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Index > OS Construction > coloured print problem

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Joined: 18 May 2005
Posts: 443
Location: BC, Canada
RedGhost 06 Jan 2006, 22:55
hi i am in 16bit realmode, and in my kernel


INT 10 - VIDEO - WRITE STRING (AT and later,EGA)
AH = 13h
AL = write mode
bit 0: update cursor after writing
bit 1: string contains alternating characters and attributes
bits 2-7: reserved (0)
BH = page number
BL = attribute if string contains only characters
CX = number of characters in string
DH,DL = row,column at which to start writing
ES:BP -> string to write

requires row/column, but will update it so..


AH = 03h
BH = page number
0-3 in modes 2&3
0-7 in modes 0&1
0 in graphics modes
AX = 0000h (Phoenix BIOS)
CH = start scan line
CL = end scan line
DH = row (00h is top)
DL = column (00h is left)

so from that i made this procedure
;print coloured string, bp = offset of buffer (doesn't need to be zero terminated), cx = string length, bl = colour
    mov ah, $03  ;service $03 (get cursor position and size)
    xor bh, bh   ;page 00
    int $10

    ;dh now holds the current row
    ;dl now holds the current column
    mov ah, $13  ;service $13 (write string)
    xor al, al   ;update cursor
    xor bh, bh   ;page 00
    int $10


i am properly calling it
mov bp, _somebuf
mov bl, $code
mov cx, _somebuf.size
call @printcstr  

it will print a string, but will not update the cursor position, what am i doing wrong? (if i print a second it will just overwrite from 0, 0 again)

Post 06 Jan 2006, 22:55
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Joined: 03 Oct 2003
Posts: 235
Location: Belarus, Minsk
mike.dld 06 Jan 2006, 23:49
You should manually update cursor position with INT 0x10/AH=2
Post 06 Jan 2006, 23:49
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Joined: 03 Oct 2003
Posts: 235
Location: Belarus, Minsk
mike.dld 06 Jan 2006, 23:58
Try this out (just as an example, don't learn to write code from it Smile ):
format MZ

push cs cs
pop  es ds
mov  si,aaaa
mov  al,0x40
call draw_text
mov  ax,0x4C00
int  0x21

aaaa db 'mike.dld',0

  curx db 0
  cury db 0

; ES:SI - text to draw (null-terminated)
; AL - attribute (color)
        mov     dl,al
        mov     dh,0
    @@: lodsb
        cmp     al,0
        je      @f
        push    dx si ds
        cmp     al,8
        jne     .lp0
        dec     [curx]
        jmp     .lp2
  .lp0: cmp     al,10
        jne     .lp1
        mov     [curx],0
        inc     [cury]
        jmp     .lp2
  .lp1: cmp     al,13
        je      .lp3
        mov     bx,dx
        mov     ah,9
        mov     cx,1
        int     0x10
        inc     [curx]
  .lp2: mov     ah,2
        mov     bh,0
        mov     dx,[cur_pos]
        int     0x10
  .lp3: pop     ds si dx
        jmp     @b
    @@: popa
Post 06 Jan 2006, 23:58
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Joined: 18 May 2005
Posts: 443
Location: BC, Canada
RedGhost 07 Jan 2006, 00:40
thanks mike, but the problem is fixed, and it updates cursor for me

there was two problems


it says to set bit 0 (index 0), for move cursor, not actually set the register to 0 (thanks daverr from fasm irc)


since service $03 of int $10 returns with CL/CH i obviously should have thought it would modify cx (which contains the string length) (doh, cant believe i overlooked that)

working code:
;print coloured string, bp = offset of buffer (doesn't need to be zero terminated), cx = string length, bl = colour
    push cx

    mov ah, $03  ;service $03 (get cursor position and size)
    xor bh, bh   ;page 00
    int $10

    pop cx

    ;dh now holds the current row
    ;dl now holds the current column
    mov ah, $13  ;service $13 (write string)
    xor al, al   ;clear al
    or al, $01   ;set the first bit index ($01), so it moves the cursor
    xor bh, bh   ;page 00
    int $10


Post 07 Jan 2006, 00:40
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