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Index > Windows > invoking CallWindowProc

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Joined: 12 Apr 2005
Posts: 501
Location: Belarus
zhak 28 Apr 2006, 07:21
Hi, people. Yesterday I was fighting Windows heroically for almost 5 hours trying to set button text font and color... I won at last, but still confused. Here's my question:
Microsoft gives an example for subclass procedure:
// Subclass procedure 
    HWND hwnd, 
    UINT uMsg, 
    WPARAM wParam, 
    LPARAM lParam) 
    if (uMsg == WM_GETDLGCODE) 
        return DLGC_WANTALLKEYS; 
    return CallWindowProc(wpOrigEditProc, hwnd, uMsg, 
        wParam, lParam); 

So, as I understand, wndproc has to return smth. if a message is processed or invoke CallWindowProc if a message is not processed (as stated in SDK)
For example:
proc ButtonSubclassProc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam
    mov eax, [uMsg]
    cmp eax, WM_PAINT
    jz .paint
    invoke CallWindowProc, <params>
    <message processing routine>
    xor eax, eax

But this makes my app crazy. It consumes 90% of CPU, it redraws the entire dialog, it doesn't work. The solution is simple: invoke CallWindowProc in the beginning, and then process messages (if any).
proc ButtonSubclassProc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam
    invoke CallWindowProc, <params>
    mov eax, [uMsg]
    cmp eax, WM_PAINT
    jz .paint
    xor eax, eax
    <message processing routine>
    jmp .ret

WHY IS IT SO??? Why should I invoke CallWindowProc and then process messages if Microsoft says to process messages, and invoke CallWindowProc for messages that are not processed???
Post 28 Apr 2006, 07:21
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Joined: 26 Oct 2005
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Location: Russia
Kermil 28 Apr 2006, 08:51
I see only one reason of such behaviour, you transfer wrong parameter to CallWindowProc. You should transfer to CallWindowProc correct address of old window procedure. But I can be mistaken. Show your code completely.
Post 28 Apr 2006, 08:51
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Joined: 12 Apr 2005
Posts: 501
Location: Belarus
zhak 29 Apr 2006, 10:29
here is the complete template:

Filename: btn.zip
Filesize: 1.83 KB
Downloaded: 252 Time(s)

Post 29 Apr 2006, 10:29
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Joined: 26 Oct 2005
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Location: Russia
Kermil 02 May 2006, 07:54
I have looked your code and changed it, look below:

proc NumPadButtonsProc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam
    mov esi, [globals]
    mov eax, [uMsg]
    cmp eax, WM_PAINT
    jz .paint
    cmp eax, WM_LBUTTONDOWN
    jz .paint
    jz .paint
    cmp eax, WM_LBUTTONUP
    jz .paint
    cmp eax, WM_MOUSEMOVE
    jz .paint
    cmp eax, WM_NCMOUSEMOVE
    jz .paint
    lea eax, [esi+global.lpDefNumPadButtonsProc]
    invoke CallWindowProc, [eax], [hWnd], [uMsg], [wParam], [lParam] ; not handled messages
    mov eax, 1
    lea eax, [esi+global.lpDefNumPadButtonsProc]
    invoke CallWindowProc, [eax], [hWnd], [uMsg], [wParam], [lParam] ; this call needed for drawing the button
    xor ecx, ecx
    mov edx, [hWnd]
    lea esi, [esi+global.hDlgMain_bn0]
    cmp eax, edx
    jz .numpad
    inc ecx
    cmp ecx, (BN_SIGN-BN_0)
    jnz @b
    cmp eax, edx
    jnz .ret
    shl ecx, 1
    lea esi, [ecx+szDlgMain_bn0Caption]
    push 00FF0000h      ;blue color
    push esi
    push eax
    call setButtonTextAndColor
    xor eax, eax
Post 02 May 2006, 07:54
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