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Index > OS Construction > What's the most elegant way to monitor key presses in RM?

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Joined: 12 Apr 2005
Posts: 501
Location: Belarus
zhak 20 Jul 2006, 08:13
Hi people!
The idea is simple... I want my program to execute until ESC is pressed.
I installed INT 1Ch handler:
mov si, 001Ch*4
    mov eax, [si]
    mov [int1C], eax
    mov word [si], int_1C
    mov [si+2], bx

The handler itself is
    push ds
    push bx
    xor bx, bx
    mov ds, bx
    mov bl, [041Ch]
    add bx, 03FFh           ;start of kbd_buf + 1
    mov al, [bx]
    mov bl, [0480h]
    mov bh, bl
    mov word [041Ah], bx
    cmp al, key_scancode_esc
    jz .esc_pressed
    pop bx
    pop ds
    pop bx
    pop ds
    push ds
    push cancel

it checks if ESC was pressed (by scan code in kbd buffer) and if so, jumps to label cancel:
    push szHaltedByUser_Error
    mov eax, [int1C]
    mov [001Ch*4], eax
    mov dx, 140Fh                ;just output some messages like
    call set_cursor                 ; press ESC to continue or X to reboot
    mov si, szHalted
    call show_msg
    pop si
    call show_msg
    mov si, szEsc2Load
    call show_msg
    xor ax, ax
    int 16h
    cmp al, 0Dh
    jz boot_next_device
    cmp al, 1Bh
    jz cold_reboot
    jmp .wait_keypress    

this doesn't work neither in bochs nor in wmware.
I can't understand where the problem is. It outputs only one char of the first string, then stuns.
Is there any more elegant way to monitor if a key was pressed in background? This code is used in bootloader. Thanks!
Post 20 Jul 2006, 08:13
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Joined: 12 Apr 2005
Posts: 501
Location: Belarus
zhak 20 Jul 2006, 16:53
I found the solution at last... I intercepted INT 9:
    push ax                  ;save AX 'cause it may be in use somewhere
    in al, 60h
    cmp al, 81h             ;break code for ESC
    jnz @f
    add sp, 4
    push cancel
    mov al, [041Ah]      ;clear kbd buffer because Int 16h Fn 1 will
    mov [041Ch], al      ;return previous keypress immediately
    sub sp, 2
    pop ax
    jmp dword [cs:int9]   ;execute default INT 9 handler. CS is used because
                                  ;I use the same segment for code and data    

I deleted the previously submitted peace of code because it was wrong.
This routine seems to be working correctly... I hope it's so Smile
Post 20 Jul 2006, 16:53
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