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Joined: 21 Apr 2012
Posts: 1796
Roman 05 Sep 2024, 15:54
parse c++ to fasm 242 bytes.
txtC db ' dGeomSetPosition (&box,p[0],11,22,&p[1],p[2],&dat1,dat2);',0
;out: dGeomSetPosition,box,[p.0],11,22,p.1,[p.2],dat1,[dat2]

macro FindAnySymbol t { local .1,.2,.3
      xor cl,cl
      mov al,[t]
      mov ah,al
      sub ah,"a"
      cmp ah,"z"-"a"
      ja  .1   
      mov cl,1
      sub al,48
      cmp al,9
      ja  .3
      mov cl,2      
.3:   test cl,cl
Start:  mov edx,txtC

        mov ebx,outTxt+6
        mov dword [ebx-6],'ode_'
        mov word  [ebx-2],' ,'
.back:  mov al,[edx]
        mov [ebx],al
        inc ebx
        inc edx
        cmp byte [edx],"("
        jnz .back
        mov word [ebx-1],' ,'
        add ebx,2

        mov esi,ptrKu
upp:    inc edx
        cmp byte [edx],0
        jz ennnn
        FindAnySymbol edx
        jz upp
        mov [esi],edx
        mov [esi+4],cl
        add esi,6
upp2:   inc edx
        cmp byte [edx],0
        jz  ennnn
        cmp byte [edx],'('
        jnz enn2
        mov byte [edx],','
        jmp  upp
        cmp byte [edx],','
        jnz upp2
        jmp upp
;copy txt
        mov esi,ptrKu
        lea edx,[ebx-1]         
        mov cl,[esi+4]
        mov eax,[esi]
        test eax,eax
       jz endinn
        cmp cl,2
        jz  .zu0
        cmp byte [eax-1],'&'
        jnz .zu2
        mov byte [skobnet],1
.zu0:   mov ch,[eax]
        cmp ch,'['
        jnz .zuX
        mov ch,'.'
        cmp ch,','
        jz  @f
        cmp ch,';'
        jz  endinn
        mov [edx],ch
        inc eax
        inc edx
        jmp .zu0
.zu2:   mov byte [edx],'['
        inc edx
        jmp .zu0
@@:     cmp cl,2
        jz  .ziko
        cmp byte [skobnet],1
        ;jz  .ziko
        jnz  .zikoU
        cmp byte [edx-1],']'
        jnz .ziko
        mov byte [edx-1],' '
        jmp .ziko
        cmp byte [edx-1],']'
        jz  .ziko
        mov byte [edx],']'
        inc edx
.ziko:  mov byte [edx],','
        inc edx
        mov byte [skobnet],0
        add esi,6        
        jmp .zu

endinn:  mov byte [edx-1],']'    

invoke MessageBox,0,outTxt,0,0
;outTxt rb 50000
;ptrKu rd 200
;skobnet db 0

Last edited by Roman on 06 Sep 2024, 09:23; edited 1 time in total
Post 05 Sep 2024, 15:54
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Joined: 21 Apr 2012
Posts: 1796
Roman 05 Sep 2024, 18:41
Interesting variants avx or sse.
Post 05 Sep 2024, 18:41
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