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Index > Linux > [AMD64] HOWTO: Mix c++ (GCC) and FASM

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Joined: 20 Oct 2003
Posts: 9
Location: Italy
Nikso 08 Oct 2006, 10:52
Hi there!

So I needed to mix asm and c++ under Linux for 64 bit OS development.
As you may know, in an AMD64 environment GCC use ABI 0.98 specification (see here). This means that parameters are no longer passed thru the stack but registers are used instead.

NOTE: this example is not complete yet. I was not able to refer exported variables (look at commented lines in the code)

; Writed for board.flatassembler.net by Nikso

; CppAndAsm
; x86-64 GCC calling convention (ABI 0.9Cool
;   GCC will use the following register (in order) for parameters passing:
;   RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX, R8, R9, (stack)
;   this is true only if the parameter fit in a register.
;   Return registers are: RAX, RDX
;   For more informations: http://www.x86-64.org/documentation

format ELF64 

section '.text' executable

; void write(char*)
extrn "_Z5writePc" as write

; int sum(int a, int b)
public sum
        MOV EAX,EDI
        ADD EAX,ESI
;???    ADD EAX,[num]
        PUSH RAX
        MOV EDI,strg
        CALL write
        POP RAX

section '.data' writeable

extrn "num" as num
;public strg
strg DB "everything!",0

Compile with:
fasm AsmPart.asm AsmPart.o    

// Writed for board.flatassembler.net by Nikso

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

extern "C" int sum(int a, int b);

//extern char* strg;

int num = 10;

void write(char* cosa)
        cout << "Calculate within ASM " << cosa << endl;

int main()
//      cout << strg << endl;
        cout << "2 + 3 = " << sum(2,3) << endl;
        return 0;

compile with:
gcc -o CppPart.o -c CppPart.cpp    

Now link with:
gcc -o cppandfasm AsmPart.o CppPart.o    

In the attached archive there are sources, makefile, binary and the GCC asm compilation of the cpp file.

Hope this help!
Bye Very Happy

Description: Mix FASM and c++ with sourcefile and makefile
Filename: CppAndFasm.tar.bz2
Filesize: 6.27 KB
Downloaded: 927 Time(s)

Post 08 Oct 2006, 10:52
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vid 08 Oct 2006, 11:22
great, thanks.

how did you come to "_Z5writePc" decoration?

i found going back from stack to registers stupid... :/
Post 08 Oct 2006, 11:22
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Joined: 20 Oct 2003
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Location: Italy
Nikso 08 Oct 2006, 11:40
Ah yeah, nice question.
Well there is two ways.
First you can compile CppPart.cpp with:
gcc -S -c CppPart.cpp

This will produce a .s file that you can inspect with a text editor.

Or you can use this command:
$ nm CppPart.o | grep <func_name>

nm will list symbols of the specified object.
Try also:
$ nm <.o_file> | grep <func_name> | c++filt

to look at human readable symbols (useful in case of function overloads)
$ nm CppPart.o | grep write
000000000000006c T _Z5writePc
$ nm CppPart.o | grep write | c++filt
000000000000006c T write(char*)
Post 08 Oct 2006, 11:40
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mattst88 10 Oct 2006, 22:47
I know how to pass integers back and forth, but returning floating point numbers is getting the best of me.

The ABI says that xmm0 and xmm1 are used for returninf floating point numbers, but can someone give me an example?
Post 10 Oct 2006, 22:47
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mattst88 12 Oct 2006, 01:55
Is the high quadword or low quadword used for passing a double? Or is the double duplicated throughout both quadwords?

I've been doing some tests and the results I've been getting are completely unexplainable. Sometimes, it'll return the value, other times not. Sometimes in the high quadword, others in the low. I've even gotten it to return 0.0 if both quadwords are 0.0, and -0.0 if the low quadword is 0.0 and the high undefined.

wtf is going on? Could someone be kind enough to give me an example?
Post 12 Oct 2006, 01:55
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Mark Larson

Joined: 04 Nov 2006
Posts: 13
Mark Larson 08 Nov 2006, 20:16
I haven't gotten floating point working either ( was trying with printf()). However I did notice one other thing.

you MAY need to set rax up according to the ABI. It is supposed to contain the number of floating point parameters you are passing to the function if the function takes a variable number of parameters. From the 0.98 version of the ABI:

"with variable arguments passes information about the number of SSE registers used"

BIOS programmers do it fastest! Wink
Post 08 Nov 2006, 20:16
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