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Joined: 25 Sep 2003
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Madis731 03 Aug 2006, 10:25
BTW, currently I'm doing the most horrible task - hand-debugging some
values throughout the code. Like (100,100)-(200,89) that actually draws
the line from 100,100 to 0,111 Very Happy

...and sorry - I should have mentioned the order in which the register are
initialized: rax, rbx, rcx, rdx are X1, Y1, X2, Y2 respectively

About the mixing of registers: every way I swap them, even x1<>y2 and
x1<>y1 the result is the same - only 7th octant is "different" meaning if
I swap the two endpoints actually the 7th is the correct line Very Happy Sad thing
is that all others are in the opposite direction...
Post 03 Aug 2006, 10:25
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Madis731 03 Aug 2006, 11:26
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH Very Happy so sweeet http://enos.itcollege.ee/~mkalme/PAHN/MenuetOS/untitled.PNG
every SINGLE blue line is in its place (A) nothing's off...

and I think you want to know what was wrong:
    lea         rdx,[rix+rdi]
    test        rdx,rdx
    jne         @f
    neg         rdi
    neg         rix

This was missing from the part where dx>dy
I had to put a name to the jump because the new code introduced a jump
Look why @@s are bad Very Happy
    cmp         rex,rfx
    jc          .ver2
    xor         rsi,rsi ; xinc1 = 0
    xor         rjx,rjx ; yinc2 = 0


    mov         rkx,rex ; den = deltax
    mov         rlx,rex
    shr         rlx,1   ; num = deltax/2
    mov         rbp,rfx ; numadd = deltay
    mov         rdx,rex ; numpixels = deltax
    jmp         .endloc

THANKs for eberybody who contributed! You got me closer to the answer and
finally its here...now I'll try to make this code fragment more transparent
and fit it somewhere in the code...meaning - I will optimize a bit Wink

Last edited by Madis731 on 03 Aug 2006, 11:37; edited 2 times in total
Post 03 Aug 2006, 11:26
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shoorick 03 Aug 2006, 11:33
Post 03 Aug 2006, 11:33
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Madis731 03 Aug 2006, 11:59
ARGH you won't believe how angry I am with MYSELF !!!! Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad

I wrote down RSI, RDI for Xs and RIX, RJX for Ys, but EVERYWHERE else I used
them as RSI, RIX for Xs and RDI, RJX for Ys. I wondered why this fragment of
code fitted everywhere and then I finally just optimized it to:
xchg rdi,rix

C'mon - everyone can only DREAM about this kind of optimization. THEN I
remembered what Shoorick said and Voila! there it was - rsi and rdi standing
as if they where Xs Razz

Okay - the WORKING unoptimized, but small and fast code Very Happy
    mov         rex,rcx ;rbx=x2
    sub         rex,rax ;rax=x1
    sbb         rhx,rhx
    xor         rex,rhx
    sub         rex,rhx ;rex=abs(rcx-rax)
    mov         rfx,rdx ;rdx=y2
    sub         rfx,rbx ;rcx=y1
    sbb         rhx,rhx
    xor         rfx,rhx
    sub         rfx,rhx ;rfx=abs(rdx-rbx)

    or          rsi,-1
    or          rix,-1
    cmp         rcx,rax
    jc          .X2notlessthanX1
    neg         rsi
    neg         rix
    or          rdi,-1
    or          rjx,-1
    cmp         rdx,rbx
    jc          .Y2notlessthanY1
    neg         rdi
    neg         rjx

    cmp         rex,rfx
    jc          .moreYthanX
    xor         rsi,rsi ; xinc1 = 0
    xor         rjx,rjx ; yinc2 = 0

    mov         rkx,rex ; den = deltax
    mov         rlx,rex
    shr         rlx,1   ; num = deltax/2
    mov         rbp,rfx ; numadd = deltay
    mov         rdx,rex ; numpixels = deltax
    jmp         .endadjust

    xor         rdi,rdi ; xinc2 = 0
    xor         rix,rix ; yinc1 = 0
    mov         rkx,rfx ; den=deltay
    mov         rlx,rfx
    shr         rlx,1   ; num=deltay/2
    mov         rbp,rex ; numadd = deltax
    mov         rdx,rfx ; numpixels = deltay

    push        rax rbx rcx rdx rex rfx rsi rdi rix rjx
    mov         rex,rbx
    add         rex,1
    mov         rdx,rax
    mov         rcx,rbx
    mov         rbx,rax
    mov         rax,38
    mov         rfx,255
    int         60h
    pop         rjx rix rdi rsi rfx rex rdx rcx rbx rax
    add         rlx,rbp ; num += numadd
    cmp         rlx,rkx ; num >= den
    jc          @f
    sub         rlx,rkx ; num -= den
    add         rax,rsi
    add         rbx,rdi
    add         rax,rix
    add         rbx,rjx
    sub         rdx,1
    jnc         .linedraw

Talk about Optimized to death Razz (http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=5584)

My updated idol Very Happy http://www.agner.org/optimize/
Post 03 Aug 2006, 11:59
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r22 03 Aug 2006, 21:51
Slightly faster absolute value using compare and move instruction
mov reg2, reg1
neg reg1
cmovl reg1, reg2 ;;;; cmovb if using UNsigned integers
Post 03 Aug 2006, 21:51
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 04 Aug 2006, 04:04
r22 wrote:
mov reg2, reg1
neg reg1
cmovl reg1, reg2 ;;;; cmovb if using UNsigned integers

But the absolute value doesn't make much sense with the UNsinged integers, does it? Wink
Post 04 Aug 2006, 04:04
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Madis731 04 Aug 2006, 07:20
Smile Not the UNsigned integers themself, but the difference of two unsigned ones...

@r22: Did you test it on AMD/Intel? I've heard that on AMD the conditional
move is slow and cmp/jcc is faster :S
Post 04 Aug 2006, 07:20
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 04 Aug 2006, 08:54
Madis731 wrote:
Smile Not the UNsigned integers themself, but the difference of two unsigned ones...

For difference it doesn't really matter whether it is of signed or unsigned values.
Post 04 Aug 2006, 08:54
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r22 04 Aug 2006, 12:10
Very true, BUT the comment would be valid IF it was used for a min/max function. That's exactly why I don't comment code, half the time I just type nonsense after ;'s.

The AMD64 optimization guide shows the cmov reg,reg as having a 1 clock latency and I've tested it on my AMD64 x2 3800+ and it's shown to be slightly faster than the carry method.
Post 04 Aug 2006, 12:10
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Madis731 05 Aug 2006, 14:48
@Tomasz: Of course - you are right - I wasn't thinking clearly. It does NOT matter! And more importantly you can even use it on signed values (i.e. if one or both of the source operands are negative in this sence).
Post 05 Aug 2006, 14:48
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