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Index > OS Construction > error Booting with "Linux/i386 Boot Protocol"

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Joined: 03 Mar 2006
Posts: 23
MAD_DËMON 04 Mar 2006, 19:14
I'm trying write my boot code using the Linux Boot Protocol but the loader that I'm using (LILO) prints an error message saying something like:

Zimage is to big try bzImage instead

error: Selected item cannot fit into memory



bits 16

times 0x1F1-($$-$) db 0

;old Boot Protocol Header
db 0 ;01F1/1    ALL     setup_sects     The size of the setup in sectors
dw 0 ;01F2/2    ALL     root_flags      If set, the root is mounted readonly
dw 0 ;01F4/2    ALL     syssize         DO NOT USE - for bootsect.S use only
dw 0 ;01F6/2    ALL     swap_dev        DO NOT USE - obsolete
dw 0 ;01F8/2    ALL     ram_size        DO NOT USE - for bootsect.S use only
dw 0 ;01FA/2    ALL     vid_mode        Video mode control
dw 0 ;01FC/2    ALL     root_dev        Default root device number
dw 0xAA55 ;01FE/2       ALL     boot_flag       0xAA55 magic number

;2.00+ Boot protocol
jmp short start ;0200/2 2.00+   jump            Jump instruction
dd 'HdrS' ;0202/4       2.00+   header          Magic signature "HdrS"
dw 0x200 ;0206/2        2.00+   version         Boot protocol version supported
dd 0 ;0208/4    2.00+   realmode_swtch  Boot loader hook (see below)
dw 0 ;020C/2    2.00+   start_sys       The load-low segment (0x1000) (obsolete)
dw 0 ;020E/2    2.00+   kernel_version  Pointer to kernel version string
db 0 ;0210/1    2.00+   type_of_loader  Boot loader identifier
db 0 ;0211/1    2.00+   loadflags       Boot protocol option flags
dw 0 ;0212/2    2.00+   setup_move_size Move to high memory size (used with hooks)
dd 0x100000 ;0214/4     2.00+   code32_start    Boot loader hook (see below)
dd 0 ;0218/4    2.00+   ramdisk_image   initrd load address (set by boot loader)
dd 0 ;021C/4    2.00+   ramdisk_size    initrd size (set by boot loader)
dd 0 ;0220/4    2.00+   bootsect_kludge DO NOT USE - for bootsect.S use only


mov ax,0xB800
mov ds,ax

mov dword [0],0x39073807 ; send to B8000h 

jmp $-1    

also i tried to write the bootcode using the old boot protocol header and LILO displays the same error message, if the bootcode would work it must display at screen the number 98 in the first row

Tah rah rah boom de ay, I blew some guy away, his brains turned into spray, I was paid well that day
Post 04 Mar 2006, 19:14
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