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Index > DOS > Cant get keyboard handler to work

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Joined: 10 Nov 2005
Posts: 11
Karl20001 17 Nov 2005, 23:58
Hi, im making little game in asm.
Problem is that is very slowed down by using int 16h or keyboard port check on every loop.
So i want to use keyboard interrupt handler, with some functions already found on this board.

Here is the code of my test program. It should print out current address for keyboard interrupt handler, change address, print new address and then do a loop to simulate a normal working program.

And when i hit a key, my keyboardhandler should be called automatically and print something out. The problem is it doesnt, the program just hangs after the first key pressed, why ? Crying or Very sad

org 0x100

mov al, 9h
call getint     ; es = segment  bx = offset
mov ax, es
mov dx, bx
mov bx, 16
call putint
call newline
mov ax,dx
call putint
call newline
call newline

mov ah, 0   ; Key wait
int 16h

mov al, 9h
mov dx, handlekey
call setint

mov al, 9h
call getint     ; es = segment  bx = offset
mov ax, es
mov dx, bx
mov bx, 16
call putint
call newline
mov ax,dx
call putint
call newline
call newline

mov ah, 0   ; Key wait
int 16h

a:    ;simulate a real running program
 mov ax,bx
 mov cx,bx
jmp a

int 20h  ;exit

 push ax
 push bx

 in al,60h       ; read scancode byte

 mov ah,0eh     ; print character from scancode
 mov bh,0
 int 10

 pop bx
 pop ax

; set interrupt vector
       ; al = interrrupt
       ; cs = segment
       ; dx = offset

       ; cmp al, 19h               ; do not allow to change int 19h (for rebooting)
       ; je near int21_error

        xor ah, ah
        shl ax, 2

        push si
        push bx
        push es

        mov si, ax
        xor bx, bx
        mov es, bx

        mov word [es:si], dx             ; offset
        mov bx, cs
        mov word [es:si+2], bx                ; segment

        pop es
        pop bx
        pop si


; get interrupt vector
; al = interrupt
; es = segment
; bx = offset

        push ds
        push si

        xor ah, ah
        shl ax, 2
        mov si, ax

        xor bx, bx
        mov ds, bx             ; DS = 0

        mov bx, word [ds:si+2]  ; segment
        push bx
        mov bx, word [ds:si]    ; offset

        pop es                      ; get segment

        pop si
        pop ds


  push ax dx
  mov ah,02h
  mov dl,0Dh
  int 21h    ; Output CR to screen
  mov dl,0Ah
  int 21h    ; Output LF to screen
  pop dx ax

; bx = base (default = 10), ax = number
  push ax bx cx dx
  cmp bx,0
  jne .start    ; the same as in putsint... (if bx = 0 then bx = 10)
  mov bx,10
  xor cx,cx     ; cx = 0
  xor dx,dx     ; dx = 0
  div bx        ; number / base
  push dx       ; push the remainder
  inc cx        ; increase the "digit-count"
  cmp ax,0      ; if the quotient still is not 0, do it once more
  jnz .new
  pop dx        ; pop the remainder
  add dl,30h    ; convert the number to a character
  cmp dl,"9"
  jng .ok       ; if the charater is greater than "9" then we have
  add dl,7      ; to add 7 to get A as 10, B as 11, and so on...
  mov ah,02h    ; output the character
  int 21h
  loop .loop

  pop dx cx bx ax
Post 17 Nov 2005, 23:58
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Joined: 10 Nov 2005
Posts: 11
Karl20001 20 Nov 2005, 01:26
Well i solved it now, had to insert this into the handler code

 mov     al,20h          ; Send generic EOI to PIC
  out     20h,al          ; 001 00 000
                                        ;  |   |  |
                                        ;  |   |  +--- INT request level
                                        ;  |   +------ OCW2
                                        ;  +---------- non-specific EOI command          
Post 20 Nov 2005, 01:26
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