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Index > MenuetOS > How to get list of disks and files?

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Joined: 04 Sep 2009
Posts: 414
Location: film "CandyMan" directed through Bernard Rose OR Candy Shop
CandyMan 24 Aug 2022, 17:40
How to get list of disks and files on x64 MenuetOS?

Assembly code is welcome.

smaller is better
Post 24 Aug 2022, 17:40
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Joined: 17 Jun 2003
Posts: 310
Ville 25 Aug 2022, 13:47
The following example displays first ten entries in selected directory:



    mov   r15 , 0   ; file to return
    mov   [dispy],dword 60


    mov   [dispx],dword 20
    add   [dispy],dword 12

    mov   rdi , datareturn
    mov   rcx , datareturnend-datareturn
    mov   rax , 0
    rep   stosb

    ; Read entry
    mov   rax , 58   ; file system
    mov   rbx , 3    ; read directory entry
    mov   rcx , r15  ; file num to return
    mov   rdx , 1    ; filecount (fixed)
    mov   r8  , datareturn
    mov   r9  , path1
    int   0x60      

    cmp   rax , 0 ; past last entry ?
    jne   filedone

    ; File name
    mov   rax , 4                            
    mov   rbx , filename                 
    mov   rcx , [dispx]                   
    mov   rdx , [dispy]                   
    mov   rsi , 0x000000                
    mov   r9  , 1                            
    int   0x60
    add   [dispx],dword 20*6

    ; Filesize
    mov   rbx , 8 shl 16 
    mov   rcx , [filesize]
    call  displaynum

    ; Filetime
    mov   rbx , 2 shl 16
    mov   rcx , [filetime]
    shr   rcx , 16
    and   rcx , 0xff
    call  displaynum
    mov   rbx , 2 shl 16
    mov   rcx , [filetime]
    shr   rcx , 8
    and   rcx , 0xff
    call  displaynum
    mov   rbx , 2 shl 16
    mov   rcx , [filetime]
    and   rcx , 0xff
    call  displaynum

    ; Filedate
    mov   rbx , 2 shl 16
    mov   rcx , [filedate]
    and   rcx , 0xff
    call  displaynum
    mov   rbx , 2 shl 16
    mov   rcx , [filedate]
    shr   rcx , 8
    and   rcx , 0xff
    call  displaynum
    mov   rbx , 4 shl 16
    mov   rcx , [filedate]
    shr   rcx , 16
    and   rcx , 0xffff
    call  displaynum

    add   r15 , 1
    cmp   r15 , 10
    jb    newfile




    mov   rax , 47
    mov   rdx , [dispx]
    shl   rdx , 32
    add   rdx , [dispy]
    mov   rsi , 0
    int   0x60

    shr   rbx , 16
    imul  rbx , 6
    add   rbx , 6
    add   [dispx],rbx


dispx: dq 0x0
dispy: dq 0x0

path1: db  '/fd/1',0
path2: db  '',0
path3: db  '/fd/1/driver',0
path4: db  '/usb/1',0
path5: db  '/cd/1/source',0


     reserved: rb 8
     filename: rb 256
     filesize: rb 8
     filedate: rb 8
     filetime: rb 8
     fileattr: rb 8


Post 25 Aug 2022, 13:47
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Joined: 04 Sep 2009
Posts: 414
Location: film "CandyMan" directed through Bernard Rose OR Candy Shop
CandyMan 26 Aug 2022, 19:06

smaller is better
Post 26 Aug 2022, 19:06
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