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Index > Main > load bin direct to code address space and others...

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Joined: 26 Sep 2003
Posts: 211
Location: Poland
HarryTuttle 24 Oct 2003, 14:26
first Q
is it possible to load binary direct to address space for code?

second Q
push SW_SHOW     ;what'll happens when the appl will be opened
push buffer      ;nulpointer to buffer-path expl: 'c:\tah\tak\tay\fasm',0
push NULL       ;parametrs for exe
push PRGrun     ;nulpointer to name executable
push PRGope     ;nulpointer to db'open',0 ( what  should be done?)
push NULL       ; there is no handle to paren window
call shexe        ;invoking ShellExecuteA

what parametr is nessesery and I forgot it?

Microsoft: brings power of yesterday to computers of today.
Post 24 Oct 2003, 14:26
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Posts: 59
eet_1024 30 Oct 2003, 21:51
Yes, Just do a GlobalAlloc, then call or jump to the code. But remember, if it uses API's, you'll have to figure at how to access them. I don't think that part is hard either.
Also watch out for absolute jumps.
Why do you need to load code?

Here is what I use to launch an executable
; DWORD WaitCmd(                    Create a New Process and Wait for it to Exit
;      lpsz    // ASCIIz Command Line
; );
; Return Value:
;   0 if Successful
; Remarks:
;   If CreateProcess or the Called Process fail, WaitCmd will Exit to the System
;   CreateProcess must be called with bInheritHandles=True
; About:
;   CreateProcess is used by Qcc to invoke the fABIUS tools. Since CreateProcess
; is non-blocking, Qcc must loop while the process is still active. Otherwise
; Qcc will become a multi-treaded application very quickly.
proc WaitCmd, lpsz
   stdcall  DispLine, Report.Execute, [lpsz]
   invoke   CreateProcess, 0, [lpsz], 0, 0, True, 0, 0, 0, Process.stin, Process.prin
   cmp      eax, False                          ; Process Start Ok?
   jnz      .WhileActive                        ; Yes - Wait for it to return
   stdcall  Croak, Error.Execute, [lpsz]        ;  No - Fatal Error

   invoke   GetExitCodeProcess, [Process.prin.hProcess], Process.ExitCode
   mov      eax, [Process.ExitCode]             ; Get Status of Process
   cmp      eax, STILL_ACTIVE                   ; Is it still Active?
   jz       .WhileActive                        ; Yes - Keep Waiting

   cmp      eax, False                          ; Did the Process Succeed?
   jz       .Done                               ; Yes - Return

   stdcall  Dword2Hex, TempPath+2, eax          ; Get ASCII of Error Code
   mov      w[TempPath], '0x'
   mov      b[TempPath+10], Null                ; TempPath = "0xHeXaDeCa"
   stdcall  DispLine, Error.Process, TempPath   ; Tell User What Happened
   invoke   ExitProcess, eax                    ; Return to System

Process.stin and Process.prin are uninitialized structures found in kernel32.inc
Post 30 Oct 2003, 21:51
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Joined: 26 Sep 2003
Posts: 211
Location: Poland
HarryTuttle 31 Oct 2003, 11:17
Very Happy

Microsoft: brings power of yesterday to computers of today.
Post 31 Oct 2003, 11:17
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