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m 23 Apr 2007, 12:06
Since creating a new forum for programmes and examples written for fasm was never a seriously-taken-idea, I have created this thread !

I hope you guys out there will post your code (that's not so biggy) here !

You decide yourself if it should go here or in the Project and Ideas itself !


Last edited by m on 26 Apr 2007, 08:01; edited 2 times in total
Post 23 Apr 2007, 12:06
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ssp 23 Apr 2007, 16:02
Hi Brother! i m just posting here to let you know i can access this msg board from my mobile
Post 23 Apr 2007, 16:02
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Dex4u 23 Apr 2007, 18:28
What type of examples ?, do you mean, simple fasm code snips ?, like a 265 byte AI game ?
; small AI game demo, compile with fasm.; Original written by Luks, for nasm.; c:\fasm game.asm game.comorg 0x100use16START:mov al,0x13int    0x10MAIN:push word 0x8000pop        espush        cspop dsmov       cx,0xFFFFmov  al,0rep       stosbmov      si,BALLYIcall PutLinemov    bx,[si-6]mov  dx,[si-4]cmp  dx,195jb      CMPYjmp       NEGYCMPY:cmp    dx,1jg        ADDYNEGY:neg    word[si]ADDY:add        dx,[si]dec    sidec sicmp bx,310jb      CMPXjmp       NEGXCMPX:cmp    bx,6jg        ADDXNEGX:neg    word[si]ADDX:add        bx,[si]sub    si,8mov       di,dximul     di,320add     di,bxmov      cl,4BALL:mov    [es:di], dword 0x0f0f0f0fadd      di,320loop    BALLmov       [si+4],bxmov  [si+6],dx; PADSmov     bp,sicmp [si+9],byte 0je       PAD2PAD1:call   PADCHKjmp     PADSPAD2:add    bp,2call      PADCHKPADS:mov        ax,[si]mov    di,2call      DRAWPADmov    ax,[si+2]mov  di,314call    DRAWPADpush   espop dspush        word 0xA000pop        esmov cx,32000xor   si,simov      di,sirep      movswmov      ah,0x11int    0x16jz        MAINmov       ax,0x0003int  0x10DRAWPAD:imul      ax,320add     di,axmov      cx,16PAD:mov    [es:di], dword 0x0f0f0f0fadd      di,320loop    PADretPADCHK:cmp    dx,[bp]jge    PADDOWNdec    word [bp]jmp  ENDCHKPADDOWN:sub       dx,12cmp      dx,[bp]jbe    ENDCHKinc     word [bp]ENDCHK:retPutLine:mov     al,15mov     di,158mov     cl,198@@:add     di,319stosbloop    @bxor     di,dicall    Hlinexor     dx,dxxor     di,dimov     cl,199Gridlp3:stosbadd     di,318stosbloop    Gridlp3call    Hlineret          Hline:mov     al,15mov     cx,320rep     stosbretPAD1Y dw      100PAD2Y      dw      100BALLX      dw      160BALLY      dw      100BALLXI     dw      -1BALLYI      dw      -1    

Last edited by Dex4u on 13 Jun 2007, 15:40; edited 2 times in total
Post 23 Apr 2007, 18:28
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vid 23 Apr 2007, 20:50
cool! you wrote it?
Post 23 Apr 2007, 20:50
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Dex4u 23 Apr 2007, 23:48
No, i converted it to fasm, about 3 years ago, from tasm, i think.
I lost the original code.
I have lots of code snips like this for fasm, mostly mine, but some converted, on old backup cd's, i may dig them out and post them.
Post 23 Apr 2007, 23:48
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YONG 24 Apr 2007, 12:28
Here is a .com game that I wrote almost two years ago for the 512b contest. Take a look at it. Smile
;        1         2         3         4         5         6         7
; NumGun.asm - NumberGun 1.0
; Copyright (C) 2005.  All Rights Reserved.  YONG.
; Features:
; . Just one line of text:
;   . SPACE:Hit F:- J:+            \
;   . Level:0 Hits:00              \
;   . #0>!000000000000000000#      \
;   . F1:Reboot/F2:Quit F8:NewGame
; . Description of the key component:
;               <----------- Direction of movement of the number sequence
;     #7>       7C03D6F29A15#
;      ^ ^      ^
;      | |      |
;      | |      +-- The left-most number of the number sequence
;      | |
;      | +-- Game status: ' ', '!' or '*', where ' ' = game in progress
;      |                                         '!' = game over
;      |                                         '*' = victory
;      +-- num, controlled by the player
; . Navigation:
;   . SPACE = Hit : Destroy the left-most number of the number sequence
;                   provided that num matches this number
;   . F     = -   : num = num - 1 (e.g., 3 => 2, 2 => 1, etc.)
;   . J     = +   : num = num + 1 (e.g., 8 => 9, 9 => A, etc.)
;   . F1    = Reboot (in "bootSector" version)
;   . F2    = Quit   (in "dotcom" and "called_by_loserOS" versions)
;   . F8    = NewGame
; . Game Over:
;   . '!' will be shown as soon as the number sequence reaches NumGun '0>'.
; . Victory:
;   . Starting from 0, level will be raised for every 13 hits.
;   . '*' will be shown as soon as level 9 is reached.
; . Notes:
;   . As level is raised, delay will be reduced, i.e., the number sequence
;     will speed up.
; . Requires:
;   . VGA
;   . 386+

bootSector              =       0       ; As a bootsector program
dotcom                  =       1       ; As a DOS .com program
called_by_loserOS       =       2       ; As a program running on loserOS

;version2compile         =       bootSector
version2compile         =       dotcom
;version2compile         =       called_by_loserOS

delay                   =       30      ; Initial value
hitsPerLevel            =       13      ; 2 - 99
victoryLevel            =       '9'     ; '1' - '9'

numSeqLEN               =       18
stackSize            =       512
RN_seed                 =       52763
tSs                     =       ((80 * 1) + 1) * 2

FxdColour               =       09h
VarColour               =       0fh
TwrColour               =       0ah
GssColour               =       0ch
BlkColour               =       00h

gameOverChar            =       '!'
victoryChar             =       '*'

IF version2compile      =       bootSector
   org     7c00h
IF version2compile      =       dotcom
        org     0100h


           mov     ax, cs
              mov     ds, ax
IF version2compile      =       bootSector
                mov     ss, ax
              mov     sp, stack_ptr
             mov     ax, 0b800h
          mov     es, ax
                xor     ax, ax
                mov     fs, ax

                                      ; Set video mode
                                    ; ==============
                mov     ax, 0003h       ; 80x25 TEXT Mode
               int     10h

             mov     ch, 20h         ; No cursor
         mov     ah, 01h
             int     10h

                                        ; Initial colour setup
                                        ; ====================
                call    PRINT_Txt
            xor     cx, cx

                                        ; New game begins here
                                        ; ====================
                mov     byte [delayVar], delay

                mov     word [RN], RN_seed

                mov     ax, word [fs:046ch]
                mov     word [lastTick], ax

                mov     ax, '00'
                mov     byte [level], al
                mov     byte [num], al
                mov     word [hits], ax

                mov     byte [hitCount], 0

                mov     al, ' '
                mov     si, numSeqLEN-1
                mov     byte [numSeq+si], al
                dec     si
                jns     init_nS_LP

                mov     byte [gameStatus], al

                mov     bp, numSeqLEN

                                        ; Update number sequence
                                        ; ======================
                dec     bp
                js      GameOver

                mov     si, numSeq
                add     si, bp
                cmp     si, numSeq+numSeqLEN-1
                jae     unS_qLP

                mov     al, byte [si+1]
                mov     byte [si], al
                inc     si

                jmp     unS_LP
                                        ; si points at the right-most char
                                        ; of numSeq
                mov     bx, 17
                xor     dx, dx
                mov     ax, word [fs:046ch]
                add     word [RN], ax
                ror     word [RN], 1
                xor     ax, word [RN]
                div     bx              ; dx:ax / bx
                                        ; ax = Q | dx = R < 17
                mov     al, dl
                cmp     al, 16
                je      tryAgain
                                        ; al is between 0 and 15
                cmp     al, 10
                jb      LT_10
                add     al, 'A' - 10 - '0'
                add     al, '0'
                mov     byte [si], al
                jmp     unS_q

                mov     byte [gameStatus], gameOverChar

                                    ; Print text
                                        ; ==========
                call    PRINT_Txt

                cmp     byte [gameStatus], ' '
                jne     wait_for_key

                                        ; Delay
                                        ; =====
                mov     ah, 01h
                int     16h
                jnz     Check_key

                mov     ax, word [fs:046ch]
                sub     ax, word [lastTick]
                cmp     al, byte [delayVar]
                jb      DelayLP
                add     word [lastTick], ax
                jmp     update_numSeq

                                        ; Check key
                                        ; =========
                xor     ax, ax
                int     16h

               or      al, al
              jz      cmp_ah

                cmp     al, 'a'
                jb      skip_convert_a2A
                sub     al, 20h         ; 'a' => 'A', ..., 'z' => 'Z'

                cmp     al, 'F'            ; 'F'
                je      F_KEY

                cmp     al, 'J'               ; 'J'
                je      J_KEY

                cmp     al, ' '               ; ' '
                je      SPACE_KEY

                jmp     pTxt

        wait_for_key:                   ; Game status = game over or victory
                xor     ax, ax
                int     16h

                or      al, al
                jnz     wait_for_key

                xchg    al, ah

IF version2compile      =       bootSector
                cmp     al, 3bh         ; F1
                je      REBOOT
IF version2compile      =       dotcom
                cmp     al, 3ch         ; F2
                je      QUIT
IF version2compile    =       called_by_loserOS
                cmp     al, 3ch         ; F2
                je      QUIT

                cmp     al, 42h         ; F8
                je      begins_here

                cmp     byte [gameStatus], ' '
                jne   wait_for_key

                jmp     pTxt

                                        ; F
                mov     al, byte [num]
                cmp     al, 'A'
                je      dec_A
                cmp     al, '0'
                je      dec_0
                dec     al
                jmp     FK_next
                mov     al, '9'
                jmp     FK_next
                mov     al, 'F'
                mov     byte [num], al
                jmp     pTxt

                                    ; J
                mov     al, byte [num]
                cmp     al, '9'
                je      inc_9
                cmp     al, 'F'
                je      inc_F
                inc     al
                jmp     JK_next
                mov     al, 'A'
                jmp     JK_next
                mov     al, '0'
                mov     byte [num], al
                jmp     pTxt

                                    ; SPACE
                mov     al, byte [ds:numSeq+bp]
                cmp     al, byte [num]
                jne     pTxt

                mov     byte [ds:numSeq+bp], ' '
                inc     bp

                mov     al, byte [hitCount]
                inc     al
                cmp     al, hitsPerLevel
                jb      skip_raise_level
                xor     al, al
                inc     byte [level]
                sub     byte [delayVar], 2
                mov     byte [hitCount], al

                xor     ah, ah
                mov     bl, 10
                div     bl              ; ax / bl
                                        ; al = Q | ah = R
                add     ax, 3030h
                mov     word [hits], ax

                cmp     byte [level], victoryLevel
                jb      skip_vL_reached
                mov     byte [gameStatus], victoryChar

                jmp     pTxt

IF version2compile      =       bootSector
                                 ; REBOOT
                jmp     0ffffh:0000h
IF version2compile      =       dotcom
                                 ; QUIT
                mov     ax, 0003h       ; 80x25 TEXT Mode
              int     10h

                mov     ah, 4ch
                int     21h
IF version2compile       =       called_by_loserOS
                                   ; QUIT
           jmp     0000h:7c00h

                mov     si, textStr
                mov     di, tSs

                or      al, al
              jz      pT_q

                mov     ah, byte [es:di+1]

                jcxz  after_ah_set

                mov     ah, VarColour

                cmp     al, '0'
                je      after_ah_set

                mov     ah, TwrColour

                cmp     al, '#'
                je      after_ah_set

                cmp     al, '>'
                je      after_ah_set

                mov     ah, GssColour

                cmp     al, gameOverChar
                je      after_ah_set

                mov     ah, BlkColour

                cmp     al, '_'
                je      after_ah_set

                mov     ah, FxdColour


                jmp     pT_LP


; Data definitions

textStr                 db      'SPACE:Hit_F:-_J:+'
                        db      '_'
                        db      'Level:'
level                    db      '0'
                        db      '_'
                        db      'Hits:'
hits                    db      '00'
                        db      '_'
                        db      '#'
num                      db      '0'
                        db      '>'
gameStatus              db      gameOverChar
numSeq: times numSeqLEN db      '0'
                        db      '#'
                        db      '_'
IF version2compile      =       bootSector
                        db      'F1:Reboot'
IF version2compile      =       dotcom
                        db      'F2:Quit'
IF version2compile      =       called_by_loserOS
                        db      'F2:Quit'
                        db      '_'
                        db      'F8:NewGame'
                        db      0
times 510-($-$$)        db      0
                        dw      0AA55h
RN                      rb      2
lastTick                rb      2
hitCount                rb      1
delayVar                rb      1
IF version2compile      =       bootSector
 align   2
                   rb      stackSize

; END    

Post 24 Apr 2007, 12:28
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mattst88 24 Apr 2007, 17:36
Please do us a favor and stop capitalizing the first two letters of FASM and not the last. Either all or nothing.

It's just a little annoying.
Post 24 Apr 2007, 17:36
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m 26 Apr 2007, 07:51
Thanks Dex4u !
Thanks YONG !
Sorry mattst88 !

Post 26 Apr 2007, 07:51
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mattst88 26 Apr 2007, 16:29
I have a few AMD64-Linux C function calling examples I'll clean up and post later today Smile
Post 26 Apr 2007, 16:29
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mattst88 27 Apr 2007, 14:33
Here's a small example for AMD64/Linux. It shows how to make use of C calls.

Absolute Value
format ELF64

extrn   printf
extrn   puts
extrn   scanf
public  main

section '.text' executable

        push    rbp
        mov     rbp,rsp

        mov     edi,prompt
        call    puts

        sub     rsp,16

        mov     rsi,rsp
        mov     edi,readint
        xor     eax,eax
        call    scanf

        mov     rax,[rsp]

        add     rsp,16

        xor     rax,rdx
        sub     rax,rdx

        mov     rsi,rax
        mov     edi,msg
        xor     eax,eax
        call    printf


section '.data' writable align 16

msg     db      "Absolute value is %ld",0xA,0
prompt  db      "Enter a negative integer. ",0
readint db      "%ld",0    

format ELF64

extrn    printf
extrn scanf
extrn  puts
public  main

section '.text' executable

main:       push    rbp
 mov     rbp,rsp
    mov     edi,prompt
  call    puts

    sub     rsp,16
    mov     rsi,rsp
     mov     edi,scan
    xor     eax,eax
     call    scanf

   mov     rax,[rsp]
    add     rsp,16
    mov     rsi,rax
     lea     rcx,[rax-1]
top: mul     rcx
 sub     rcx,1
       jnz     top
print:  mov     edi,msg
     mov     rdx,rax
     xor     eax,eax
     call    printf

section '.data' writable

msg   db      "Factorial of %d is %d",0xA,0
scan db      "%d",0
prompt      db      "Enter an unsigned integer.",0    

Leibniz Theory of Pi (calculates Pi) uses SSE2/3
format ELF64

extrn    printf
public        main

section '.text' executable align 16

  push    rbp
 mov     rbp,rsp
     movdqa  xmm6,dqword[denom]
  movdqa  xmm2,dqword[numer]
  movdqa  xmm3,dqword[add4]
   movdqa  xmm4,xmm2
   movdqa  xmm5,dqword[zero]
   mov     r12,10000000
align 16
    divpd   xmm2,xmm6
   addpd   xmm5,xmm2
   movdqa  xmm2,xmm4
   addpd   xmm6,xmm3
   divpd   xmm2,xmm6
   addpd   xmm5,xmm2
   movdqa  xmm2,xmm4
   addpd   xmm6,xmm3
   divpd   xmm2,xmm6
   addpd   xmm5,xmm2
   movdqa  xmm2,xmm4
   addpd   xmm6,xmm3
   divpd   xmm2,xmm6
   addpd   xmm5,xmm2
   movdqa  xmm2,xmm4
   addpd   xmm6,xmm3
    sub     r12,1
       jnz     top
    mov     r12,10000000
        movdqa  xmm1,xmm5
   movdqa  xmm0,xmm6
   haddpd  xmm1,xmm1
    mov     eax,2
       mov     edi,msg
     call    printf
    jmp     top

section '.data' writable align 16

denom:        dq      1.0,3.0
numer:   dq      4.0,-4.0
add4:   dq      4.0,4.0
zero:    dq      0.0,0.0

msg      db      "1/%.0f - %52.50f",0xA,0    

Next power of two (input of 37 results in return value of 64, etc. useful for SDL_Surface to OpenGL texture conversions)
format ELF64

extrn  printf
extrn scanf
extrn  puts
public  main

section '.text' executable

   push    rbp
 mov     rbp,rsp
    mov     edi,prompt
  call    puts
    sub     rsp,16
    mov     rsi,rsp
     mov     edi,readint
 xor     eax,eax
     call    scanf
    mov     r12,[rsp]
    add     rsp,16
    mov     rax,r12
     bsr     rcx,rax
     mov     eax,2
       shl     rax,cl
    mov     rdx,rax
     mov     rsi,r12
     mov     edi,msg
     xor     eax,eax
     call    printf

section '.data' writable align 16

msg       db      "Next power of %lu is %lu",0xA,0
readint   db      "%lu",0
prompt     db      "Enter an integer.",0    

If anyone sees anything that should be fixed, let me know.

Last edited by mattst88 on 14 Jul 2007, 01:56; edited 1 time in total
Post 27 Apr 2007, 14:33
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vid 28 Apr 2007, 15:18
mattst88: it misses error handling for "scanf"
Post 28 Apr 2007, 15:18
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Your code has a bug

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LocoDelAssembly 28 Apr 2007, 15:39
And if 16 bytes alignment is needed "sub rsp, 8" should be "sub rsp, 16" (and "add rsp, 8" should be "add rsp, 16)
Post 28 Apr 2007, 15:39
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m 28 Apr 2007, 19:25
vid wrote:
mattst88: it misses error handling for "scanf"
Rolling Eyes Give me more !

Post 28 Apr 2007, 19:25
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edfed 10 Jun 2007, 16:34
and this it is the line algorythm for screen 13h

to call the line:
macro liner x,y,x2,y2,color
               mov ax,screen_segment
               mov fs,ax
               mov eax,x
               mov ebx,y
               mov ecx,x1
               mov edx,x2
               mov [x1],eax
               mov [y1],ebx
               mov [x2],ecx
               mov [y2],edx
               mov al,color
               mov [colorl],al
               call line

db 'line32.inc'
      pushad               ;save the registers from previous code
 mov ecx,1           ;initilise the increments
       mov edi,1
   mov edx,320
 mov esi,1
   mov eax,[x2]      ;calculate delta x
        sub eax,[x1]
        jge @f
      neg eax              ;if negative then neg the increments
   neg ecx
     neg edi
  mov ebx,[y2]      ;calculate delta y
        sub ebx,[y1]
        jge @f                ;if negative then neg the increments
  neg ebx
     neg edx
     neg esi
  mov [.deltamax],ebx   ;who is the biggest delta?
    mov [.deltamin],eax    ;cause it will become the
    mov [.dinc1],edx         ; basic increment for the line calculation
 mov [.sinc1],esi          
  mov [.dinc2],ecx
    mov [.sinc2],0
      mov [.xinc1],0
      mov [.xinc2],edi
    cmp eax,ebx              ;is delta x less than delta y?
     jl @f                          
     mov [.deltamax],eax     ;no so the refernces changes
        mov [.deltamin],ebx
 mov [.dinc1],ecx
    mov [.sinc1],0
      mov [.dinc2],edx
    mov [.sinc2],esi
    mov [.xinc1],edi
    mov [.xinc2],0
   mov esi,[y1]          ;first pixel
  mov edi,320
 imul edi,esi
        add edi,[x1]
        mov ebx,[x1]
        mov ecx,[.deltamax]
 shr ecx,1
   mov dl,[colorl]
     mov eax,[.deltamax]  ;initialise divide counter
     inc eax
  cmp esi,[up]            ;out of screen?
     jle .ignore
 cmp esi,[down]
      jge .ignore
 cmp ebx,[left]
      jle .ignore
 cmp ebx,[right]
     jge .ignore
 mov [fs:edi],dl         ;fs is the screen memory or the buffer
  dec eax                  ;next dot
  je @f
       add ebx,[.xinc1]        ;increment pixel in highest axel
    add edi,[.dinc1]
    add esi,[.sinc1]          ;it work like a reverse division 
 add ecx,[.deltamin]    
     cmp ecx,[.deltamax]  
       jl @b
       add ebx,[.xinc2]         ;increment pixel in lowest axel 
   add edi,[.dinc2]
    add esi,[.sinc2]
    sub ecx,[.deltamax]
 jmp @b
align 4             to access data fasty
.xinc1 rd 1
.xinc2 rd 1
.dinc1 rd 1
.dinc2 rd 1
.sinc1 rd 1
.sinc2 rd 1
.deltamin rd 1
.deltamax rd 1
x1 rd 1
y1 rd 1
x2 rd 1
y2 rd 1
colorp db 0
colorl db 32
Post 10 Jun 2007, 16:34
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edfed 10 Jun 2007, 16:35

Last edited by edfed on 26 Jun 2007, 15:01; edited 1 time in total
Post 10 Jun 2007, 16:35
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rugxulo 13 Jun 2007, 00:03
Dex4u wrote:
No, i converted it to fasm, about 3 years ago, from tasm, i think. I lost the original code.

It's NASM code, written by Luks, found at http://www.256b.com/demo/262 (though included twice, dunno why).

EDIT: Remy Vincent has also modified this (see Tennis in Text+CGA+EGA+VGA+SVGA (One step done!!)).
Post 13 Jun 2007, 00:03
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Dex4u 13 Jun 2007, 15:42
Thanks rugxulo, i have up dated the post.
Post 13 Jun 2007, 15:42
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m 01 Jul 2007, 08:54
Hey YONG can you explain what the code submitted by you does?
Post 01 Jul 2007, 08:54
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m 12 Jul 2007, 08:38
A program to Reduce Rational Numbers.
It uses PE console format, and is for Windows32 only.

The program does the following (a perl script):

print "
This program reduces the Rational Numbers.

Enter number (eg: 125 / 625): ";
my ($num, $den) = split(/\D+/, <>);
my $a = $num > $den ? $num : $den;
my $b = $den < $num ? $den : $num;
(($a, $b) = ($b, $a % $b)) while ($b);
$rnum = $num / $a;
$rden = $den / $a;
print "$num / $den -- $rnum / $rden\n";

Filename: rat.asm
Filesize: 1.47 KB
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Last edited by m on 14 Jul 2007, 10:11; edited 1 time in total
Post 12 Jul 2007, 08:38
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m 12 Jul 2007, 11:52
Windows socket example.
Just sends a message to the client showing his IP address.

Filename: winsock1.asm
Filesize: 2.71 KB
Downloaded: 1055 Time(s)

Post 12 Jul 2007, 11:52
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