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Verbosity in development

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vid 27 Jan 2007, 21:34
KRA: actually, you seem to use "actually" as often as me.

Actually it should be built in the same way your FASMLIB is. It actually uses it for memory, string and streaming.

wow, somebody actually uses FASMLIB? I didn't hope. Very Happy

Must way I love your FASMLIB since it makes me able to test my code on both windows and linux.

wow, somebody actually uses FASMLIB for portable coding? I didn't hope either. Very Happy

Have you considered porting FASMLIB to ARM4 as well

i was seriosly considering making similar library for ARM, but 32bit and 64bit versions comes first. Also, i must do more ARM coding before deciding on standards, i am not enough experienced yet.

btw, if you enforce macro usage with your library (which is pretty good idea for "making your own OO lanugage based on FASM"), then you could think about read structured exception handling. IMHO it would be little bit better than CF for OO library.

But, in my opinion making OO assembly extension is not useful at all... but don't let me discourage you. Many people say assembly library like FASMLIB isn't useful aswell. Wink
Post 27 Jan 2007, 21:34
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afw2004 29 Jan 2007, 09:20
I performed some updates to my lib. It now packed into dll, inheritance from classes implemented in the dll works.

Source code is in oolib.zip attached.

Exeexample folder contains example of static linking.

Dllexample folder contains similar example but linked with fcomclib.dll (my oo library).

dllbuild folder - source code for building oo library.

Filename: oolib.zip
Filesize: 58.83 KB
Downloaded: 841 Time(s)

Post 29 Jan 2007, 09:20
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Verbosity in development

Joined: 05 Sep 2003
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Location: Slovakia
vid 29 Jan 2007, 10:36
afw2004: no error checking there? Wink
Post 29 Jan 2007, 10:36
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Joined: 21 Jun 2006
Posts: 27
jbojarczuk 04 Feb 2007, 01:05
Hi tantrikwizard,

It is possible to do what you want with the preprocessor. I actually have been able to do it (I am doing a second library right now, because I want to do improvements on the first one, such as separating OS specific code from general code, so as to be able to port the whole thing to linux later on).

The first library, besides being VERY OS oriented (WIN32), it was kind of product oriented (Lotus Notes, using the C API), and so it will not be useful for you guys (unless we have a Lotus Notes C api developer in here, also?).

An example syntax (for an .inc file):
Class JRBBase
                .m_pvMain       dv ?
                .m_cRefs        dv ?
        ClassStartProc QueryInterface
                Proc Constructor
                Proc Destructor
                Proc QueryInterface
                Proc AddRef
                Proc Release

An example syntax (for an asm file):
ClassStartCode JRBBase
PROCOBJ Constructor
                a_pvThis dv ?
                a_pvMain dv ?
        mov R4 , a_pvMain
        mov [R3 + JRBBase.m_cRefs] , vword 1
        sub R4 , R3
        mov [R3 + JRBBase.m_pvMain], R4
PROCOBJ Destructor
                a_pvThis dv ?
PROCOBJ QueryInterface
                a_pvThis                dv ?
                a_ridIID        dv ?
                a_pvObjRet      dv ?
        mov R4 , [R3 + JRBBase.m_pvMain]
        mov R1 , a_ridIID
        test R4 , R4
        jz .NoMain
                add R3 , R4
                mov R4 , a_pvObjRet
                JRBBase_QueryInterface R3 , R1 , R4
                jmp .ret
.NoMain: //Se este for o objeto principal
        mov R4 , a_pvObjRet
        xor R3 , R3
        LocateGUID R1 , IID_IUnknown , .FoundThis , IIDBase , .FoundThis
                mov [R4] , R3
                mov R1 , E_NOINTERFACE
                jmp .ret
        mov R4 , a_pvObjRet
        inc vword [R3 + JRBBase.m_cRefs]
        mov R1 , 0              
        mov [R4] , R3
                this dv ?
        mov R1 , [R3 + JRBBase.m_cRefs]
        inc R1
        mov [R3 + JRBBase.m_cRefs] , R1
                this dv ?
        mov R1 , [R3 + JRBBase.m_cRefs]
        dec R1
        mov [R3 + JRBBase.m_cRefs] , R1
        jnz .ret
                JRBBase_Destructor R3
                xor R1 , R1

Now, some observations that I have noticed during my first project:
1 - EXCEPTION HANDLING is good. You should definetely invest you time on it, it will pay for itself many times over. The biggest problem I had, however, was buffer overrun. I suggest you watch out for this, since Win32 exception handling will suffer from it as well.
2 - You may have automatic object creation and destruction in the stack. If I were you, I would not worry so much about heap. I have done one project, and I was able to do it in it's completion in the stack. If you do everything like a C compiler would, you will not have gains. I suggest you think about it for a little.

This being said, I don't think you really need a project for this. Just sit down and start tweaking with fasm's preprocessor, and you will get what you want.

Should you need help with anything, just ask (although most people here know *A LOT* more than I do), if I see your questions, I would try to answer them.
Post 04 Feb 2007, 01:05
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Joined: 13 Dec 2006
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tantrikwizard 08 Feb 2007, 13:37
jbojarczuk wrote:
Hi tantrikwizard,

It is possible to do what you want with the preprocessor. I actually have been able to do it (I am doing a second library right now, because I want to do improvements on the first one, such as separating OS specific code from general code, so as to be able to port the whole thing to linux later on)

Hi, I have been re-tasked with some projects at work and haven't had much time to work on my library. The class decleration (minus the namespaces) were working somewhat and new/delete macros but that is about as far as i've gotten. The FASM preprocessor still has me a bit perplexed and I'm no guru on the subject so am learning as I go. Can you post your work to share with the rest of us?
Post 08 Feb 2007, 13:37
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