foo" is label without any size assigned.

Here is most simple explaination of what struct does:

This code
struct point
.x db 0
.y db 0
point1 point
point2 point

is exactly same as
.x db 0
.y db 0

.x db 0
.y db 0

labels whose name start with "." character are called "local", and their name is prepended by name of last non-local label. So, following code is also exactly same as previous two:

point1.x db 0
point1.y db 0
point2.x db 0
point2.y db 0

This could also explain "virtual at 0" trick:
struct point {
  .x db 0
  .y db 0
virtual at 0
  point point
  sizeof.point = $
end virtual

"virtual at 0" is similar to "org 0", it causes labels to be generated as if code was on address 0. Difference from "org 0" is that inside "virtual" no real code is generated, just labels are defined as if code was there.

So, that construct becomes:
virtual at 0
  point.x db 0   ;this is at offset 0, so label "point.x" has value 0
  point.y db 0   ;this is at offset 1, so label "point.y" has value 1
  sizeof.point = $  ;"$" is current offset, so "sizeof.point" is set to 2
end virtual

This way you declare relative offsets of members within structure (point.x, point.y). You use them this way:

;ebx = pointer to "point" structure
mov al, [ebx + point.x]
mov ah, [ebx + point.y]

That should be all you need to know about "struc"...
Post 02 Aug 2007, 22:51
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Joined: 05 May 2007
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Location: Piraeus, Greece
Picnic 04 Aug 2007, 14:40
Great vid, this topic is a nice tutorial about struc and how to make array of struc.

Hobby BASIC Interpreter
Post 04 Aug 2007, 14:40
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