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Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Posts: 3
RocMat1 30 Jul 2006, 01:03
I am having problems with this:
jmp start
;* Program to read in two   *
;* numbers and add them     *
;* and print out the result *
  number db 7 dup 0             ; string which will store input and output
  n1     dw 0                   ; two input variables
  n2     dw 0
  res    dw 0                   ; one output variable
  cr     dw 13,10,"$"           ; carriage return, line feed
  mov dx,number
  mov bx,dx
  mov b[bx],5                   ; maximum 5 characters to read
  mov ah,0ah
  int 21h                       ; read in a string from keyboard
  mov bx,number +1
  mov cx,00
  mov cl,[bx]                   ; cl now contains number of digits
  mov ax,00                     ; ax will contain the number input
    inc bx                      ; get next digit
    shl ax,1                    ; multiply by 10 using 2 shift ops and an add...
    mov dx,ax                   ; ... x*8 + x*2 = x*10 is the principle.
    shl ax,2
    add ax,dx                   ; ax is now multiplied by 10
    mov dx,00
    mov dl,[bx]                 ; dl has new character
    sub dx,48                   ; subtract 48 = ascii('0') to get number value
    add ax,dx                   ; add to ax
  loop usedigit                 ; loop statement= jmp if cx > 0
  cmp n1,00                     ; see if this is first or second number read
  jnz second
  mov n1,ax                     ; assign it to the first variable
  jmp start                     ; read in another number
  mov n2,ax                     ; or assign to second variable and continue
  mov ah,09
  mov dx,cr              ; print out a carriage return character
  int 21h
  mov ax,n1                     ; move numbers to registers ...
  mov bx,n2
  add ax,bx                     ; ...and add
  mov res,ax                    ; store the result
  mov cx,00
  mov bx,number+7        ; put a $ at end of buffer.
  mov b[bx],'$'                 ; we will fill buffer from back forwards
  dec bx
  mov ax,res
  mov dx,10
  div dl                        ; divide by 10
  add ah,48                     ; convert remainder to character
  mov [bx],ah                   ; and move to buffer for output
  dec bx
  mov ah,00                     ; quotient becomes new value
  cmp ax,00                     ; if we haven't got all digits divide again
  jnz convert_decimal
  mov dx,bx
  inc dx                        ; we decremented once too many, go forward one.
  mov ah,09
  int 21h                       ; output the string
  mov ah,4ch
  mov al,00
  int 21h                       ; end program    

The operand n1 and n2 and all those delcared up there..I cant mov any data into them or do much with them..why?

Last edited by RocMat1 on 30 Jul 2006, 18:27; edited 1 time in total
Post 30 Jul 2006, 01:03
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Joined: 30 Mar 2005
Posts: 129
wisepenguin 30 Jul 2006, 10:31
just from a quick glance, you arent using [] around n1 in the mov and cmp instructions

n1 = address of n1
[n1] = value in n1

i dont know which is needed for you in this case. sorry if it didnt help
Post 30 Jul 2006, 10:31
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Joined: 30 Jul 2006
Posts: 3
RocMat1 30 Jul 2006, 18:24
yes thanks that helped Smile
Post 30 Jul 2006, 18:24
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