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Crukko 11 Feb 2006, 07:02
Hi Guys Wink
Only for test.....and comment! As you can see is the 0.01! So Bugs, features and so on still in progress...but there are my ideas Wink
Let me know your comment, ok ?

Madis731: see the WinConverter in the utility menu....do you like it? Wink

1) Set and Goto
Did you ever needed to port some code from line 10.000 to line 100 and you jump by up e down cursor? Now it's more simple Wink
2) Navigate
Now you can jump to the part of code you need (recognized only proc e label)
3) Comment and Uncomment Block
Did you ever needed to exclude a big part of code for testing something, and than to get back? eheheh
4) Fasm Syntax now is going to recognize fasm command (invoke, stdcall, etc) and do something. For now only paint ProcName with different color)

Remember! still in progress!

Description: Test, Test, Test, Test ;)
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Post 11 Feb 2006, 07:02
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Crukko 11 Feb 2006, 07:17
Post Script!

It seems autocompletition is possible in FasmW by fasm syntax routine.....or not Wink
Post 11 Feb 2006, 07:17
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decard 11 Feb 2006, 07:29
You mean code completion?
BTW, maybe you could help in developing Fresh? It is supposed to be advanced IDE for fasm and already has many solutions that are in your project.
Nice work anyway.

Post 11 Feb 2006, 07:29
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Crukko 11 Feb 2006, 07:41
Yes, code completition.
This feature is possible by indexed memory I got in my code.....and use less memory you can image...
thx Wink
Sincerely I started developping FasmWNG thanks to Fresh Wink
I hope helping you, but I need some help too for understanding Fresh code Wink
Best Regard.
Post 11 Feb 2006, 07:41
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Crukko 11 Feb 2006, 07:45
How Fresh get information for the code completition?
In FasmWNG only on source load (for now Wink ) than, by fasm syntax proc, it will be possible when typing source.
I think the future is also to scan files when 'include' in typed for equ, struct, and so on......
Post 11 Feb 2006, 07:45
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Crukko 11 Feb 2006, 07:57
feature after source loaded:
5) in WinList you'll find definition recognized (for now Wink )
6) in WinConvert, if in source there are 'equ' you can obtain the value.
A equ 5
if you type A in the 'Exp' tag of WinConverter you obtain the result Wink
and if you type A+A*A/A????? Wink
note: a is different tha A!!!!
Post 11 Feb 2006, 07:57
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Madis731 11 Feb 2006, 08:21
Here's what I've got, I tried testing, but it kept crashing:
1) Converter doesn't do anything...yet? Crashes when pressing enter
2) Closing WinList closes the program
3) Escape doesn't close the active tab like in FASMW
4) Comment block crashes
5) Win.out it out Smile of my 1024x768 screen (maybe it fits on a 1280x960)
6) Win.out doesn't show anything reasonable...yet?
7) Win.out should make use of a close-button. Its not good to use Alt+F4
Cool @@: local labels are read like a section, but .blah labels are missed
9) Default font is too small

Do you need any help translating? I saw that some part are in different language.
Post 11 Feb 2006, 08:21
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Crukko 11 Feb 2006, 09:08
1) really strange! I tested now too. it works....what os do you have?
2) yes, i know Wink the WM_DESTROY msg is not correctly treat.....yet Wink
3) the escape can't close by my intention! use ALT + C = Close src instead.
4) tested comment....it works on my pc......uhmmm...suggestion?
5) I use 1440x900...sorry Wink
6) yet! if you load a source with 'equ' or 'struct' definition you will see something.....work in progress!!!!
7) no close butto because you can use the menu! for now it came on when you open the prg...in the future it will be optional.
Cool .blah label are intentionally missed.....in the navigate win (on the right) the future is that label will be posted under every section, also .labe
label (proc)
----enderlabel_n untill endp
label (new proc or other)

pls try again winconverter and let me know....[/img]
Post 11 Feb 2006, 09:08
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decard 11 Feb 2006, 09:37
Code completion (CC) in Fresh uses symbols defined in source. So if you have "my_label" defined, you can access it in CC list (by pressing ctrl+space). This list isn't available before first compilation (it must go through assembling without errors).
To see how it internally works, take a look at fasm.asm labelslist.asm and from Fresh/Source directory. But wait till this evening or tomorrow morning, because then I'm going to upload new version where gathering symbols in implemented in different way, and should be easier to understand.
Post 11 Feb 2006, 09:37
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Crukko 11 Feb 2006, 09:57
decard: ok...
i think is possible to update the CC while you're writing source....before ypu need to compile....
my test on this will be afer some bugfix....I'll let you know....
did you have the same problem of Madis731?
Post 11 Feb 2006, 09:57
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decard 11 Feb 2006, 10:43
Crukko wrote:
i think is possible to update the CC while you're writing source....before ypu need to compile....

Yes it would be possible. I'm thinking about compiling source in the background while user is typing the code but I don't know precisely how it could work (what about errors? if there was any typo, copliation would fail and list couldn't be generated). I heard that Delphi works this way... but I don;t know how exactely...
Post 11 Feb 2006, 10:43
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Crukko 11 Feb 2006, 11:12
compiling while writing? I did it already!
start d.exe and try to type a label: as you can see after the ':' FasmWNG recognize the label!
Also 'proc' works!
try to type this line:
proc test Arg1, Arg2
as you can see, after 'proc' the nameproc is recognized and painted with different colour, then param are treated normally
The only thing isn't in the code (yet!) is the compilig ..... as I do on load source.

pls decard: do you have the same problem of Madis731?
Post 11 Feb 2006, 11:12
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decard 12 Feb 2006, 10:27
you mean conventer crashing? well it does not crash on my system.

well, by compiling I mean compiling by fasm Wink

BTW, how did you implemented expression parser?
Post 12 Feb 2006, 10:27
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Crukko 12 Feb 2006, 22:09
what did you mean for 'expression parser'?
1) a+a/a.....
2) instruction recognition while typing....

For 'compiling' I mean a future evolution of FasmWNG: compiling source while writing it and the possibility to start program and track step by step the instruction Wink
eheheh.....i'm on the right way (I think!) but time needed!

Madis731: do you have still problem?
Post 12 Feb 2006, 22:09
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Crukko 12 Feb 2006, 22:16
For WinConverter: did you try these:
1 + 2 & 1 or 5 not 1

Post 12 Feb 2006, 22:16
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decard 12 Feb 2006, 22:22
by espression parser I mean 'a+a/a' of course Wink
How are you calculating this? Using RPN?
Post 12 Feb 2006, 22:22
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Crukko 13 Feb 2006, 00:50
RPN ??? What is this?

Here you are the code Wink
I'm doing a 'cut&paste' ....Sorry...there can be some internal routine I wrote....if so, ask me, ok?

proc _ValoreEspressione, Sorg, Indice, Routine
    stdcall  _Repeat, 0, Temp_sviluppo, __Byte, NULL, 256
    stdcall  _Repeat, 0, Temp_operatori, __Byte, NULL, 256
    stdcall  _Repeat, 0, Temp_valori, __Byte, NULL, 256

    mov      [Value_tonda_flag], dword 0
    mov      [Value_pos_flag],  -1
    mov      [Value_pri_flag],  -1
    mov      [Flag_errore], 0
    mov      esi, [Sorg]
    mov      edi, Temp_sviluppo
    mov      ecx, Temp_operatori
    xor      eax, eax

    or       al, al
    jnz      .salto
    jmp      .finecompilazione
    cmp      al, '('
    jne      .salto1
    jmp      .apriparentesi
    cmp      al, ')'
    jne      .salto2
    jmp      .chiudiparentesi
    cmp      al, '^'
    jne      .salto3
    mov      dl, 2
    jmp      .priorita
;    jmp      .priorita2
    cmp      al, '*'
    jne      .salto4
    mov      dl, 1
    jmp      .priorita
;    jmp      .priorita1
    cmp      al, '/'
    jne      .salto5
    mov      dl, 1
    jmp      .priorita
;    jmp      .priorita1
    cmp      al, '+'
    jne      .salto6
    jmp      .priorita0
    cmp      al, '-'
    jne      .salto7
    jmp      .priorita0
    cmp      al, '|'
    jne      .salto8
    mov      dl, 3
    jmp      .priorita
;    jmp      .or
    cmp      al, '&'
    jne      .salto9
    mov      dl, 3
    jmp      .priorita
;    jmp      .and
    cmp      al, '!'
    jne      .salto10
    mov      dl, 5
    jmp      .priorita
;    jmp      .not
    cmp      al, "'"
    jne      .salto11
    mov      dl, 3
    jmp      .priorita
;    jmp      .xor
    cmp      al, "<"
    jne      .salto12
    mov      dl, 4
    jmp      .priorita
;    jmp      .shl
    cmp      al, ">"
    jne      .salto13
    mov      dl, 4
    jmp      .priorita
;    jmp      .shr
    cmp      al, 32
    jne      .salto14
    jmp      .loopcompilaespressione
    cmp      al, 9
    jne      .salto15
    jmp      .loopcompilaespressione

     mov      edx, Temp_valori

     mov      [edx], al
     inc      edx
     or      al, al
     jz      .finecopiavalore
     cmp     al, '('
     je      .finecopiavalore
     cmp     al, ')'
     je      .finecopiavalore
     cmp     al, '-'
     je      .finecopiavalore
     cmp     al, '+'
     je      .finecopiavalore
     cmp     al, '*'
     je      .finecopiavalore
     cmp     al, '/'
     je      .finecopiavalore
     cmp     al, '^'
     je      .finecopiavalore
     cmp     al, '<'
     je      .finecopiavalore
     cmp     al, '>'
     je      .finecopiavalore
     cmp     al, '!'
     je      .finecopiavalore
     cmp     al, "'"
     je      .finecopiavalore
     cmp     al, '|'
     je      .finecopiavalore
     cmp     al, '&'
     je      .finecopiavalore
     cmp     al, 32
     je      .finecopiavalore
     cmp     al, 9
     je      .finecopiavalore
     jmp     .loopcopiavalore

    dec      esi
    mov      [edx], byte 0

    mov      eax, dword [Temp_valori]
    and      eax, 0FFFFFFh
    cmp      eax, 'and'
    je       .saltoand
    cmp      eax, 'AND'
    je       .saltoand
    cmp      eax, 'And'
    je       .saltoand
    cmp      eax, 'or'
    je       .saltoor
    cmp      eax, 'OR'
    je       .saltoor
    cmp      eax, 'Or'
    je       .saltoor
    cmp      eax, 'xor'
    je       .saltoxor
    cmp      eax, 'XOR'
    je       .saltoxor
    cmp      eax, 'Xor'
    je       .saltoxor
    cmp      eax, 'not'
    je       .saltonot
    cmp      eax, 'NOT'
    je       .saltonot
    cmp      eax, 'Not'
    je       .saltonot

    stdcall  _Match, [Indice], Temp_valori, 0, 0, 1, 0
    cmp      [Flag_errore], 1
    jne      .cont_postmatch
    cmp      [Routine], dword 0
    je       .cont_postmatch
    mov      eax, [Routine]
    stdcall  eax, [Indice], [Valore]
    cmp      [Flag_errore], -1
    je       .cont_postmatch

    jmp      .valoreok

    stdcall  _Val, Temp_valori
    cmp      [Flag_errore], 0
    je       .valoreok
    mov      [Flag_errore], -3
    jmp      .errore

    mov      al, 'v'
    mov      eax, [Valore]
    mov      [Value_pos_flag], 0
    jmp      .loopcompilaespressione

    mov      eax, '&'
    jmp      .salto
    mov      eax, '|'
    jmp      .salto
    mov      eax, "'"
    jmp      .salto
    mov      eax, '!'
    jmp      .salto
    sub      esi, [Sorg]
    mov      [Valore], esi
    jmp      .fine

  ;--------------                                      -
  ;--------------                                      -
    cmp      [Value_pos_flag], 0
    je       .saltopri0
    cmp      [Value_pos_flag], 3
    je       .saltopri0
    cmp      [Value_pos_flag], -1
    je       .saltoprepri0
    mov      [Flag_errore], -1
    jmp      .errore

    cmp      al, '-'
    jne      .loopcompilaespressione
    push     ax
    mov      al, 'v'
    mov      al, 0
    pop      ax

    mov      edx, Temp_operatori
    cmp      ecx, edx
    je       .contpri0
    call     popoperatori

    call     pushoperatore
    mov      [Value_pri_flag], 0
    mov      [Value_pos_flag], 1
    jmp      .loopcompilaespressione

  ;--------------                                      -
  ;--------------                                      -
    push     dx
    call     checkopok
    cmp      [Flag_errore], -1
    jne      .cnt_pri
    pop      dx
    jmp      .errore

    cmp      [Value_pri_flag], dl
    jb       .pushpri1
    call     popoperatori

    call     pushoperatore

    pop      dx
    mov      [Value_pri_flag], dl
    mov      [Value_pos_flag], 1
    jmp      .loopcompilaespressione

    cmp      [Value_pos_flag], -1
    je       .saltoapriparentesi
    cmp      [Value_pos_flag], 1
    je       .saltoapriparentesi
    mov      [Flag_errore], -1
    jmp      .errore

    inc      [Value_tonda_flag]
    call     pushoperatore
    mov      [Value_pri_flag], -1
    mov      [Value_pos_flag], 2
    jmp      .loopcompilaespressione

    cmp      [Value_pos_flag], 0
    je       .saltochiudiparentesi
    mov      [Flag_errore], -1
    jmp      .errore

    cmp      [Value_tonda_flag], 0
    ja       .saltochiudiparentesi1
    mov      [Flag_errore], -2
    jmp      .errore

    dec      [Value_tonda_flag]
    mov      [Value_pos_flag], 3
    call     popoperatori
    jmp      .loopcompilaespressione

    call     popoperatori
    mov      esi, Temp_sviluppo
    mov      edi, Temp_operatori

    or       al, al
    jnz      .contloopfinecompilazione
    mov      [Flag_errore], 1
    jmp      .fine

    cmp      al, 'v'
    jne      .operatore
    jmp      .valore

    cmp      al, '+'
    je       .addizione
    cmp      al, '-'
    je       .sottrazione
    cmp      al, '*'
    je       .moltiplicazione
    cmp      al, '/'
    je       .divisione
    cmp      al, '^'
    je       .potenza
    cmp      al, '&'
    je       .and
    cmp      al, '|'
    je       .or
    cmp      al, "'"
    je       .xor
    cmp      al, '!'
    je       .not
    cmp      al, '<'
    je       .shl
    cmp      al, '>'
    je       .shr

    jmp      .loopfinecompilazione

    mov      eax, [edi - 4]
    add      eax, [edi - 8]
    sub      edi, 8
    jmp      .loopfinecompilazione

    mov      eax, [edi - 8]
    sub      eax, [edi - 4]
    sub      edi, 8
    jmp      .loopfinecompilazione

    mov      eax, [edi - 4]
    xor      edx, edx
    mov      ebx, [edi - 8]
    mul      ebx
    sub      edi, 8
    jmp      .loopfinecompilazione

    mov      eax, [edi - 8]
    xor      edx, edx
    mov      ebx, [edi - 4]
    div      ebx
    sub      edi, 8
    jmp      .loopfinecompilazione

    mov      eax, [edi - 8]
    mov      ebx, eax
    mov      ecx, [edi - 4]
    cmp      ecx, 0
    jne      .saltopotenza
    mov      eax, 1
    jmp      .finepotenza

    cmp      ecx, 1
    jne      .sviluppopotenza
    jmp      .finepotenza

    dec      ecx

    mul      ebx
    loopne   .looppotenza

    sub      edi, 8
    jmp      .loopfinecompilazione

    mov      eax, [edi - 8]
    and      eax, [edi - 4]
    sub      edi, 8
    jmp      .loopfinecompilazione

    mov      eax, [edi - 8]
    or       eax, [edi - 4]
    sub      edi, 8
    jmp      .loopfinecompilazione

    mov      eax, [edi - 8]
    xor      eax, [edi - 4]
    sub      edi, 8
    jmp      .loopfinecompilazione

    mov      eax, [edi - 4]
    not      eax
    sub      edi, 4
    jmp      .loopfinecompilazione

    mov      eax, [edi - 8]
    mov      ecx, [edi - 4]
    shl      eax, cl
    sub      edi, 8
    jmp      .loopfinecompilazione

    mov      eax, [edi - 8]
    mov      ecx, [edi - 4]
    shr      eax, cl
    sub      edi, 8
    jmp      .loopfinecompilazione

    mov      eax, [edi - 4]
    mov      [Valore], eax
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    cmp      [Value_pos_flag], 0
    je       .bene
    cmp      [Value_pos_flag], 3
    je       .bene
    mov      [Flag_errore], -1

    mov      [ecx], al
    mov      al, [Value_pri_flag]
    mov      [ecx + 1], al
    add      ecx, 2

    push     ax
    mov      edx, Temp_operatori
    cmp      edx, ecx
    je       .finepopoperatori
    sub      ecx, 2
    mov      al, [ecx + 1]
    mov      [Value_pri_flag], al
    mov      al, [ecx]
    cmp      al, '('
    jne      .saltopopoperatori
    cmp      [Value_pos_flag], 3
    jne      .saltopopoperatori1
    jmp      .finepopoperatori
    add      ecx, 2
;    mov      [Value_pri_flag], -1
    jmp      .finepopoperatori
    push     ax
    mov      al, 'o'
    pop      ax
    jmp      .looppopoperatori
    pop      ax
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Last edited by Crukko on 13 Feb 2006, 00:55; edited 1 time in total
Post 13 Feb 2006, 00:50
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Crukko 13 Feb 2006, 00:53
Sorg = pointer to an ASCII Null Terminated String with expression
Indice = pointer to indexed memory(array) where there are definition
Routine = pointer to the external routine which return the value of the definition
Post 13 Feb 2006, 00:53
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Crukko 13 Feb 2006, 04:32
If I want to know the position in screen-pixel of the cursor? How can I do?

My intention is to open a window with no border under the line I'm typing in to show the possible command/equ/ecc (right, code completition Wink )
Post 13 Feb 2006, 04:32
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decard 13 Feb 2006, 07:39
RPN, is "reverse polish notation", check it at Wikipedia if you want to know more about it. Converting expression to RPN first seems to be prefered way of parsing them (I was interested int this topic some time ago and usually found this when googling).

Crukko wrote:
If I want to know the position in screen-pixel of the cursor? How can I do?

In Fresh it is done by sending AEM_GETCARETXY message to control. It is not available in standard control, but you can add it to asmedit.inc:

 ; AEM_GETCARETXY message handler
        mov     ecx, [wparam]
        mov     eax,[caret_y]
        mov     ebx,[caret_x]
        mov     [ecx+AECARETXY.x0], ebx
        mov     [ecx+AECARETXY.x1], ebx
        mov     [ecx+AECARETXY.y0], eax
        add     eax,[font_height]
        mov     [ecx+AECARETXY.y1], eax
        jmp     .ignore    

; you will also need AECARETXY structure:
  x0 dd ?
  y0 dd ?
  x1 dd ?
  y1 dd ?

local caret AECARETXY
lea     eax, [caret]
invoke  SendMessage, [aedit], AEM_GETCARETXY, eax, 0  

However you can't just display CC list at caret position. You should meke sure that whole list is visible (within screen resolution). Take a look at \source\sourceeditor.asm from Fresh. At line 639 you have UpdateCCPosition function that is responsible for this.

Post 13 Feb 2006, 07:39
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