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Index > High Level Languages > C# console I/O to ASM converter

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Joined: 21 Jan 2021
Posts: 219
FlierMate 24 Apr 2021, 08:41
You use "I" for input followed by variable name (case-sensitive)
You use "O" for output (optionally variable name)

Look, my C# 114-line converter use this as input file:
O Hello World
O Press key in your name
I a
O Hi,
O a
O Variable name is case-sensitive
O a
O Can you please enter your age?
O Your age is...
O A    

Then, generate the following programmatically:

format PE console
entry start

include 'win32a.inc'

section '.data' readable writable
    _stdin          dd ?
    _stdout         dd ?
    _dummy          dd ?

section '.code' code readable writable executable
    _S0000          db 'Hello World',13,10,0
    _S0001          db 'Press key in your name',13,10,0
    _S0002          rb 256
    _S0003          db 'Hi,',13,10,0
    _S0004          db 'a',13,10,0
    _S0005          db 'A',13,10,0
    _S0006          db 'Variable name is case-sensitive',13,10,0
    _S0007          db 'a',13,10,0
    _S0008          db 'Can you please enter your age?',13,10,0
    _S0009          rb 256
    _S0010          db 'Your age is...',13,10,0
    _S0011          db 'A',13,10,0
    _L0000          dd 14
    _L0001          dd 25
    _L0002          dd ?
    _L0003          dd 6
    _L0004          dd 4
    _L0005          dd 4
    _L0006          dd 34
    _L0007          dd 4
    _L0008          dd 33
    _L0009          dd ?
    _L0010          dd 17
    _L0011          dd 4

           invoke   GetStdHandle, -10
           mov      dword [_stdin], eax
           invoke   GetStdHandle, -11
           mov      dword [_stdout], eax

           invoke   WriteConsole, dword [_stdout], _S0000, [_L0000], _dummy, 0
           invoke   WriteConsole, dword [_stdout], _S0001, [_L0001], _dummy, 0
           invoke   ReadConsole, dword [_stdin], _S0002, 255, _L0002, 0
           invoke   WriteConsole, dword [_stdout], _S0003, [_L0003], _dummy, 0
           invoke   WriteConsole, dword [_stdout], _S0002, [_L0002], _dummy, 0
           invoke   WriteConsole, dword [_stdout], _S0005, [_L0005], _dummy, 0
           invoke   WriteConsole, dword [_stdout], _S0006, [_L0006], _dummy, 0
           invoke   WriteConsole, dword [_stdout], _S0002, [_L0002], _dummy, 0
           invoke   WriteConsole, dword [_stdout], _S0008, [_L0008], _dummy, 0
           invoke   ReadConsole, dword [_stdin], _S0009, 255, _L0009, 0
           invoke   WriteConsole, dword [_stdout], _S0010, [_L0010], _dummy, 0
           invoke   WriteConsole, dword [_stdout], _S0009, [_L0009], _dummy, 0
           invoke   ExitProcess, 0

section '.idata' import readable writable
    library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL'

    import kernel32,\
           GetStdHandle, 'GetStdHandle', \
           WriteConsole, 'WriteConsoleA', \
           ReadConsole, 'ReadConsoleA', \

Result in command-prompt window:

Hello World
 Press key in your name
 Variable name is case-sensitive
Can you please enter your age?
Your age is...



My HLL (C#) source : (not tested thoroughly, just done simple test)

using System;
using System.IO;

namespace Pancake
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            const string NUL = "_$0";
            string[] Header = new string[] 
                "format PE console", 
                "entry start", "\r\n", 
                "include 'win32a.inc'", "\r\n",
                "section '.data' readable writable",
                "    _stdin          dd ?",
                "    _stdout         dd ?",
                "    _dummy          dd ?","\r\n",
                "section '.code' code readable writable executable"
            string[] Body = new string[]
                "\r\n", "start:",
                "           invoke   GetStdHandle, -10",
                "           mov      dword [_stdin], eax",
                "           invoke   GetStdHandle, -11",
                "           mov      dword [_stdout], eax", "\r\n"
            string[] Footer = new string[] 
                "           invoke   ExitProcess, 0","\r\n",
                "section '.idata' import readable writable", 
                "    library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL'", "\r\n",
                "    import kernel32,\\",
                "           GetStdHandle, 'GetStdHandle', \\",
                "           WriteConsole, 'WriteConsoleA', \\",
                "           ReadConsole, 'ReadConsoleA', \\",
                "           ExitProcess,'ExitProcess'"  

            if ((args.Length > 0) && (File.Exists(args[0])))
                string[] InputFile = File.ReadAllLines(args[0]);
                string[] StdIn = new string[InputFile.Length];
                string[] StdOut = new string[InputFile.Length];
                int LineCount = 0;                

                foreach (string InputLine in InputFile)
                    string Line = InputLine.Trim();

                    if (Line.ToUpper().StartsWith("I "))
                        StdIn[LineCount] = Line.Substring(2);
                        StdOut[LineCount] = NUL;
                    else if (Line.ToUpper().StartsWith("O "))
                        StdOut[LineCount] = Line.Substring(2);
                        StdIn[LineCount] = NUL;

                string[] VarName = new string[LineCount];
                string[] VarLen = new string[LineCount];
                string[] Code = new string[LineCount];

                if (LineCount > 0)
                    for (int a = 0; a < LineCount; a++)
                        if (StdIn[a] != NUL)
                            VarName[a] = "    _S" + a.ToString("D4") + "          rb 256";
                            VarLen[a] = "    _L" + a.ToString("D4") + "          dd ?";
                            Code[a] = "           invoke   ReadConsole, dword [_stdin], _S" + a.ToString("D4") + ", 255, _L" + a.ToString("D4") + ", 0";
                        if (StdOut[a] != NUL)
                            VarName[a] = "    _S" + a.ToString("D4") + "          db '" + StdOut[a] + "',13,10,0";
                            VarLen[a] = "    _L" + a.ToString("D4") + "          dd " + (StdOut[a].Length + 3).ToString();
                            for (int b = 0; b < LineCount; b++)
                                if ((StdOut[a] == StdIn[b]) && (b < a))
                                    Code[a] = "           invoke   WriteConsole, dword [_stdout], _S" + b.ToString("D4") + ", [_L" + b.ToString("D4") + "], _dummy, 0";
                                    Code[a] = "           invoke   WriteConsole, dword [_stdout], _S" + a.ToString("D4") + ", [_L" + a.ToString("D4") + "], _dummy, 0";

                string FileName = args[0] + ".ASM";
                File.WriteAllLines(FileName, Header);
                File.AppendAllLines(FileName, VarName);
                File.AppendAllLines(FileName, VarLen);
                File.AppendAllLines(FileName, Body);
                File.AppendAllLines(FileName, Code);
                File.AppendAllLines(FileName, Footer);

                Console.WriteLine(FileName + " created successfully.");

            Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to quit...");
Post 24 Apr 2021, 08:41
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When all else fails, read the source

Joined: 24 Aug 2004
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revolution 24 Apr 2021, 11:07
I think that show the difficulty of creating good asm code from an HLL.

Otherwise, it's a good start.
Post 24 Apr 2021, 11:07
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Joined: 21 Jan 2021
Posts: 219
FlierMate 05 May 2021, 19:50
revolution wrote:
I think that show the difficulty of creating good asm code from an HLL.

Otherwise, it's a good start.

Thanks, I have been described as someone who has zero knowledge in parser and lexer..... Embarassed
Post 05 May 2021, 19:50
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Joined: 31 May 2022
Posts: 118
FlierMate1 01 Jul 2022, 00:06
FlierMate wrote:
revolution wrote:
I think that show the difficulty of creating good asm code from an HLL.

Otherwise, it's a good start.

Thanks, I have been described as someone who has zero knowledge in parser and lexer..... Embarassed

I use a lexer and parser written in Python from jayconrod.com.

With the "source code" below:
n := 5;
p := 1;
while n > 0 do
  p := p * n;
  n := n - 1

It gets analyzed as:

('n', 'ID')
(':=', 'RESERVED')
('5', 'INT')
(';', 'RESERVED')
('p', 'ID')
(':=', 'RESERVED')
('1', 'INT')
(';', 'RESERVED')
('while', 'RESERVED')
('n', 'ID')
('>', 'RESERVED')
('0', 'INT')
('do', 'RESERVED')
('p', 'ID')
(':=', 'RESERVED')
('p', 'ID')
('*', 'RESERVED')
('n', 'ID')
(';', 'RESERVED')
('n', 'ID')
(':=', 'RESERVED')
('n', 'ID')
('-', 'RESERVED')
('1', 'INT')
('end', 'RESERVED')

Result(CompoundStatement(CompoundStatement(AssignStatement(n, IntAexp(5)), AssignStatement(p, IntAexp(1))), WhileStatement(RelopBexp(>, VarAexp(n), IntAexp(0)), CompoundStatement(AssignStatement(p, BinopAexp(*, VarAexp(p), VarAexp(n))), AssignStatement(n, BinopAexp(-, VarAexp(n), IntAexp(1)))))), 25)    

The first half is lexer, the second half is parser. I think it build AST (abstract syntax tree).

Pretty close to what I want, but still some difficulty to generate Assembly code based on the above.
Post 01 Jul 2022, 00:06
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