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Index > DOS > [Example] Print "2023" with embedded font bitmap

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Joined: 13 Oct 2022
Posts: 94
FlierMate11 20 Nov 2022, 19:50
I make use of the routine I wrote in "textmode colors" (direct video memory access) with three embedded font bitmap to print "2023" on screen.

Not quite a good example but at least it is working.

If you are interested, you can expand it to include A...Z, a..z font bitmap too each in 64-bit unsigned integer (or 8 bytes).

org 100h
        lea     bx, [two]
        mov     [fixed_x], 0
        mov     [fixed_y], 5
        call    print_font

        lea     bx, [zero]
        mov     [fixed_x], 20
        mov     [fixed_y], 5
        call    print_font

        lea     bx, [two]
        mov     [fixed_x], 40
        mov     [fixed_y], 5
        call    print_font

        lea     bx, [three]
        mov     [fixed_x], 60
        mov     [fixed_y], 5
        call    print_font

        mov     ax, 4c00h
        int     21h

; bx = pointer to 8x8 font bitmap
        mov     word [pos_y], 0
        mov     cx, 8

        mov     word [pos_x], 8
        sub     word [pos_x], cx
        xor     ah, ah
        push    bx
        add     bx, word [pos_y]
        mov     al, byte [bx]
        bt      ax, cx
        jc      .on
        lea     si, [digit]
        add     si, [pos_x]
        mov     byte [si], ' '
        pop     bx
        dec     cx
        jnz     .repeat_x
        jmp     .finish
        lea     si, [digit]
        add     si, word [pos_x]
        mov     byte [si], '*'
        pop     bx
        dec     cx
        jnz     .repeat_x

        push    ax
        push    bx
        push    cx
        lea     bx, [digit]
        mov     dx, [fixed_x]
        mov     [x], dx
        mov     dx, [fixed_y]
        mov     [y], dx
        mov     dx, [pos_y]
        add     [y], dx
        mov     [color], 15
        call    print
        pop     cx
        pop     bx
        pop     ax
        inc     [pos_y]
        cmp     [pos_y], 8
        jb      .repeat_y

; bx = pointer to text string
        push    0b800h
        pop     es
        mov     ax, word [y]
        mov     dx, 80
        mul     dx
        add     ax, word [x]
        mov     dx, 2
        mul     dx
        mov     di, ax
        mov     ah, byte [color]
        mov     al, byte [bx]
        or      al, al
        jz      .quit
        inc     bx
        jmp     .redo

fixed_x dw      ?
fixed_y dw      ?
x       dw      ?
y       dw      ?
color   db      ?
pos_x   dw      ?
pos_y   dw      ?
digit   db      8 dup (?)
        db      0
two     db      7Eh,02h,02h,7Eh,40h,40h,7Eh,00h   ;8x8 font bitmap (digit '2')
zero    db      7Eh,42h,42h,42h,42h,42h,7Eh,00h   ;8x8 font bitmap (digit '0')
three   db      7Eh,02h,02h,7Eh,02h,02h,7Eh,00h   ;8x8 font bitmap (digit '3')    

Description: Example output
Filesize: 6.73 KB
Viewed: 4784 Time(s)

Screenshot 2022-11-21 034413.png

Post 20 Nov 2022, 19:50
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Joined: 13 Oct 2022
Posts: 94
FlierMate11 20 Nov 2022, 19:57
The font bitmap is composed as below:

01111110 =7E
00000010 =02
00000010 =02
01111110 =7E
01000000 =40
01000000 =40
01111110 =7E
00000000 =00


01111110 =7E
01000010 =42
01000010 =42
01000010 =42
01000010 =42
01000010 =42
01111110 =7E
00000000 =00



01111110 =7E
00000010 =02
00000010 =02
01111110 =7E
00000010 =02
00000010 =02
01111110 =7E
00000000 =00


Post 20 Nov 2022, 19:57
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 20 Nov 2022, 21:34
Let me show a similar example but with a 8x14 font (read from video ROM) and two pixels per text mode character (like the old LIFE.COM example from fasm packages does it):
org 100h

        mov     ax,1130h
        mov     bh,2
        int     10h
        ; ES:BP is now pointer to ROM 8x14 character font
        push    es ds
        pop     es ds
        mov     si,bp
        mov     di,font
        mov     cx,256*14
        rep     movsb
        push    cs
        pop     ds

        push    0B800h
        pop     es
        xor     di,di
        mov     si,message
        test    al,al
        jz      done
        push    si
        mov     ah,14
        mul     ah
        mov     si,font
        add     si,ax
        mov     bx,14/2
        mov     cx,8
        mov     dx,ax
        mov     ax,0DCh
        shl     dh,1
        jnc     upper_ok
        or      ah,7
        shl     dl,1
        jnc     lower_ok
        or      ah,70h
        loop    draw_points
        dec     bx
        jz      next_character
        add     di,(80-8)*2
        jmp     draw_character
        sub     di,80*(14/2-1)*2
        pop     si
        jmp     draw_message

        int     20h

message db '2023',0

font rb 256*14    
Post 20 Nov 2022, 21:34
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macgub 21 Nov 2022, 17:32
Your ROM font example remind me some home/period work I have at school... (over 20 years ago).

During exam teacher ask me question - Could I change CS register when program is executed? I said "yes" (but I dont added - "you will probably got crash"). Teacher qualified my answer as not correct...
Post 21 Nov 2022, 17:32
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 21 Nov 2022, 21:12
Changing CS is easy. And it won't always crash
jmp 0x1234:0x5678 ; changes CS register while program is running.    
Post 21 Nov 2022, 21:12
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macgub 22 Nov 2022, 08:02
Thanks. So I'm gonna call the teacher, tell him he was wrong. I will suggest him to increase the rating he gave. . .

Post 22 Nov 2022, 08:02
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Joined: 13 Oct 2022
Posts: 94
FlierMate11 22 Nov 2022, 10:33

Thanks for making the example complete with your ROM font program!
I also know there are 8x14 and 8x16 besides 8x8 ROM font.
Since the characters are big size, it is nice if can scroll the magnified text across the screen. Very Happy


Meanwhile, I also make a HLL variant of this font bitmap example:
https://dotnetfiddle.net/15ih29 (C# program)
It also prints "2023" on console screen in Windows.

Instead of embedding 8 bytes of "db" in DOS Assembly program, I straightly use 64-bit unsigned integer in HLL. And, this is the font variable declaration: Cool
                UInt64[] font=new UInt64[4];

Description: Output from Tomasz's 8x14 ROM font program
Filesize: 5.81 KB
Viewed: 4678 Time(s)

Screenshot 2022-11-22 182941.png

Post 22 Nov 2022, 10:33
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Joined: 21 Mar 2023
Posts: 39
FlierMate2 27 Mar 2023, 15:03
Done a C version, almost similar, but for IOCCC 2023:

https://jdoodle.com/ia/FPU (to be obfuscated further Smile

Or, https://jdoodle.com/ia/FPK

(Sorry for posting here,as to make my font bitmap collection complete, also in HLL)
Post 27 Mar 2023, 15:03
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macomics 27 Mar 2023, 15:18
Alternatively, you can pull the standard fonts from the BIOS
org     256
        mov     ax, cs
        mov     ds, ax
        mov     es, ax
        add     ax, ( end_of_image + 15 ) shr 4
postpone { label end_of_image }
        mov     ss, ax
        mov     sp, 1024
        mov     al, 32

        cmp     al, 32
        jc      @f
        push    ax
        mov     ax, 0500h
        int     10h
        mov     ax, 0732h
        mov     bh, 07h
        mov     cx, 0000h
        mov     dx, 317Fh
        int     10h

        push    ds
        mov     ax, 0040h
        mov     ds, ax
        mov     ax, [4Ah]
        sub     ax, 20
        shr     ax, 1
        mov     cl, al
        add     ax, 19
        mov     dl, al
        mov     al, [84h]
        sub     al, 14
        shr     al, 1
        mov     ch, al
        add     al, 13
        mov     dh, al
        pop     ds
        mov     bh, 70h
        mov     ax, 0610h
        int     10h
        mov     ah, 2
        mov     bh, 0
        mov     dx, cx
        add     dx, 0102h
        int     10h
        pop     ax
        call    draw

        mov     ah, 11h
        int     16h
        jz      @f
        mov     ah, 10h
        int     16h
        jmp     @b

        mov     ah, 10h
        int     16h
        cmp     ax, 7000h
        jnz     next
        push    ds
        mov     ax, 0040h
        mov     ds, ax
        mov     ax, [18h]
        test    ax, 02h
        pop     ds
        jnz     next
        int     20h

        push    ds
        mov     dx, 0FF00h
        mov     bx, 00A6Eh
        mov     ah, 0
        mov     ds, dx
        shl     ax, 3
        add     bx, ax
        mov     ax, [bx + 0]
        mov     dx, [bx + 2]
        mov     cx, [bx + 4]
        mov     bx, [bx + 6]
        pop     ds
        push    bx
        push    cx
        push    dx
        push    ax
        call    @f
        pop     ax
        mov     al, ah
        call    @f
        pop     ax
        push    ax
        call    @f
        pop     ax
        mov     al, ah
        call    @f
        pop     ax
        push    ax
        call    @f
        pop     ax
        mov     al, ah
        call    @f
        pop     ax
        push    ax
        call    @f
        pop     ax
        mov     al, ah
        call    @f

        push    ax
        mov     ah, 3
        mov     bh, 0
        int     10h
        pop     ax
        push    dx
        mov     cx, 8
        mov     bh, 0F0h

        rol     al, 1
        push    ax
        sbb     al, al
        and     al, 0DBh
        mov     ah, 14
        int     10h
        int     10h
        pop     ax
        loop    @b
        pop     dx
        inc     dh
        mov     ah, 2
        mov     bh, 0
        int     10h
Post 27 Mar 2023, 15:18
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