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Joined: 27 Dec 2004
Posts: 805
r22 29 Oct 2006, 02:18
Here's a permutation algorithm coded in FASM.
It comes with a benchmarking and verifying code.

I'm always interested in optimizations and / or alternative methods.
Especially if a recursive version (that doesn't require the shadow list of interegers) is faster or slower than my iterative version.

format PE console
entry start

include 'c:\FASM\INCLUDE\win32a.inc'

macro AMDPad16
        align 16
        a = $-$$
    end virtual
    if a=1
       db 90h
    end if
    if a=2
       db 66h,90h
    end if
    if a=3
       db 66h,66h,90h
    end if
    if a=4
       db 66h,66h,66h,90h
    end if
    if a=5
       db 66h,66h,90h,66h,90h
    end if
    if a=6
       db 66h,66h,90h,66h,66h,90h
    end if
    if a=7
       db 66h,66h,66h,90h,66h,66h,90h
    end if
    if a=8
       db 66h,66h,66h,90h,66h,66h,66h,90h
    end if
    if a=9
       db 66h,66h,90h,66h,66h,90h,66h,66h,90h
    end if
    if a=10
       db 66h,66h,66h,90h,66h,66h,90h,66h,66h,90h
    end if
    if a=11
       db 66h,66h,66h,90h,66h,66h,66h,90h,66h,66h,90h
    end if
    if a=12
       db 66h,66h,66h,90h,66h,66h,66h,90h,66h,66h,66h,90h
    end if
    if a=13
       db 66h,66h,66h,90h,66h,66h,90h,66h,66h,90h,66h,66h,90h
    end if
    if a=14
       db 66h,66h,66h,90h,66h,66h,66h,90h,66h,66h,90h,66h,66h,90h
    end if
    if a=15
       db 66h,66h,66h,90h,66h,66h,66h,90h,66h,66h,66h,90h,66h,66h,90h
    end if

section '.data' data readable writeable
        BYTES_PER equ 4
        printF db '%d ',0
        printLN db 13,10,0
        printFB db '%d ms execution speed',0
align 16
                dd 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
        PermListSize dd (EndList - PermList) / BYTES_PER
;;;part of algorithm
align 16
      load0123 dd 0,1,2,3
      add4     dd 4,4,4,4

section '.code' code readable executable

        call    [GetTickCount]
        mov     ebx,eax
        call    permutify
        call    [GetTickCount]
        sub     eax,ebx
        push    eax
        push    printFB
        call    [printf]
        add     esp,8
        push    0
        push    0
        push    0
        push    0
        call    [MessageBox]
        push    0
        call    [ExitProcess]

align 8
        push    ebx
        mov     eax,[PermListSize]
        push    esi
        add     eax,4 ;;;padding so we can use SIMD
        push    edi
        shl     eax,2 ;;;*4 size->dwords of memory
        push    PAGE_READWRITE
        push    MEM_COMMIT or MEM_RESERVE
        push    eax
        push    0
        call    [VirtualAlloc]
        mov     ebx,[PermListSize]
        lea     esi,[PermList]
        mov     edi,eax
        shr     ebx,1 ;;;/2 would use /4 but can't *16 address
        movdqa  xmm0,dqword[load0123]
        movdqa  xmm1,dqword[add4]
        xor     eax,eax
        movdqa  dqword[edi+eax*8],xmm0
        add     eax,2
        paddd   xmm0,xmm1
        cmp     eax,ebx
        jle     .fill
;call print ;;;use while Perming;;;comment while benchmarking
        mov     ebx,01h
        lea     ecx,[edi+ebx*4]
        mov     eax,ebx
        cmp     ebx,dword[PermListSize]
        jge     .end
        ror     eax,1
        sub     dword[ecx],01h
        and     edx,[ecx]
        mov     ecx,[esi+ebx*4]
        mov     eax,[esi+edx*4]
        mov     [esi+edx*4],ecx
        mov     [esi+ebx*4],eax
;call print ;;;use while Perming;;;comment while benchmarking
        mov     ebx,01h
        cmp     dword[edi+ebx*4],00h
        jnz     .innerend
        mov     [edi+ebx*4],ebx
        add     ebx,1
        jmp     .innerloop
        jmp     .loop
        pop     edi
        pop     esi
        pop     ebx
        ret     0

        push    ebx
        mov     ebx,[PermListSize]
        dec     ebx
        js      .endprnt
        push    dword[PermList+ebx*BYTES_PER]
        push    printF
        call    [printf]
        add     esp,8
        jmp     .prnt
        push    printLN
        call    [printf]
        add     esp,4
        pop     ebx
        ret     0

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

  library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\
      include  "c:\FASM\INCLUDE\apia\kernel32.inc"
      include  "c:\FASM\INCLUDE\apia\user32.inc"
  import msvcrt,\

section '.reloc' fixups data discardable 

AMD x2 3800+ 2.0GHz 1GB ram

3422 ms execution speed
Post 29 Oct 2006, 02:18
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Joined: 07 Oct 2003
Posts: 1045
Location: Michigan, USA
madmatt 29 Oct 2006, 09:33
I get about 3390ms (Intel Celeron 2.7ghz, 1GB ram). Is this for a school project or something?
Post 29 Oct 2006, 09:33
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Your code has a bug

Joined: 06 May 2005
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LocoDelAssembly 29 Oct 2006, 15:51
3453 ms execution speed (AMD Athlon64 +3200 [2.0 GHz S939]).
Post 29 Oct 2006, 15:51
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Joined: 27 Dec 2004
Posts: 805
r22 29 Oct 2006, 19:03
madmatt, it's not for any project. Just an interesting algorithm I've been meaning to code up.

I'm thinking that permutations can be done in parallel with eachother.
Using a multi-threaded approach, but despite the rather small and simplistic size to the algorithm analysis is somewhat complex.
Post 29 Oct 2006, 19:03
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rugxulo 29 Oct 2006, 19:51
P4 2.52Ghz 512 MB RAM


3734 ms execution speed
Post 29 Oct 2006, 19:51
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Joined: 27 Dec 2004
Posts: 805
r22 29 Oct 2006, 22:19
Thanks for all the results.

Now some optimizations for the current algorithm or aa alternative algorithm to test would be interesting.
Post 29 Oct 2006, 22:19
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