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Index > OS Construction > Creating a Hello World OS?

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Joined: 29 May 2006
Posts: 62
saigon 06 Jun 2006, 12:09

I have read the FAQ, and also searched the forums many times, but I can't find a solution to this.

I am looking for some code to output "Hello World! Operating System 1.0". Note that it should be cross-platform as I want to create an operating system, but just don't have the kick for the start. I want to create a bootable CD (don't worry, I have plenty CD-Rs) from which the Hello World OS will run.

I am just unable to create something like this, but I am sure I'll create a good operating system once this is done.

Before I create any OS, I have a question: Is it possible to output text using BIOS without writing your own kernel?

Thank you very much! I will appreciate any kind of help!
Post 06 Jun 2006, 12:09
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Dex4u 06 Jun 2006, 12:42
put it on a floppy with rawrite.
 org 0x7C00use16;****************************; Realmode startup code.;****************************start:        xor   ax,ax        mov   ds,ax        mov   es,ax        mov   ss,ax        mov   sp,0x7C00;*************************************; Print message.;*************************************       mov ax,0xB800       mov es,ax       lea si,[msg0]       mov di,(80 * 1 + 2) * 2       mov cx,26       cld       rep movsb            jmp  $ msg0 db "  H E L L O   W O R L D !   "      ;*************************************; Make program 510 byte's + 0xaa55;*************************************times 510- ($-start)  db 0dw 0xaa55     

With bios.
put it on a floppy with rawrite.
 org 0x7C00use16;****************************; Realmode startup code.;****************************start:        xor   ax,ax        mov   ds,ax        mov   es,ax        mov   ss,ax        mov   sp,0x7C00;*************************************; Print message.;*************************************        mov  si,msg0        call  print        jmp  $;====================================================;;  print.                                            ;;====================================================;print:        mov   ah,0Eh                       ; Request displayagain1:        lodsb                              ; load a byte into AL from DS:SI        or   al,al                         ; Or AL        jz   done1                         ; Jump 0, to label done1        int  10h                           ; Call interrupt service        jmp  again1                        ; Jump to label again1done1:        ret                                ; Return msg0 db " Hello world! "      ;*************************************; Make program 510 byte's + 0xaa55;*************************************times 510- ($-start)  db 0dw 0xaa55     

To make a cd bootable, some how make a bootable floppy image, click in your cd burn software make bootable and point it to the image you have made with the above code.

I would also take a look at MiniDOS code, as its designed as a basic OS tut.
Post 06 Jun 2006, 12:42
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Posts: 62
saigon 06 Jun 2006, 13:39
Thank you! I already looked at the MiniDOS thread before posting this one, it seems to be pretty good.

I have a question, though:
For what do I need to do this?
; Make program 510 byte's + 0xaa55
times 510- ($-start)  db 0
dw 0xaa55 

In both examples you posted, you wrote that code in the bottom, but I don't understand for what it is for.

Also, do you know any manual or tutorial where I can learn about how creating an OS with assembly sources? It doesn't mind me if the sources aren't FASM.

Thanks a lot!
Post 06 Jun 2006, 13:39
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WiESi 06 Jun 2006, 14:19
A bootloader has to have 512 bytes of size. The first instruction adds zeros to the program until it has 510 bytes. Also a bootloader has to end with 055h and 0aah. This is done by the second instruction.
Post 06 Jun 2006, 14:19
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Dex4u 06 Jun 2006, 19:14
WiESi has answered the first ?, as for the second ? this may help
But the best thing is to to get a bootloader like bootprog
and assemble your OS as a com or exe, and start by making a realmode OS using bios int, before moving on to Pmode.
Also you could help on someone else OS project to learn (MDos-R)
Also theres lots of good doc on bubachs site
Hope this helps.
Post 06 Jun 2006, 19:14
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saigon 06 Jun 2006, 21:12
Thanks Dex!
Post 06 Jun 2006, 21:12
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peter 07 Jun 2006, 01:18
Post 07 Jun 2006, 01:18
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The Lightning Stalker

Joined: 07 Jun 2006
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The Lightning Stalker 07 Jun 2006, 21:12
Surprised Ahh, this may be just the thing I need to display an "insert disc 1" message and then press a key to reboot. This is for a ghost CD set.
Post 07 Jun 2006, 21:12
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